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Section 3: Juvenile Delinquency

Fundamentals of Juvenile Justice by Jennifer M. Miller and Adam J. McKee

Understanding juvenile delinquency requires an exploration of its causes, the factors that contribute to or mitigate against it, and the strategies effective in preventing it. Section 3 of the textbook delves into the complex interplay of social, psychological, and environmental factors that influence juvenile delinquency, offering insights into theoretical perspectives, identifying risk and protective factors, and highlighting prevention and intervention programs.

Section 3.1: Theoretical Perspectives

Theoretical perspectives on juvenile delinquency (Section 3.1) provide the foundational framework for understanding the various reasons behind youth offending behaviors. These theories range from sociological and psychological to biological explanations, each offering different insights into the causes of delinquency and guiding the development of targeted interventions.

Section 3.2: Risk Factors and Protective Factors

Risk factors and protective factors (Section 3.2) play a crucial role in the likelihood of a youth becoming involved in delinquent activities. Risk factors include elements such as poor family relationships, association with delinquent peers, and low socioeconomic status, whereas protective factors might include strong family bonds, academic achievement, and positive peer relationships. Understanding these factors is essential for the development of effective prevention and intervention strategies.

Section 3.3: Early Intervention and Prevention Programs

Early intervention and prevention programs (Section 3.3) are critical in addressing juvenile delinquency before it escalates into more serious offending. These programs focus on identifying at-risk youth at an early stage and providing them with the support and resources needed to divert them from a path toward delinquency.

Section 3.4: School-Based Prevention

School-based prevention and intervention strategies (Section 3.4) recognize the significant role that educational institutions play in the lives of young people. By fostering a positive school environment, implementing conflict resolution and social skills training, and providing academic support, schools can significantly reduce the incidence of juvenile delinquency.

Section 3.5: Community and Family-Based Approaches

Community and family-based approaches (Section 3.5) emphasize the importance of engaging both the community and the family in the prevention and intervention process. These approaches involve strengthening family relationships, providing community support resources, and creating a supportive social environment that promotes positive youth development and reduces the risk of delinquency.

This section aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of juvenile delinquency, emphasizing the importance of a multifaceted approach that incorporates theoretical insights, acknowledges the role of risk and protective factors, and utilizes evidence-based prevention and intervention strategies to address and mitigate delinquent behaviors.

Student Learning Outcomes for Section 3
  • SLO 1: Analyze the key theories that explain juvenile delinquency, including social, psychological, and biological perspectives, and apply these theories to understand specific delinquent behaviors.
  • SLO 2: Identify and evaluate the risk and protective factors associated with juvenile delinquency, and discuss how intervention strategies can be tailored to address these factors effectively.
  • SLO 3: Describe the various stages of intervention from early prevention to rehabilitation, and assess the effectiveness of different intervention programs, including school-based and community-based strategies.
  • SLO 4: Discuss the role of the family and community in preventing juvenile delinquency and supporting at-risk youth, highlighting the impact of supportive relationships and community resources.
  • SLO 5: Evaluate the challenges faced by intervention programs, such as funding, implementation, and measuring success, and propose solutions to enhance the effectiveness of these programs in reducing juvenile delinquency.
Modification History

File Created:  02/14/2024

Last Modified:  05/03/2024

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