Isinglass | Definition

Doc's Brewing Glossary by Adam McKee

Isinglass is a clarifying agent derived from the swim bladders of fish, used to clarify and refine beer.

Understanding Isinglass

Isinglass is a natural fining agent obtained from the dried swim bladders of certain fish, primarily sturgeon. It is a form of collagen, a protein that forms a gel-like substance when mixed with water. Isinglass has been used for centuries as a clarifying agent in various industries, including brewing, winemaking, and even cooking.

How Isinglass Works

In brewing, isinglass is added to beer after fermentation to help clarify and refine it. It works by attracting and binding to suspended yeast cells and other haze-causing particles. As the isinglass-particle complexes become heavier, they settle to the bottom of the vessel, leaving the beer clearer and brighter. This process can significantly improve the visual appeal of the beer and create a smoother, cleaner mouthfeel.

Applications of Isinglass in Brewing

  • Cask Conditioning: Isinglass is commonly used in cask-conditioned ales, where it helps to remove yeast sediment and create a clear, sparkling beer.

  • Bottle Conditioning: It can also be used in bottle-conditioned beers to accelerate yeast sedimentation and reduce haze.

  • Filtering Alternative: Isinglass can be used as an alternative to filtering, especially for delicate beer styles where filtering might strip out flavor or aroma compounds.

  • Reducing Chill Haze: Isinglass can help to prevent chill haze, a temporary haze that forms when beer is chilled, by removing proteins and polyphenols that contribute to this phenomenon.

Types of Isinglass

  • Liquid Isinglass: This is a pre-prepared solution of isinglass that is easy to use and readily dissolves in beer.

  • Dried Isinglass: This form requires preparation by soaking in water or beer before adding to the beer.

Considerations for Using Isinglass

  • Non-Vegan: Isinglass is derived from fish, making it unsuitable for vegans or vegetarians.

  • Allergen: While isinglass is highly processed, it may still contain trace amounts of fish protein, which could trigger allergic reactions in some individuals.

  • Overuse: Using too much isinglass can strip the beer of flavor and body, so it’s important to use it sparingly and follow recommended dosages.

  • Alternative Finings: For vegan or allergen-conscious brewers, there are several alternative fining agents available, such as Irish moss, gelatin (not vegan), or silica gel.


Isinglass is a traditional and effective fining agent that has been used for centuries to clarify and refine beer. Its ability to remove yeast cells and other haze-causing particles makes it a valuable tool for brewers seeking to achieve crystal-clear beer with a smooth, polished appearance. While it is not suitable for everyone due to its animal origin, it remains a popular choice for many brewers, particularly in the UK, for producing classic, clear, and refreshing beers.

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