GPS Tracking | Definition

Doc's CJ Glossary by Adam J. McKee

GPS tracking uses satellite technology to monitor the real-time location of individuals or objects, providing valuable insights and security measures in juvenile justice.

Understanding GPS Tracking

GPS tracking, or Global Positioning System tracking, involves using satellites to determine and monitor the exact location of a GPS-enabled device. This technology provides real-time data on the movements and location of individuals or objects. In the context of juvenile justice, GPS tracking is increasingly used to monitor young offenders, ensure compliance with court orders, and enhance public safety.

How GPS Tracking Works

GPS tracking systems rely on a network of satellites that orbit the Earth. These satellites send signals to GPS receivers, which calculate their precise location based on the time it takes for the signals to reach them. This information is then transmitted to a central monitoring system, which can display real-time location data on a map.

Components of GPS Tracking Systems

  1. GPS Device: This can be a wearable device such as an ankle monitor, a smartphone, or a dedicated GPS tracker.
  2. Satellites: A network of satellites that provide the signals necessary for determining location.
  3. Monitoring Software: A platform that receives and processes location data, often providing features such as geofencing, alerts, and historical tracking.

Applications in Juvenile Justice

GPS tracking technology is used in various ways within the juvenile justice system to monitor and manage young offenders.

Monitoring Compliance

Juvenile offenders who are on probation or parole can be required to wear GPS ankle monitors. These devices ensure that they comply with court-ordered restrictions, such as curfews or geographic boundaries.

Enhancing Public Safety

By tracking the movements of juvenile offenders, authorities can quickly respond if they enter restricted areas or violate their probation terms. This helps to enhance public safety and prevent potential criminal activity.

Providing Accountability

GPS tracking provides a record of an offender’s movements, which can be useful for both law enforcement and the offenders themselves. It offers accountability, as any deviation from allowed areas is immediately detected and can be addressed.

Benefits of GPS Tracking in Juvenile Justice

GPS tracking offers several advantages for managing young offenders within the justice system:

Real-Time Monitoring

GPS tracking provides real-time data on the location of offenders, allowing for immediate responses to any violations. This real-time capability is crucial for maintaining control and ensuring compliance with court orders.


The knowledge that their movements are being monitored can act as a deterrent for young offenders, encouraging them to adhere to the terms of their probation or parole.


Compared to incarceration, GPS tracking is a more cost-effective solution. It allows young offenders to remain in their communities, where they can continue their education and maintain family connections, while still being monitored.


GPS tracking systems can be tailored to the specific needs of each offender, with customizable settings for geofencing, alerts, and reporting. This flexibility makes it a versatile tool for managing a diverse range of cases.

Challenges of GPS Tracking

Despite its benefits, GPS tracking in juvenile justice also faces several challenges:

Privacy Concerns

Continuous monitoring raises significant privacy issues. Balancing the need for surveillance with the rights to privacy requires careful consideration and clear legal guidelines.

Technical Limitations

GPS technology can be affected by environmental factors such as tall buildings, dense forests, and weather conditions, which can impact the accuracy and reliability of tracking data.

Potential for Over-Reliance

There is a risk of over-relying on GPS tracking as a sole method of supervision. It should be used in conjunction with other forms of support and rehabilitation to address the underlying causes of delinquent behavior.

Ethical Considerations

Implementing GPS tracking in juvenile justice involves ethical considerations. Authorities must ensure that the technology is used fairly and justly, respecting the dignity and rights of young offenders. Clear guidelines and oversight are essential to prevent misuse or abuse of the technology.

Future of GPS Tracking in Juvenile Justice

As technology continues to advance, the use of GPS tracking in juvenile justice is likely to expand. Future developments may include more accurate and reliable devices, better integration with other monitoring systems, and enhanced data analysis capabilities to provide deeper insights into offender behavior and compliance.

Integration with Other Technologies

Combining GPS tracking with other technologies, such as biometric monitoring or artificial intelligence, could provide a more comprehensive approach to monitoring and rehabilitation.

Improved Support Systems

Enhancing the support systems that accompany GPS tracking, such as counseling, education, and vocational training, can help address the root causes of delinquency and support the rehabilitation of young offenders.


GPS tracking is a powerful tool in the juvenile justice system, offering real-time monitoring, increased accountability, and cost-effective management of young offenders. While it presents several benefits, it also requires careful consideration of privacy, ethical, and technical challenges. By balancing these factors, GPS tracking can effectively contribute to the rehabilitation and safe management of juvenile offenders, ultimately supporting their reintegration into society.


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Last Modified: 05/25/2024

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