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Section 7: Crime Science – Learning Resources

A Decorative Banner stating the title of this textbook: Fundamentals of Criminology by Adam J. McKee


Section 7 Overview

Section 7: Crime Science encompasses a multidisciplinary approach that applies scientific methods and principles to the study and prevention of crime. It integrates perspectives from criminology, psychology, urban planning, and technology to develop strategies that address the conditions facilitating criminal behavior. This section explores various frameworks and theories, including Situational Crime Prevention, Criminal Decision Making, Felson’s Chemistry of Crime, Clarke’s Hot Products, and the relationship between Crime and Place. Each subsection provides insights into different aspects of crime prevention, from modifying environmental factors to understanding the decision-making processes of criminals, aiming to reduce crime through practical, evidence-based interventions.

Section Level Student Learning Outcomes

Modification History

File Created:  02/15/2024

Last Modified:  02/19/2024


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