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Section 6: Special Topics in Juvenile Justice

Fundamentals of Juvenile Justice by Jennifer M. Miller and Adam J. McKee

Section 6 delves into special topics within juvenile justice, exploring complex issues that require targeted approaches and interventions. These topics shed light on the multifaceted challenges faced by young offenders and the system’s efforts to address their unique needs, highlighting the importance of specialized knowledge and strategies in promoting rehabilitation and reducing recidivism.


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Section 6.1: Juveniles and the Drug Trade

Section 6.1: Juveniles and the Drug Trade examines the involvement of young people in the drug trade, a significant factor contributing to juvenile delinquency. This section explores the reasons behind juvenile involvement, the impact on their lives and communities, and effective strategies for prevention and intervention. By understanding the dynamics of juveniles’ engagement in drug-related activities, stakeholders can develop more effective programs to deter participation and support affected youth.

Section 6.2: Gang Involvement and Prevention Strategies

Section 6.2: Gang Involvement and Prevention Strategies addresses the critical issue of gang involvement among juveniles, including the factors that attract young people to gangs, the risks associated with gang membership, and comprehensive strategies to prevent gang involvement and facilitate disengagement. Emphasizing the role of community, school-based programs, and law enforcement, this section presents an integrated approach to tackling gang-related issues among youth.

Section 6.3: Mental Health Issues

Section 6.3: Mental Health Issues highlights the prevalence of mental health issues within the juvenile justice population and the need for appropriate mental health services. This section discusses the types of mental health disorders commonly seen among juvenile offenders, the challenges in identifying and treating these conditions, and the importance of integrating mental health care into the juvenile justice system to support the well-being and rehabilitation of affected individuals.

Section 6.4: Juvenile Sex Offenders

Section 6.4: Juvenile Sex Offenders focuses on the sensitive and complex issue of juvenile sex offending. It covers the assessment processes used to identify the needs and risk levels of juvenile sex offenders, the therapeutic interventions aimed at addressing their behavior, and the challenges involved in treating and reintegrating these individuals into society.

Section 6.5: Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice

Section 6.5: Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice explores the relationship between the child welfare system and juvenile justice, acknowledging that many juveniles in the justice system have histories of abuse, neglect, or involvement with child welfare services. This section examines the challenges and opportunities at the intersection of these systems, emphasizing the need for coordinated efforts to support at-risk youth and prevent their entry or further involvement in the juvenile justice system.

This section underscores the complexity of issues within juvenile justice and the necessity for specialized knowledge, interdisciplinary collaboration, and innovative strategies to effectively address the diverse needs of young offenders and support their successful reintegration into society.

Student Learning Outcomes for Section 6
  • SLO 1: Understand the factors driving juvenile involvement in the drug trade and gang activities, and the roles they play within these spheres.
  • SLO 2: Evaluate the mental health challenges juvenile offenders face and the specialized treatments required for juvenile sex offenders.
  • SLO 3: Discuss the educational and therapeutic interventions that address the needs of juveniles in high-risk environments, including their effectiveness and implementation challenges.
  • SLO 4: Analyze the impact of juvenile involvement in high-risk activities on community safety, social cohesion, and the perpetuation of crime cycles.
  • SLO 5: Critically assess the intersection of child welfare and juvenile justice systems, focusing on the unique challenges and necessary reforms to better support crossover youth.
Modification History

File Created:  02/14/2024

Last Modified:  05/03/2024

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