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Section 7.1: Situational Crime Prevention – Learning Resources


Section 7.1 Overview

Section 7.1, “Situational Crime Prevention (SCP),” delves into a proactive approach within criminology that focuses on minimizing crime opportunities through environmental and situational changes. Moving away from the traditional criminological emphasis on the root causes of criminal behavior, SCP advocates for immediate, practical interventions. Originating in the 1970s and coming to prominence in the 1980s, SCP has developed from basic target hardening techniques to include a wide range of strategies, such as defensible space architecture and in-depth urban planning. This section explores SCP’s evolution and its emphasis on the complex interplay between environmental design, human behavior, and crime prevention, illustrating its critical role in contemporary criminological thought.

Section Level Student Learning Outcomes

Modification History

File Created:  02/15/2024

Last Modified:  02/19/2024


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