criminological theory | Definition

Doc's CJ Glossary by Adam J. McKee

Criminological theory explains why crime occurs by examining social, psychological, and biological factors that influence criminal behavior.

Understanding Criminological Theory

Criminological theory seeks to understand the causes of crime and delinquency. It provides frameworks for analyzing criminal behavior, the criminal justice system, and the effectiveness of crime prevention strategies. These theories help policymakers, law enforcement agencies, and researchers develop methods to reduce crime and rehabilitate offenders.

There are several major categories of criminological theory, including classical, positivist, sociological, psychological, and critical perspectives. Each theory offers a unique approach to understanding crime, often building on previous ideas while addressing their limitations.

Historical Development of Criminological Theory

The study of crime and its causes has evolved significantly over time, reflecting changes in human understanding and societal development. In ancient civilizations, people often attributed criminal behavior to supernatural forces, divine punishment, or moral corruption, believing that offenders were possessed by evil spirits or cursed by the gods. This perspective led to harsh punishments, such as executions or public shaming, intended to cleanse society of wrongdoing. However, as societies advanced and scientific thinking emerged, scholars began to seek more rational explanations for crime. The Enlightenment period, in particular, encouraged the application of reason and empirical observation to social issues, including criminal behavior.

This shift led to the development of distinct intellectual traditions or “schools” of thought in criminology. In this context, the term “school” does not refer to a physical institution but rather a group of scholars who share similar beliefs, theories, and methodologies in their approach to studying crime. The Classical School, for example, argued that crime results from rational choices made by individuals who weigh the costs and benefits of their actions, while the Positivist School introduced scientific methods to study biological, psychological, and social influences on criminal behavior. These schools of thought laid the foundation for modern criminology, shaping how researchers, policymakers, and law enforcement officials understand and respond to crime today.

The Classical School

The Classical School of Criminology emerged in the 18th century with thinkers like Cesare Beccaria and Jeremy Bentham. Beccaria’s work, On Crimes and Punishments (1764), argued that people have free will and choose to commit crimes when the benefits outweigh the risks. This perspective emphasized rational decision-making, deterrence, and proportional punishment.

Bentham expanded on these ideas with his concept of utilitarianism, which suggested that laws should create the greatest good for the greatest number. The Classical School laid the foundation for modern legal systems, influencing sentencing policies and crime prevention strategies.

The Positivist School

In the 19th century, the Positivist School challenged classical assumptions by emphasizing science and empirical research. Cesare Lombroso, often called the “father of criminology,” argued that criminals were biologically different from law-abiding citizens. His theory of the “born criminal” suggested that physical traits, such as facial asymmetry, could predict criminal behavior.

Although Lombroso’s ideas were later discredited, the Positivist School contributed to the development of biological, psychological, and sociological theories of crime. Scholars began examining environmental and psychological influences rather than just individual choices.

Major Theoretical Perspectives in Criminology

Criminological theories fall into several broad categories, each offering different explanations for criminal behavior.

Biological Theories

Biological theories suggest that genetics, brain chemistry, and physiological traits contribute to criminal behavior. Early research, like Lombroso’s, focused on inherited traits. Modern biological theories explore factors such as:

  • Neurotransmitter imbalances (e.g., serotonin and dopamine levels)
  • Brain abnormalities (e.g., damage to the prefrontal cortex)
  • Genetic predispositions (e.g., studies on twins and adopted children)

While biology may play a role in criminal behavior, most criminologists agree that environmental and social factors also shape an individual’s likelihood of offending.

Psychological Theories

Psychological theories examine how personality, mental health, and cognitive development influence criminal behavior. Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory proposed that unresolved childhood conflicts could lead to deviant behavior. Other key psychological theories include:

  • Personality theories (e.g., antisocial personality disorder and impulsivity)
  • Cognitive theories (e.g., faulty thinking patterns that justify criminal actions)
  • Behavioral theories (e.g., learning through reinforcement and punishment)

These theories have influenced rehabilitation programs, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for offenders.

Sociological Theories

Sociological theories emphasize the impact of social structures, relationships, and cultural influences on crime. Some of the most well-known sociological theories include:

Strain Theory

Developed by Robert Merton, strain theory suggests that crime occurs when people experience a gap between societal goals (e.g., financial success) and their ability to achieve them legally. Those who lack opportunities may resort to crime as an alternative means of success.

Social Learning Theory

Edwin Sutherland introduced differential association theory, which argues that criminal behavior is learned through interaction with others. Later, Ronald Akers expanded this idea into social learning theory, emphasizing reinforcement and imitation.

Social Control Theory

Travis Hirschi’s social control theory argues that strong social bonds (e.g., family, school, and community ties) prevent crime. When these bonds weaken, individuals are more likely to engage in delinquency.

Labeling Theory

Developed by Howard Becker and influenced by Edwin Lemert, labeling theory suggests that societal reactions to deviance influence future criminal behavior. When individuals are labeled as criminals, they may internalize this identity and continue offending.

Critical and Conflict Theories

Critical criminology challenges mainstream explanations of crime by focusing on power, inequality, and social justice. Unlike traditional criminological theories that often seek to explain crime through individual behavior or social structures, critical perspectives argue that crime and criminal justice policies are deeply influenced by broader systems of power. These theories highlight how laws, law enforcement, and punishment are not neutral but are shaped by economic, political, and social forces that benefit certain groups at the expense of others. By examining crime through the lens of oppression, discrimination, and systemic bias, critical criminologists seek to expose and challenge the ways in which the criminal justice system perpetuates inequality.

One of the most influential perspectives within critical criminology is Marxist criminology, which is based on the ideas of Karl Marx. This theory argues that crime is a product of class struggles and economic inequality within capitalist societies. According to Marxist criminologists, laws are created and enforced primarily to serve the interests of the ruling class, protecting wealth and maintaining social order in a way that benefits those in power. For example, crimes such as theft or drug offenses—more commonly associated with lower-income individuals—are often met with harsh penalties, while corporate crimes, white-collar offenses, and environmental violations committed by the wealthy are frequently overlooked or receive minimal punishment. Marxist criminology suggests that by addressing economic disparities and redistributing resources more equitably, societies can reduce crime rates and create a more just legal system.

Feminist criminology focuses on how gender and patriarchy shape criminal behavior, victimization, and the justice system’s response to crime. Traditionally, criminology has been male-centered, often ignoring or misrepresenting women’s experiences as both offenders and victims. Scholars like Carol Smart argue that mainstream criminological theories have historically overlooked the impact of gender roles, societal expectations, and institutional biases that contribute to crime and criminal justice outcomes. Feminist criminologists examine issues such as domestic violence, sexual assault, and the criminalization of women’s survival strategies, such as sex work or self-defense against abusive partners. They also explore how legal systems reinforce gender inequalities by treating male and female offenders differently, with women often facing harsher moral judgments rather than being understood within the context of their social circumstances. Feminist criminology seeks not only to highlight these disparities but also to advocate for reforms that promote gender equity in criminal justice policies and practices.

Postmodern criminology challenges traditional definitions of crime, law, and justice by questioning how social realities are constructed through language, power structures, and cultural discourse. Unlike other criminological perspectives that assume crime is an objective reality, postmodern criminologists argue that crime is a social construct shaped by those in positions of authority. This perspective draws from postmodern philosophy, particularly the works of thinkers like Michel Foucault, who explored how institutions create and enforce norms that define deviance and criminality. Postmodern criminology examines how media, politics, and public discourse influence societal perceptions of crime, often reinforcing stereotypes and justifying oppressive policies. It also critiques rigid legal frameworks that fail to account for the complexities of human behavior and social interactions. By deconstructing these narratives, postmodern criminologists aim to reveal hidden biases within the justice system and advocate for alternative approaches to addressing crime that are more inclusive, just, and reflective of diverse perspectives.

Criminological Theory in Criminal Justice

Criminological theory plays a crucial role in shaping the criminal justice system, influencing everything from laws and sentencing policies to rehabilitation programs and policing strategies. By providing frameworks for understanding why crime occurs, these theories guide the development of policies aimed at preventing criminal behavior, reducing recidivism, and improving the overall effectiveness of law enforcement and corrections. Policymakers, criminologists, and criminal justice professionals rely on these theories to create interventions that are evidence-based rather than purely reactionary or punitive.

One key area where criminological theory has a direct impact is in sentencing and punishment policies. Classical criminology, particularly the work of Cesare Beccaria and Jeremy Bentham, emphasizes deterrence—the idea that people will avoid crime if the potential punishment is severe, certain, and swift. This perspective has influenced deterrence-based policies, such as mandatory minimum sentences and three-strikes laws, which impose harsher penalties on repeat offenders in an effort to discourage criminal activity. However, critics argue that such policies can lead to mass incarceration without necessarily reducing crime rates.

Criminological theory also shapes rehabilitation efforts designed to address the underlying causes of criminal behavior. Psychological and behavioral theories, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), are commonly used in correctional settings to help offenders recognize and change harmful thought patterns that contribute to criminal behavior. Rehabilitation programs based on these theories aim to reduce recidivism by addressing mental health issues, substance abuse, and behavioral tendencies linked to criminal activity.

Policing strategies are also influenced by criminological theory. Social control theory and social learning theory have informed community policing initiatives, which emphasize building relationships between law enforcement and local communities to prevent crime proactively. These programs focus on strengthening social bonds, encouraging prosocial behavior, and reducing opportunities for crime. By applying criminological theories in real-world policies, the criminal justice system can develop more effective approaches to crime prevention and offender rehabilitation.


Criminological theory provides a foundation for understanding crime and shaping criminal justice policies. Over time, theories have evolved from focusing on individual choice to considering biological, psychological, and social factors. By studying these theories, researchers and practitioners can develop more effective crime prevention and intervention strategies.

[ Glossary ]

Last Modified: 02/24/2025

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