For Research and Statistics terms, see Doc’s Research Glossary instead of this one!
- Parentheses are used to show acronyms: Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
- Brackets are used to show a parent topic or organization: (ATF) [U.S. Dept. of Justice]
- Curly brackets are used to disambiguate terms: element {of a crime}
- Terms in black have not yet been defined, but are forthcoming.
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- Vagrancy [FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports]
- Validated Assessment Instruments [Corrections]
- Vandalism [FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports]
- Venue
- Verdict
- Vicarious Liability [Criminal Law]
- Vice [Criminal Law / Policing]
- Victim
- Victim Assistance Program
- victim-blaming
- Victimless Crime
- Victim Impact Statement
- Victim Precipitation Theory [Criminology]
- Victimization
- Victim-offender Mediation [Juvenile Justice]
- Victimology
- Victim Safety [Corrections]
- Vigilantism
- Violation [Criminal Law]
- Violator [Corrections]
- Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)
- Violence Prevention [Corrections]
- Violent Crime [FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports]
- Virtual Educational Programs [Corrections]
- Virtual Reality (VR) [Juvenile Justice]
- Visible Crime
- Vocational Trainer [Juvenile Justice]
- Vocational Training
- Void for Vagueness [Constitutional Law]
- Voir Dire
- Vollmer, August
- Voluntary Intoxication [Criminal Law – Defenses]
- Voluntary Manslaughter. See Manslaughter.
- Voluntary Sentencing Guidelines. Also, Advisory Sentencing Guidelines.
- Vulnerability to Harm [Corrections]
- Waiver {to Adult Court}
- Walnut Street Jail [Corrections]
- War on Drugs
- Warden
- Warden v. Hayden (1967) Read the Abridged Case
- Warehousing
- Warrant
- Warren Court
- Watch and Ward [Policing]
- Watchman Style {of Policing}
- Weapons Offense
- Weeks v. United States (1914) Read the Abridged Case
- Weems v. United States (1910) [Corrections]
- Welfare Model [Juvenile Justice]
- Wharton Rule [Criminal Law]
- White-collar Crime
- Wickersham Commission
- Wilderness Camp [Juvenile Justice]
- Williams v. Florida (1970) Read the Abridged Case
- Wilkinson v. Austin (2005) [Corrections]
- Wilkerson v. Utah (1878) [Corrections]
- Wilson, James Q.
- Wilson, O. W.
- Wilson v. Layne (1999) [Corrections]
- Wilson v. Seiter (1991) [Corrections]
- Witness
- Wolf v. Colorado (1949)
- Wolff v. McDonnell (1974)
- Women’s Prison [Corrections]
- Workhouse
- Work-release centers [Corrections]
- Workplace Victimization [Criminology]
- Work Release Program [Corrections]
- Writ [Law]
- Writ of Certiorari
- Writ of Habeas Corpus. See Habeas Corpus.
- Youth Advocate [Juvenile Justice]
- Youth Development [Juvenile Justice]
- Youth Service Bureaus [Juvenile Justice]
- Youthful Offender
[ A-B | C | D | E-F | G-H-I | J-K-L | M-N-O | P | Q-R | S | T-U | V-W-X-Y-Z ]