Section 4.4: Investigations and Specialized Units | Learning Resources

Criminal Justice: An Overview of the System by Adam J. McKee


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Reading Assignment for Section 4.4

Read the following subsection from our online textbook: Section 4.4: Investigations and Specialized Units.

What You Will Learn

In this section, you’ll explore the basic duties of criminal investigators and the investigative functions of patrol officers. You’ll understand the factors that influence the likelihood of a department having specialized units. Additionally, you’ll learn about the challenges faced by domestic violence units, the types of crimes commonly investigated by vice units, the role of internal affairs, and specialized units and programs designed to prevent juvenile delinquency.

Student Learning Outcomes for Section 4.4

  • SLO 1: Describe the basic duties of criminal investigators.
  • SLO 2: Describe the investigative functions of patrol officers.
  • SLO 3: Describe factors that influence the likelihood that a department will have specialized units.
  • SLO 4: Identify the scope and nature of the problems with which domestic violence units must contend.
  • SLO 5: Identify the types of crimes most commonly investigated by vice units.
  • SLO 6: Describe the role of internal affairs within police departments.
  • SLO 7: Describe specialized units and programs within police departments designed to prevent juvenile delinquency.

Slide Presentations

For the Classroom:  INTRO-Section-4-4-presentation

For Printing: INTRO-Section-4-4-print

Present from the web:

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Last Updated:  07/15/2024

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