The eugenics movement was a social and scientific effort that aimed to improve human genetics by promoting desirable traits and discouraging reproduction among those deemed unfit.
Origins and Development of the Eugenics Movement
The eugenics movement emerged in the late 19th century, primarily influenced by Sir Francis Galton, a British scientist and cousin of Charles Darwin. Galton coined the term “eugenics” in 1883, describing it as the study of improving the genetic quality of human populations through selective breeding. He believed that intelligence, morality, and criminal tendencies were inherited and that society could be improved by encouraging reproduction among those with “desirable” traits while discouraging or preventing it among those with “undesirable” characteristics.
Eugenics gained popularity in the United States and Europe during the early 20th century. It influenced policies in many countries, leading to sterilization laws, immigration restrictions, and even genocide. Governments and scientists used eugenic theories to justify social control, arguing that criminality, poverty, and mental illness were hereditary and could be reduced through selective reproduction.
Eugenics and Criminology
In criminology, eugenic ideas shaped theories about crime and its causes. Researchers believed that some people were biologically predisposed to criminal behavior due to their genetic makeup. These ideas built on earlier biological theories of crime, such as those proposed by Cesare Lombroso in the late 19th century.
Cesare Lombroso and Atavism
Cesare Lombroso, an Italian criminologist, introduced the concept of the “born criminal” in his 1876 work The Criminal Man. He argued that criminals were evolutionary throwbacks, or “atavists,” who exhibited physical traits resembling early humans or animals. These features, which he called “stigmata,” included asymmetrical facial structures, large jaws, and excessive hair growth. Lombroso’s work laid the foundation for the belief that criminality was inherited, a core idea later adopted by eugenicists.
Biological Determinism and Crime
Eugenic criminologists extended Lombroso’s ideas, claiming that crime could be reduced or eliminated by preventing those with “inferior” genetics from reproducing. They believed that traits such as aggression, impulsivity, and lack of moral reasoning were passed down through generations.
Several studies attempted to link heredity and crime. In the early 20th century, researchers studied “criminal families,” such as the Jukes and the Kallikaks, to argue that criminal tendencies ran in families. The Jukes Study (conducted by Richard Dugdale in 1877) claimed that a single family produced generations of criminals, paupers, and mentally ill individuals. Similarly, Henry Goddard’s The Kallikak Family (1912) suggested that a man’s two lineages—one from a “feebleminded” woman and the other from a “respectable” woman—led to drastically different social outcomes, reinforcing eugenic ideas about inherited criminality.
Eugenic Policies in Criminal Justice
The eugenics movement influenced criminal justice policies in the early 20th century. Many governments enacted laws based on the belief that controlling reproduction could reduce crime.
Forced Sterilization Laws
One of the most harmful outcomes of eugenic criminology was the forced sterilization of individuals labeled as “unfit.” In the United States, more than 30 states passed sterilization laws, leading to the forced sterilization of over 60,000 people between the early 1900s and the 1970s. These laws targeted prisoners, the mentally ill, the poor, and people with disabilities.
The most infamous case was Buck v. Bell (1927), in which the U.S. Supreme Court upheld Virginia’s sterilization law. Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. justified the ruling with the statement, “Three generations of imbeciles are enough.” This decision legitimized eugenic sterilization, reinforcing the idea that criminality and other undesirable traits could be eliminated through reproductive control.
Immigration Restrictions
Eugenic ideas also influenced immigration policies. In the United States, the Immigration Act of 1924 severely restricted entry from Southern and Eastern Europe, as well as Asia, based on the belief that these populations were genetically inferior and more likely to be involved in crime. Lawmakers used eugenic research to argue that certain ethnic groups had higher rates of criminality due to their genetic background.
Institutionalization and Segregation
Another policy driven by eugenic criminology was the institutionalization of individuals deemed “defective.” Governments placed people with intellectual disabilities, mental illnesses, or criminal records in asylums, workhouses, or prisons to prevent them from reproducing. These institutions operated under the belief that isolating “unfit” individuals from society would reduce crime and social problems.
Decline of the Eugenics Movement
By the mid-20th century, eugenics lost credibility due to scientific advancements and its association with Nazi Germany. Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime used eugenic theories to justify mass sterilization, forced euthanasia, and the Holocaust, which aimed to exterminate those deemed genetically inferior, including Jewish people, Romani communities, and individuals with disabilities. The horrors of Nazi eugenics led to widespread condemnation of the movement.
Scientific research also disproved many of the assumptions behind eugenics. Studies in genetics and psychology demonstrated that human behavior, including criminality, is influenced by a complex mix of genetic, environmental, and social factors. Twin and adoption studies revealed that while there may be some hereditary influences on behavior, crime is not solely determined by genetics.
In the United States, public opinion shifted against eugenics after World War II. Courts struck down sterilization laws, and states gradually repealed them. The Civil Rights Movement further challenged racial and genetic determinism, promoting the idea that social and economic conditions play a significant role in crime and poverty.
Lasting Impact on Criminology
Although the eugenics movement officially ended, its influence lingers in some aspects of criminal justice and social policy.
Modern Genetic Research and Crime
Today, researchers continue to explore genetic factors in criminal behavior, but with greater scientific rigor and ethical considerations. Studies in behavioral genetics examine how genes may interact with environmental factors to influence aggression or impulsivity. However, most criminologists recognize that social conditions—such as poverty, education, and family structure—play a far more significant role in shaping criminal behavior than genetics alone.
Racial and Socioeconomic Biases
The eugenics movement contributed to long-lasting racial and socioeconomic biases in the criminal justice system. Policies rooted in eugenic thinking, such as racial profiling, harsher sentencing for minority groups, and mass incarceration, reflect outdated beliefs about inherited criminality. While modern criminology rejects biological determinism, some policies continue to disproportionately affect marginalized communities.
Ethical Concerns in Criminal Justice
Eugenic ideas have also shaped ethical debates in criminal justice. Questions about the use of genetic evidence in court, risk assessments based on biological traits, and policies targeting specific populations raise concerns about the potential return of eugenic-style discrimination. Criminologists emphasize the need to balance scientific inquiry with human rights and social justice principles.
The eugenics movement had a profound impact on criminology, shaping theories about inherited criminality and influencing policies such as forced sterilization and immigration restrictions. Although eugenics was largely discredited, its legacy still affects criminal justice practices today. Modern criminology recognizes the complexity of human behavior, emphasizing the interplay between genetics, environment, and social factors in understanding crime.
[ Glossary ]
Last Modified: 02/25/2025