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Procedural Law | SECTION 3

Welcome to Section 3, where we explore the intricacies of search warrants. Search warrants are vital in procedural law, authorizing lawful searches and seizures. In this section, we’ll cover obtaining a warrant, warrant issuance, warrant service, search warrant exceptions, and searches of individuals.

3.1: Obtaining a Warrant

Obtaining a warrant involves demonstrating probable cause to a judge or magistrate for the search. This section delves into the requirements and procedures, providing an understanding of the necessary documentation and standards involved in obtaining a search warrant.

3.2: Warrant Issuance

Warrant issuance involves judges or magistrates reviewing applications and deciding whether to issue a search warrant. Here, we explore the factors they consider, providing insights into the considerations and legal principles guiding the warrant issuance process.

3.3: Warrant Service

Warrant service entails executing the search warrant. This section addresses topics such as forcing entry, the scope of authorized searches, use of force, presence of individuals at the search scene, and protective sweeps. We delve into these aspects, examining legal resources and precedents.

3.4: Search Warrant Exceptions

While search warrants are generally required, exceptions exist. This section covers the plain view doctrine, exigent circumstances, hot pursuit, administrative inspections, consent searches of premises, and special searches in schools and other scenarios. Through analysis of case law and legal resources, we gain an understanding of these exceptions and their applicability.

3.5: Searches of People

This section focuses on searches of individuals. We explore consent searches, booking and custody-related searches, and the collection of bodily samples. By examining legal principles and precedents, we gain insight into the parameters that govern these types of searches.

Through an exploration of these topics, Section 3 equips you with a comprehensive understanding of search warrants, including the process of obtaining them, exceptions to the warrant requirement, and searches of individuals. By analyzing case law and legal resources, we build a solid foundation in procedural law.

Modification History

File Created:  08/06/2018

Last Modified:  08/06/2018

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