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Section 8.1: Introduction to Victimology  – Learning Resources


Section 8.1 Overview

Section 8.1, “Introduction to Victimology,” delves into the pivotal shift within criminology that focuses on victims, exploring the intricacies of victimization, its patterns, impacts, and the systemic reactions it provokes. Originating in the mid-20th century, this section highlights victimology’s role in providing a comprehensive understanding of crime from the victims’ perspectives, aiming to enhance criminological discourse with in-depth insights into victims’ experiences, societal attitudes towards them, and their engagement with the criminal justice system. It expands the scope of criminological study to include non-criminal forms of victimization, such as abuse and systemic oppression, underscoring the importance of social, psychological, and legal aspects in the victimization process. Through examining the repercussions of crimes, the effectiveness of prevention and intervention strategies, and conducting systemic analyses, this section presents a detailed exploration of the impact of crime, promoting a movement towards more empathetic and effective victim support mechanisms within the criminal justice system.

Section Level Student Learning Outcomes

Modification History

File Created:  02/15/2024

Last Modified:  02/19/2024


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