Dehumanization | Definition

Doc's CJ Glossary by Adam J. McKee

Dehumanization refers to the process of depriving individuals of their human qualities, often used to justify mistreatment or neglect in the corrections system.

Understanding Dehumanization

Dehumanization is a critical issue in corrections, where individuals are often treated as less than human. This process can occur at various levels, from policy and institutional practices to interpersonal interactions. Recognizing and addressing dehumanization is essential for creating a just and humane corrections system.

What is Dehumanization?

Dehumanization involves viewing and treating people as if they are less than human. This can manifest in various ways:

  • Language: Using derogatory or dehumanizing terms to describe inmates.
  • Treatment: Subjecting individuals to inhumane conditions or abusive practices.
  • Policies: Implementing rules that strip inmates of their dignity and basic human rights.

Causes of Dehumanization in Corrections

Several factors contribute to dehumanization within the corrections system:

Institutional Culture

  • Authoritarian Practices: A culture that prioritizes control and punishment over rehabilitation can foster dehumanizing attitudes.
  • Lack of Training: Correctional staff may not receive adequate training in humane treatment and conflict resolution.

Overcrowding and Underfunding

  • Resource Strain: Overcrowded facilities and limited resources can lead to neglect and substandard living conditions.
  • Impersonal Environments: High inmate-to-staff ratios can make it difficult for staff to see inmates as individuals.

Stereotypes and Biases

  • Prejudice: Pre-existing societal biases and stereotypes about certain groups can be amplified within the corrections system.
  • Criminal Labeling: Viewing inmates solely through the lens of their criminal behavior can lead to a lack of empathy and understanding.

Effects of Dehumanization

Dehumanization has profound negative impacts on both inmates and the corrections system as a whole.

Psychological Impact on Inmates

  • Loss of Identity: Dehumanizing practices can strip individuals of their sense of self and dignity.
  • Mental Health Issues: Exposure to inhumane treatment can exacerbate mental health problems, leading to anxiety, depression, and trauma.

Behavioral Consequences

  • Aggression: Dehumanized individuals may become more aggressive and hostile, both towards staff and fellow inmates.
  • Recidivism: Lack of rehabilitative opportunities and humane treatment can lead to higher rates of reoffending upon release.

Institutional Harm

  • Violence: Dehumanization can create a hostile environment, increasing the likelihood of violence and unrest within the facility.
  • Staff Burnout: Working in a dehumanizing environment can lead to high levels of stress and burnout among correctional staff.

Addressing Dehumanization

To combat dehumanization, the corrections system must implement comprehensive reforms focused on humane treatment and rehabilitation.

Policy Reforms

  • Human Rights Standards: Implement policies that uphold the dignity and rights of inmates, aligning with international human rights standards.
  • Transparency: Ensure transparency in corrections practices, allowing for oversight and accountability.

Staff Training and Support

  • Empathy Training: Provide training for correctional staff in empathy, conflict resolution, and humane treatment.
  • Support Systems: Establish support systems for staff to prevent burnout and promote a positive institutional culture.

Improving Conditions

  • Reducing Overcrowding: Implement decarceration initiatives to reduce overcrowding and improve living conditions.
  • Access to Services: Ensure inmates have access to mental health services, education, and vocational training.

Promoting Rehabilitation

  • Individualized Treatment: Focus on individualized rehabilitation plans that address the unique needs of each inmate.
  • Restorative Justice: Implement restorative justice programs that emphasize healing and reintegration rather than punishment.


Dehumanization in the corrections system is a pervasive issue that undermines the goals of justice and rehabilitation. By understanding the causes and effects of dehumanization, we can work towards a corrections system that respects the dignity of all individuals. Implementing reforms that prioritize humane treatment and rehabilitation is essential for creating a safer and more just society.

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Last Modified: 06/05/2024

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