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Section 5.2: COP and Crime Prevention

Police Methods by Adam J. McKee

Section 5.2 introduces modern policing strategies that go beyond traditional crime-fighting. Community Policing (COP) is highlighted as a philosophy that involves the community and police working together to address public safety concerns, such as crime and social disorder. This approach is vital for students to understand as it demonstrates the importance of collaboration and partnership in maintaining public safety, showcasing how policing is not just about law enforcement but also about problem-solving and prevention.

The section also explores various policing approaches like Problem-Oriented Policing, Situational Crime Prevention, and Intelligence-Led Policing, which focus on analyzing specific issues, designing safer environments, and using data to guide strategies. These methods are essential for students to learn as they show how policing adapts to address the root causes of crime, employing innovative and evidence-based strategies to enhance community safety.

By understanding these contemporary policing strategies, students can appreciate the complexity of maintaining public safety and the role of community engagement, strategic planning, and collaboration between the police and the public in creating a safer society. This knowledge is crucial for fostering informed citizens who can contribute to discussions and initiatives on crime prevention and public safety in their communities.

Joel B. Plant and Michael S. Scott wrote the article below.

Effective Policing and Crime Prevention

How Local Governments Can Control and Prevent Crime and Disorder

The modern policing age has spawned many new approaches to policing operating under a variety of labels and terms, many of which you will have at least heard in passing, but perhaps never completely understood. And while you rely on your police chief executive to understand these approaches and to craft a sensible local approach from among them, having some familiarity with and understanding of the most common approaches will enhance your ability to provide knowledgeable support and oversight to your police agency. 

Community policing is perhaps the most familiar term in modern policing. Nearly all modern policing reforms, including most of those described below, have been variously associated with community policing, as variations on or subsets of it. The exact relationship between and among these concepts remains a matter of some academic debate. For our purposes here, community policing is based on the idea that police should work closely with citizens to cultivate public trust in the police and to better address citizens’ public safety concerns. The COPS Office defines community policing as follows:

“Community policing is a philosophy that promotes organizational strategies, which support the systematic use of partnerships and problem-solving techniques, to proactively address the immediate conditions that give rise to public safety issues such as crime, social disorder, and fear of crime.”

Below is a synopsis of the other leading policing and public safety approaches: 

Problem-Oriented Policing

This guide is part of a larger body of work known as problem-oriented policing, a comprehensive approach to policing and public safety that takes into account the variety and complexity of public safety issues. The original proponent of the problem-oriented approach, renowned police scholar Herman Goldstein, of the University of Wisconsin Law School, summarized the approach as follows:

“Problem-oriented policing is an approach to policing in which discrete pieces of police business (each consisting of a cluster of similar incidents, whether crime or acts of disorder, that the police are expected to handle) are subject to microscopic examination (drawing on the especially honed skills of crime analysts and the accumulated experience of operating field personnel) in hopes that what is freshly learned about each problem will lead to discovering a new and more effective strategy for dealing with it. Problem-oriented policing places a high value on new responses that are preventive in nature, that are not dependent on the use of the criminal justice system, and that engage other public agencies, the community, and the private sector when their involvement has the potential for significantly contributing to the reduction of the problem. Problem-oriented policing carries a commitment to implementing the new strategy, rigorously evaluating its effectiveness, and, subsequently, reporting the results in ways that will benefit other police agencies and that will ultimately contribute to building a body of knowledge that supports the further professionalization of the police.”

Problem-oriented policing is not a simplistic approach to crime, disorder, and public safety. It does not promise a single solution to all problems. Consequently, it can lack the pizzazz and sound-bite appeal of some other policing approaches. What it does offer is very real potential for local government to have a positive and sustainable impact on specific public safety problems. Considerable research and measurable practice back up the approach. For a comprehensive treatment of this body of research and practice, see the Center for Problem-Oriented Policing website, www.popcenter.org.

Situational Crime Prevention 

Situational crime prevention originated not as a policing approach, but more broadly as a scientific approach to crime prevention. The approach focuses on reducing crime by designing safer environments and more-secure consumer products. It shifts the crime prevention focus away from merely trying to deter offenders through punishment and rehabilitation, and toward convincing offenders that committing a particular crime in a particular place at a particular time is not worthwhile. In five main ways it does so by: 

Situational crime prevention has implications well beyond just the police function. As a local government executive, you have significant influence over the design of safe environments through zoning, planning, and land-use regulations, and perhaps even some influence over the design and sale of some consumer products that are likely to be either stolen or used as tools in crime. The situational crime prevention approach is widely considered to be compatible with problem-oriented policing, and you can read more about its practice on the Center for Problem-Oriented Policing web site. 

Intelligence-Led Policing 

Originating in British police forces, intelligence-led policing helps police managers to better use crime and intelligence data to direct police resources and investigations aimed at disrupting organized crime networks and activities, and apprehending active and prolific offenders. The concept has become a standard police management model among British police forces under its official title, the National Intelligence Model. The model heavily emphasizes data collection and analysis to inform policing operations. This approach, too, is generally considered compatible with community policing and problem-oriented policing, although its practice in American police agencies is still evolving.

Broken Windows Policing 

“Broken Windows” is a phrase coined by political scientist James Q. Wilson and police scholar George Kelling. It asserts that unaddressed signs of minor disorder can cause more serious crime in an area. The idea has significantly influenced American policing over the past several decades, leading police to address lower-level disorder problems more than they previously have. This thesis has been the subject of significant critique by some criminologists who do not believe that low-level disorder causes serious crime, and that excessive police enforcement of low-level offenses can overwhelm the criminal justice system without necessarily reducing serious crime. Other scholars and practitioners firmly believe that police attention to minor disorder has substantially reduced more serious crime. Regardless of whether disorder causes more serious crime, it is more firmly established that disorder can generate apprehension among citizens, a matter worthy of police attention in its own right.

Zero-Tolerance Policing 

Zero-tolerance policing refers to the strict enforcement of laws that police officers might otherwise not have enforced, exercising their discretionary authority. The concept has been linked, rather inappropriately and unfortunately, with the Broken Windows approach. While the idea of strict police enforcement is often popular with frustrated and frightened citizens, as well as with some police officers, widespread and indiscriminate police enforcement can have unintended negative consequences for both the local criminal justice system’s operations and for police-community relations. Many police officials and scholars are harshly critical of the concept.


CompStat (shorthand for “computerized statistics”) is a police management tool that originated in the New York City Police Department in the 1990s. It emphasizes statistics-based identification of crime patterns, rapid deployment of police resources to the locations where those patterns exist, and police-command accountability for reducing reported crime figures. Many police agencies have replicated this model, often with variations. To the extent that the approach emphasizes using data to inform police operations and focuses police commanders on crime control, it is commendable and compatible with problem-oriented policing. On the other hand, to the extent that it focuses exclusively on a few types of reported crimes rather than on the broader range of public safety problems of concern to the public, and to the extent that it emphasizes only short-term reductions in reported crime through intensive police presence and enforcement, it can yield only short-term and expensive responses to selected crime problems, and thus be incompatible with problem-oriented policing.

The Traditional Policing Model 

As important as the distinctions between and among the above innovative approaches to policing and public safety are, it is equally important to recognize that all of these approaches represent in some respects improvements on what is known in the policing profession as the “traditional” or “professional” policing model. The traditional or professional policing model emphasized crime control through high visibility policing, random police patrols, rapid response to all citizen calls to the police, and follow-up criminal investigations by detectives. All of these elements were intended to discourage crime by increasing the likelihood that police would catch offenders, who would then be punished through criminal prosecution. While it is not a completely flawed model, the evidence is quite strong that it has not controlled crime, increased the public’s sense of safety and security, or enhanced public confidence in the police and local government as much as was hoped. That is why most police scholars and many police officials have long concluded that while the traditional policing model represented a vast improvement over approaches that preceded it, more of the same is not likely to improve policing or public safety.

Specific Responses to Some Common Public Safety Problems 

This section of the guide is intended to give you a sampling of what local government and police can do to effectively prevent and control specific crime and disorder problems. It is not a comprehensive set of recommendations for addressing all public safety problems or even for addressing any particular problem. It does, however, touch on many of the sorts of concerns that commonly generate public fear and therefore demand the attention of political leaders as well as police. Moreover, effectively controlling some of these problems can help prevent even more serious crimes. 

You can find more-complete coverage of how to address specific types of public safety problems, and the supporting research evidence and examples of good practice, in the various Problem-Oriented Guides for Police (www.popcenter.org). Titles of POP Guides related to each topic below are listed at the end of each topic section. You can find summaries of exemplary problem-oriented policing initiatives in this guide’s Appendix.

Control Alcohol Distribution and Consumption 

Alcohol abuse contributes perhaps more than any other factor to crime and disorder. It contributes strongly to noise complaints, disorderly conduct, public urination, litter, property damage, assaults, sexual assaults, domestic violence, drunken driving, and homicide. Strong policies governing alcohol distribution and consumption can have wide crime and disorder-control benefits. More specifically, you should do the following:

Close Drug Markets 

If alcohol abuse is the primary contributor to crime and disorder, drug abuse—of both illegal and legal drugs—is a close second. Drug markets generate tremendous spin-off crime and disorder problems such as assault, robbery, prostitution, gangs, noise, hazardous waste, and loitering. Simply arresting drug dealers and users will not effectively address local drug markets and the problems they create. Work to disrupt and close known markets, especially those operating out in the open. Think of drug markets as business enterprises, albeit illegal ones. Do what you can to make it more difficult for those drug businesses to operate profitably. More specifically, do the following:

Expect Property Managers to Control Activity 

Residential rental properties, and motels and lodging houses requiring the most police attention are usually those that are not managed or maintained properly. Sometimes, you simply need to remind property owners of their duties and nudge them toward compliance. Occasionally, owners may not know how to manage challenging properties and will benefit from property management training the local government or landlord association provides. Other times, owners refuse to accept their responsibilities, requiring more persuasive measures to get them to take remedial action.

Do not allow irresponsible owners to shift all responsibility for problems at their properties to the police. It is well established that responsible property management reduces crime and disorder problems at and around properties. Police can help, but the owners and managers should have primary responsibility.

Specific measures local government can take include the following:

Design and Manage Parks 

Safety problems in public parks range from underage drinking, public urination, and gambling to prostitution, drug use, and sexual assault. Apply crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) principles to park design and maintenance. More specifically, do the following:

Promote Safe Schools 

Local government shares with parents and school officials a responsibility to ensure that students are safe in and on their way to and from school. Some public safety problems that affect the wider community have links to the schools, such as the following:

More specifically, local government can do the following:

Reduce Vehicle Crime 

any crimes occur between people who are both somehow complicit in the crime, such as between drug dealers and buyers, prostitutes and clients, or mutual combatants. By contrast, thefts of and from, and vandalism to, parked vehicles account for a substantial number of crimes against innocent victims. These sorts of crimes therefore contribute significantly to the public perception that a community is not safe or secure. These crimes typically occur to vehicles when they are parked either on the street or in parking lots or structures. Careful crime analysis should show you where they are concentrated. Among the specific measures to prevent such crimes are the following:

Prevent Repeat Burglaries 

Most houses and businesses will never be burgled, but some are repeatedly and merit special attention. More specifically, you should do the following:

Prevent Shoplifting 

Retail establishment managers—be they managers of liquor stores, grocery stores, big-box appliance outlets, or mall jewelry stores—are in the best position to prevent shoplifting through their security and merchandising practices. Depending on stores’ reporting policies, police can spend a lot of time processing shoplifting cases, many of which retailers could have prevented. Some retailers even account for unexplained losses by reporting them to police as thefts. Specific measures that local government can take to help retailers prevent shoplifting include the following:

Control Speeding in Residential Neighborhoods 

Regardless of your jurisdiction’s size, you are sure to hear complaints about speeders. Whether on a freeway, a county highway, a major arterial, or a residential street, excessive speed is dangerous and anxiety-provoking, particularly in residential areas and around schools. The most important principle in speed control is that motorists tend to drive at the speed at which they feel safe and comfortable, given the road conditions. Therefore, the key to reducing speed is to alter road conditions such that motorists feel uncomfortable speeding.

Consider the following specific measures:

Minimize Graffiti 

Graffiti, or “tagging,” is generally categorized as either “artistic” or “gang” and can be found everywhere from street signs and public transportation to buildings and billboards. Many people consider graffiti unsightly and intimidating. Specific responses include the following:

Control Disorderly Behavior on the Streets 

Panhandlers begging aggressively, chronic inebriates staggering around or passed out on the streets, mentally ill people acting strangely or menacingly, disorderly youth intimidating passersby, and other such disorder, particularly in busy commercial districts, can undermine the general public’s perception of safety and the area’s legitimate commerce. Police must handle such people and behavior with care. They are obliged to respect constitutionally protected speech and conduct, and protect even disorderly people from harm, while maintaining reasonable order and minimizing undue fear and intimidation. You should do the following:

Control Street Prostitution 

Street prostitution demands police attention for various reasons: it offends uninvolved citizens, children may be involved in the prostitution trade, prostitutes are at high risk of being assaulted, prostitutes and their pimps sometimes rob clients, it undermines the area’s legitimate commerce, it is often connected with organized crime, and it contributes to the spread of disease. Arresting prostitutes and their clients in undercover operations can be an important part of an effective strategy, but will not suffice by itself. Other specific effective measures include the following:

Discourage businesses near prostitution markets such as motels, rental housing, and taverns from allowing their properties to be used to facilitate prostitution. Use a variety of civil and criminal enforcement tools, as well as negative publicity.


Source:  COPS Office.  Effective Policing and Crime Prevention: A Problem-Oriented Guide for Mayors, City Managers, and County Executives.


Modification History

File Created:  08/10/2019

Last Modified:  02/28/2024

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