For Research and Statistics terms, see Doc’s Research Glossary instead of this one!
- Parentheses are used to show acronyms: Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
- Brackets are used to show a parent topic or organization: (ATF) [U.S. Dept. of Justice]
- Curly brackets are used to disambiguate terms: element {of a crime}
- Terms in black have not yet been defined, but are forthcoming.
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- Pandering [Criminal Law]
- Panel
- Paradigm Shift [Juvenile Justice]
- Pardon
- Parens Patriae (Legal Latin)
- Parent Training Programs [Juvenile Justice]
- Parenting Styles [Juvenile Justice]
- Parish
- Parliament
- Parole
- Parole Board
- Parolee
- Parole Eligibility [Corrections]
- Parole Officer
- Parole Revocation
- Parole Supervision
- Parole Supervisory Caseload
- Parole Violation
- Paroling Authority
- Parsons v. State (1887)
- Part I Offenses
- Part II Offenses
- Participant Attrition [Juvenile Justice]
- Particularity Requirement [Procedural Law]
- Partisan Politics
- Paternalistic [Juvenile Justice]
- Patriot Act. See USA Patriot Act of 2001
- Peacemaking Criminology
- Peace Officer Standards and Training Program (POST)
- Peer Influence [Criminology]
- Peer Mentoring [Juvenile Justice]
- Peer Pressure [Juvenile Justice]
- Peer Support [Corrections]
- Peer Support Programs [Corrections]
- Pell v. Procunier (1974) [Corrections]
- Penal Code [Criminal Law]
- Penal Law. See Criminal Law.
- Penitence [Corrections]
- Penitent
- Penitentiary [Corrections]
- Pennsylvania System [Corrections]
- Peremptory Challenge {Voir Dire}
- Performance Metrics [Corrections]
- Perjury [Criminal Law]
- Perpetrator
- Perpetuation [Juvenile Justice]
- Personal Biases
- Personal Victimization [Criminology]
- Petition [Juvenile Justice]
- Petit Jury
- Petit Treason [Criminal Law]
- Petition for a Writ of Certiorari [Procedural Law]
- Petty Offense
- Phenomenological Criminology
- Philosophy [Juvenile Justice]
- Phishing [Computer Crime]
- Phrenology
- Physical Dependence
- Physical Evidence
- Pilot Studies [Juvenile Justice]
- Plain View Doctrine [Procedural Law]
- Pimping. See Pandering.
- Pinkerton Rule [Criminal Law]
- Piracy. See also Software Piracy
- Pivotal Roles [Juvenile Justice]
- Plaintiff
- Plato [Criminology]
- Plea
- Plea Bargain
- Pleadings
- Police
- Police-community Relations (PCR)
- Police Brutality
- Police Corruption
- Police Courts
- Police Discretion
- Police Ethics
- Police Management
- Police Misconduct
- Police Professionalism
- Police Officer
- Police Subculture
- Police Union
- Police Use of Force
- Police Working Personality
- Policing
- Policy
- Policymakers
- Political Era [Policing]
- Political Ideologies
- Political Inertia [Juvenile Justice]
- Political Right [Corrections]
- Politicized [Politics]
- Politics
- Polygraph Testing
- Positive Behavior Support [Juvenile Justice]
- Positive Pathways [Juvenile Justice]
- Positive Reinforcement [Corrections]
- Positive School Culture [Juvenile Justice]
- Positive Transformations [Juvenile Justice]
- Positivist School [Criminology]
- Posse Comitatus [Legal Latin / Policing]
- Possession [Criminal Law]
- Post-Conviction [Corrections]
- Postconviction Remedy
- Post-disposition Hearing [Juvenile Justice]
- Postmodern Criminology
- Postpartum Depression Syndrome [Criminal Law]
- Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Potential for Bias [Juvenile Justice]
- Powell v. Alabama (1932) Read the Abridged Case
- Power of the Purse
- Precedent
- Predictive Analytics [Juvenile Justice]
- Predispose [Juvenile Justice]
- Predisposition Report [Juvenile Justice]
- Preliminary Hearing
- Preliminary Investigation [Policing]
- Premeditation [Criminal Law]. See also Malice Aforethought.
- Premenstrual Syndrome [Criminal Law]
- Prenatal Care [Corrections]
- Preponderance of the Evidence [Law]
- Pre-post Comparison [Juvenile Justice]
- Presentence Investigation
- Presentence Report
- Presentment
- Presumption [Law]
- Presumption of Innocence [Law]
- Presumptive Sentencing
- Pretrial Conference
- Pretrial detainees [Corrections]
- Pretrial Detention
- Pretrial Discovery [Law]
- Pretrial Diversion Programs [Corrections]
- Pretrial Motions
- Pretrial Release
- Pretrial Services
- Pretrial Services Officer [Federal Courts]
- Prevention Strategies [Corrections]
- Preventive Patrol [Policing]
- Primary Aggressor [Criminal Law / Policing]
- Primary Deviance [Criminology]
- Principal [Criminal Law]
- Principal in the First Degree [Criminal Law]
- Prison
- Prison Argot
- Prison Capacity
- Prison Commitment
- Prison Industrial Complex
- Prison Litigation Reform Act (PLRA) [Corrections]
- Prison Overcrowding
- Prison Programs
- Prisoner
- Prisonization
- Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) [Corrections]
- Prison Subculture
- Privacy Infringement [Juvenile Justice]
- Privacy Laws [Juvenile Justice]
- Privacy Rights [Corrections]
- Privacy Settings [Juvenile Justice]
- Private Corrections [Corrections]
- Private Prison
- Private Protective Services
- Private Security
- Privatization
- Probable Cause [Law and Policing]
- Probation
- Probationer
- Probation Officer
- Probation Revocation
- Probation Supervision [Juvenile Justice]
- Probation Termination
- Probation Violation
- Probation Workload
- Probationary Period [Juvenile Justice]
- Problem Analysis Triangle [Policing]
- Problem-Oriented Policing
- Problem-solving [Juvenile Justice]
- Pro Bono Publico [Legal Latin]
- Pro Bono Representation [Corrections]
- Proactive [Policing]
- Procedural Criminal Law
- Procedural Defense
- Procedural Due Process
- Procedural Justice
- Procedural Law. See Procedural Criminal Law.
- Professional Development [Juvenile Justice]
- Profit Motives [Corrections]
- Program Effectiveness [Juvenile Justice]
- Program Evaluation [Juvenile Justice]
- Program Fidelity [Corrections]
- Progressive Era [Juvenile Justice]
- Property Bond
- Property Crime {FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports}
- Property Crimes [Criminology]
- Proportionality Doctrine
- Pro se
- Prosecute
- Prosecution Agency
- Prosecutor
- Prosecutorial Discretion
- Prosocial Behaviors [Juvenile Justice]
- Prosocial Skills [Juvenile Justice]
- Protective Orders [Criminology]
- Prostitution
- Protective Factors [Juvenile Justice]
- Psychoactive Substance
- Psychoanalysis
- Psychotherapy [Corrections]
- Psychoanalytic Theory [Juvenile Justice]
- Psychological Dependence
- Psychological Manipulation
- Psychological Profiling
- Psychological School (Criminology)
- Psychological Theories
- Psychological Testing [Juvenile Justice]
- Psychological Trauma [Juvenile Justice]
- Psychologist [Juvenile Justice]
- Psychopath
- Psychopathology
- Psychosexual Development [Criminology]
- Psychosis
- PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) [Corrections]
- Public Assistance Programs [Corrections]
- Public Awareness Campaigns [Juvenile Justice]
- Public Benefits [Corrections]
- Public Corrections
- Public Defender
- Public Defender Agency
- Public Dialogue [Corrections]
- Public Opinion Influence [Juvenile Justice]
- Public Order
- Public-order Advocate
- Public-Private Partnerships [Corrections]
- Public Safety Department
- Public Safety [Juvenile Justice]
- Public Safety Exception [Procedural Law]
- Public Trust
- Punishment
- Punishment Theory [Corrections]
- Punitive Approach [Juvenile Justice]
- Punitive Damages
- Purposely {culpable mental state}
[ A-B | C | D | E-F | G-H-I | J-K-L | M-N-O | P | Q-R | S | T-U | V-W-X-Y-Z ]