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Section 8: Victimology – Learning Resources


Section 8 Overview

Section 8, “Victimology,” explores the field dedicated to understanding the experiences, consequences, and responses to victimization within the realm of criminology. This section marks a paradigm shift from focusing solely on the perpetrator to highlighting the victim’s perspective, promoting an in-depth comprehension of the victim’s role in both the criminal justice system and society. It covers the exploration of victimization patterns, theoretical foundations of victim status, and the wide-ranging impacts on individuals and communities, aiming to transition from a victim-blaming mentality to a more empathetic and comprehensive viewpoint. Victimology emphasizes the need for robust support mechanisms, effective responses to victimization, and strategies to foster victim resilience and recovery, thereby advocating for an evolution towards a more inclusive and victim-focused approach in criminological studies and justice policies.

Section 8 Student Learning Outcomes

Modification History

File Created:  02/15/2024

Last Modified:  02/19/2024


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