John Howard | Definition

Doc's CJ Glossary by Adam J. McKee
Course: Introduction

John Howard was an important English prison reformer during the penitentiary movement.

John Howard was a significant figure in the history of prison reform in England during the penitentiary movement. He was born on September 2, 1726, in Hackney, a suburb of London. Howard was the son of a wealthy upholsterer who later became a successful businessman. He received his education at a private school and then went on to study law. Howard inherited a considerable amount of wealth from his father, which gave him the financial independence to pursue his interests.

In the mid-18th century, the prison system in England was in a deplorable state. The conditions were filthy and inhumane, and prisoners were often subjected to torture, starvation, and disease. The penitentiary movement was a response to this situation, and it aimed to reform the prison system by emphasizing rehabilitation and education rather than punishment. John Howard was one of the pioneers of this movement, and his efforts led to significant improvements in the prison system.

Howard began his prison reform work in the early 1770s after witnessing the terrible conditions in Bedford gaol while on a business trip. He was shocked by the inhumane treatment of prisoners and the widespread corruption in the system. This experience inspired him to visit other prisons throughout England and to document the conditions he found there.

Howard’s visits to prisons were extensive, and he traveled throughout England, Scotland, and Europe, visiting over 200 prisons. He was meticulous in his documentation of the conditions he found, and he published his findings in his book, “The State of the Prisons in England and Wales,” in 1777. The book was widely read and led to public outrage over the conditions in the prisons.

Howard’s work did not stop with his book. He continued to advocate for prison reform and worked tirelessly to promote the penitentiary movement. He believed that prisoners should be treated with dignity and respect and that education and work were essential to their rehabilitation. He also advocated for the separation of prisoners based on the severity of their crimes and for the establishment of better prison hygiene.

Howard’s work had a significant impact on the prison system in England. His advocacy led to the passage of several important pieces of legislation, including the Penitentiary Act of 1779, which called for the establishment of new prisons and the appointment of inspectors to oversee the conditions in the prisons. The Act also called for the abolition of fees charged to prisoners, which had been a source of corruption in the system.

In addition to his work on prison reform, John Howard was also involved in other humanitarian causes. He supported the abolition of the slave trade and was a vocal advocate for the rights of the poor. He died on January 20, 1790, while on a tour of Russia, where he was investigating the conditions of prisons there.

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Last Modified: 04/23/2023

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