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Section 3: Variables and Hypotheses

Decorative Page Banner stating the title of this text: Fundamentals of Social Research by Adam J. McKee

In Section 3, we delve into the conceptual and analytical core of the research process: Variables and Hypotheses. Understanding these elements is fundamental for anyone embarking on scientific inquiry, as they provide the framework that guides the research from conception to conclusion. Section 3 is structured to sequentially build your knowledge, offering a holistic view of how hypotheses and variables function within research methodology.

Section 3.1 kicks off the discussion by examining how to write research hypotheses. A hypothesis acts as a tentative explanation or prediction that can be tested through empirical observation. We will explore the criteria for a well-crafted hypothesis and discuss the differences between null and alternative hypotheses, providing examples to illustrate these critical concepts.

Section 3.2 focuses on variables, the measurable units that we manipulate, control, or observe in research. We’ll delve into different types of variables such as independent, dependent, and controlled, elucidating their roles in an experimental setup. Understanding how to properly identify and define variables is essential for the integrity and validity of a study.

Section 3.3 will guide you through the various scales of measurement—nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio—that provide the researcher with tools to quantify or categorize data. Choosing the appropriate scale is crucial for the subsequent data analysis.

In Section 3.4, we turn our attention to sampling and generalizability, exploring how researchers can make inferences about larger populations based on data collected from a sample. We’ll discuss sampling techniques, their advantages and drawbacks, and how they affect the generalizability of the study.

Finally, Section 3.5 deals with hypothesis testing, the statistical procedure that allows researchers to evaluate the validity of their hypotheses. This last section ties everything together by showing how hypotheses, variables, and samples are used in tandem to draw meaningful conclusions from data.

Section 3 SLOs

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  1. Formulate precise, testable research hypotheses with clear variable relationships and operational definitions.
  2. Differentiate constants, independent, and dependent variables in social science research, including latent and observable types.
  3. Master the four scales of measurement (nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio) and choose appropriate statistical methods.
  4. Understand sampling techniques and generalizability, including sampling error, size, and confidence intervals.
  5. Apply hypothesis testing and statistical concepts, understanding statistical power, significance, and effect size.


Modification History

File Created:  07/25/2018

Last Modified:  11/14/2023

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