How to Copy an Existing Course Shell into a New Term in Blackboard Ultra

Are you preparing for a new academic term and need to transfer course materials from an existing course shell into a new one on Blackboard Ultra? You’re in luck! This guide will walk you through the process step by step, making it easy and efficient.

Getting Started

First things first, you need to identify the destination for your content. This will be the empty course shell for the upcoming term where you want all your content to be transferred. This could be your new semester’s course, such as “Summer 2023” or similar.

Accessing the Course Content

Navigate to the Course Content page on Blackboard Ultra. Here, you will find a three-dot menu next to the search option. This is your gateway to beginning the content transfer process.

Initiate Copy

From the three-dot menu, select “Copy Items”. This is your key action to start the copying process.

Selecting Your Source Course

Now, you need to choose the course from which you want to copy content. In the Course Content area’s top-right corner, just under Student Preview, select the three dots and then choose “Copy Items”. From the panel that appears, you’ll be able to select the specific course you wish to copy. Remember, any courses that are hidden will not show up in this list.

Module Content Area

Another approach is to go to the Module Content area. Click on the three dots next to the Module Content title. From the menu that appears, select “Copy Content”. A slide-out menu will emerge, displaying all modules available for copying.

Choosing Specific Content

You have the flexibility to choose exactly what you want to copy. Whether it’s the entire course, selective parts of the course, or even specific elements within the same course. This includes folders, documents, and tests (group tests included).

Start Copying

Once you’ve made your selections, the last step is to start the copying process. Click on “Start Copy” to initiate.

And there you have it! This simple guide should help you transfer your course content smoothly to a new term’s course shell in Blackboard Ultra. If you run into any issues, don’t hesitate to contact your institution’s IT support or Blackboard administrator for further assistance.

Happy teaching!

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Last Modifed: 12/04/2023