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Section 4: Trace Evidence

Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation by Adam J. McKee

When “crime scene investigation” is mentioned, the average person (influenced by Hollywood myths) conjures up images of fingerprints, plaster casts, blood splatters, and copious photographs. These things have an often shocking visual appeal that draws in the attention of television viewers, but they are only a handful of the broad spectrum of evidence types that detectives use in real cases. Often, minute evidence that can barely be seen by the unaided human eye (if at all) is of critical importance in bringing criminals to justice.

Hairs and other types of trace evidence are not so obvious and are often found through painstaking and methodical searching.

Student Learning Outcomes for Section 4

When you have finished this section, you will be able to:

SLO 1: Explain the forensic significance of fiber transfer, types, and color in connecting suspects to crime scenes.

SLO 2: Describe methods for analyzing glass and soil evidence, emphasizing collection, contamination prevention, and forensic challenges.

SLO 3: Explain procedures for collecting and analyzing paint evidence, and discuss its role in linking vehicles to crime scenes.

SLO 4: Identify procedures for analyzing drug and chemical evidence, including GSR, and discuss the role of NFLIS in drug investigations.

SLO 5: Describe the role of forensic document and voice evidence, emphasizing best practices for preserving and analyzing delicate evidence.


Modification History

File Created:  05/02/2019

Last Modified:  08/13/2024

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