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Section 2.1:  The Natural Law – Learning Resources


Section Overview

This section delves into the concept of Natural Law, a foundational element in Western political, legal, and moral philosophy that posits the existence of rights, duties, and moral truths inherent in human nature and discernible through reason. Originating in ancient thought and persisting into contemporary discourse, Natural Law has significantly influenced the development of legal systems and ethical frameworks by advocating for a moral standard against which human-made laws can be evaluated. Through exploring its origins, evolution, and key philosophical proponents—from Aristotle and Cicero to Aquinas and Locke—the section illustrates Natural Law’s enduring impact on notions of justice, governance, and human rights. It also addresses the critiques and adaptations of Natural Law in response to challenges like moral relativism and the quest for objectivity in legal and moral reasoning. Ultimately, this exploration underscores Natural Law’s crucial role in shaping our understanding of justice and morality, highlighting its relevance in contemporary legal and ethical debates.

Section Level Student Learning Outcomes

Modification History

File Created:  02/15/2024

Last Modified:  02/19/2024


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