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Section 4.5: Brain Physiology and Crime – Learning Resources


Section 4.5 Overview

Section 4.5, “Brain Physiology and Crime,” explores the evolving understanding of how brain physiology influences criminal behavior, tracing developments from Cesare Lombroso’s early theories to cutting-edge neurobiological research. This section highlights the significant role that modern brain imaging technologies, like fMRI and PET scans, play in revealing the structural, functional, and neurochemical variations associated with antisocial and criminal actions. It discusses the transition from simplistic notions of “born criminals” to complex analyses of brain abnormalities, emphasizing the integration of neuroscientific findings with criminological theories. By examining the neurobiological bases of criminal behavior, Section 4.5 not only advances our understanding but also addresses the ethical, legal, and rehabilitative implications of this research, showcasing the dynamic interplay between biology and criminology.

Section Level Student Learning Outcomes

Modification History

File Created:  02/15/2024

Last Modified:  02/19/2024


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