Katz v. United States (1967) | Definition

Doc's CJ Glossary by Adam J. McKee

Katz v. United States (1967) established that the Fourth Amendment protects people’s reasonable expectations of privacy, even in public places.


Katz v. United States (1967) is a landmark Supreme Court case that redefined the scope of the Fourth Amendment’s protection against unreasonable searches and seizures. The case involved government wiretapping of a public phone booth without a warrant. The Court ruled that the Fourth Amendment applies to people, not just physical places, and introduced the concept of a “reasonable expectation of privacy.” This decision significantly influenced how courts interpret privacy rights in the context of law enforcement surveillance and technological advancements.

Case Background

In the 1960s, Charles Katz was suspected of illegal gambling activities, specifically placing bets across state lines. Federal agents, seeking evidence against him, placed an electronic listening device outside a public phone booth he frequently used. The government did not obtain a warrant before recording Katz’s conversations.

Katz was later convicted based on the recorded evidence. He argued that the wiretapping violated his Fourth Amendment rights. However, the government claimed that because the phone booth was in a public space, Katz had no reasonable expectation of privacy. The case eventually reached the U.S. Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court’s Ruling

The Supreme Court ruled in favor of Charles Katz, overturning his conviction and fundamentally reshaping the interpretation of the Fourth Amendment. In a 7-1 decision, the Court held that constitutional protections against unreasonable searches and seizures extend beyond physical intrusions into private property. This marked a departure from previous cases that required a physical trespass for the Fourth Amendment to apply. Justice Potter Stewart, delivering the majority opinion, emphasized this shift, stating, “The Fourth Amendment protects people, not places.” This statement became one of the most influential principles in Fourth Amendment jurisprudence, reinforcing the idea that privacy rights belong to individuals rather than being confined to specific locations.

The Court’s ruling introduced a critical new framework for assessing whether government surveillance or searches violate the Fourth Amendment. Before Katz, cases such as Olmstead v. United States (1928) had established that law enforcement could conduct electronic surveillance without a warrant as long as they did not physically intrude on a suspect’s property. The Katz decision rejected this outdated standard, recognizing that advances in technology allowed the government to gather personal information without ever stepping onto private property. By moving away from a strict property-based approach, the Court acknowledged that privacy could be compromised in ways beyond physical trespass, particularly through electronic surveillance methods.

A key element of the ruling was the establishment of the reasonable expectation of privacy standard, which became a guiding principle in Fourth Amendment cases. Rather than focusing solely on whether the government physically entered a protected space, courts were now required to consider whether an individual’s expectation of privacy was reasonable under the circumstances. This meant that even when a person was in a public or semi-public space, they could still claim Fourth Amendment protection if they had a legitimate expectation of privacy. For instance, Katz had entered a phone booth, closed the door, and acted as though his conversation was private. The Court determined that he had a reasonable expectation that his words would not be intercepted without judicial oversight, even though he was in a location accessible to the public.

In rejecting the government’s argument that Katz had no privacy rights in a public phone booth, the Court made clear that Fourth Amendment protections were not confined to private homes or personal property. The ruling acknowledged that modern life often requires people to conduct personal business outside their homes, including making phone calls, handling financial transactions, and engaging in confidential discussions in public settings. By recognizing privacy expectations beyond strictly private spaces, Katz set a precedent for future cases involving surveillance in cars, workplaces, and digital communications. The decision ensured that constitutional protections evolved alongside societal changes and technological advancements.

The Supreme Court’s decision in Katz v. United States significantly expanded the scope of the Fourth Amendment and altered how courts evaluate government surveillance practices. By shifting the focus from physical trespass to privacy expectations, the ruling provided a flexible and adaptable standard for assessing search and seizure cases. This approach allowed courts to address new privacy concerns arising from developing technologies, such as wiretapping, GPS tracking, and digital data collection. The Katz decision remains one of the most influential rulings in criminal procedure, shaping ongoing debates about privacy rights, law enforcement surveillance, and constitutional protections in an increasingly digital world.

The Katz Test: Expectation of Privacy

Justice John Marshall Harlan II, in his concurring opinion, outlined what became known as the Katz Test, a two-part standard used to evaluate whether a government action constitutes a Fourth Amendment search:

  1. Subjective Expectation of Privacy: The individual must demonstrate that they expected privacy in the situation.
  2. Objective Expectation of Privacy: Society must recognize that expectation as reasonable.

This test has been applied in various cases to determine whether law enforcement activities require a warrant. Courts use it to assess privacy rights in new contexts, including digital surveillance and data collection.

Impact on Fourth Amendment Law

The ruling in Katz v. United States shifted the legal focus from physical trespass to privacy expectations. This decision has had long-lasting effects on criminal justice and constitutional law, influencing later Supreme Court cases and law enforcement practices.

Warrant Requirements and Surveillance

Before Katz, courts often required physical intrusion to determine if a Fourth Amendment violation occurred. After Katz, courts recognized that even non-physical intrusions, such as electronic surveillance, could violate privacy rights. This led to stricter warrant requirements for wiretapping and other surveillance methods.

Influence on Later Cases

Several Supreme Court cases have relied on Katz to evaluate modern privacy concerns:

  • United States v. Jones (2012): The Court ruled that placing a GPS tracker on a suspect’s vehicle without a warrant violated the Fourth Amendment. While the ruling focused on physical trespass, it acknowledged that Katz introduced privacy-based protections.
  • Carpenter v. United States (2018): The Court ruled that law enforcement needed a warrant to access cell phone location records. The decision relied heavily on Katz and the expectation of privacy test.

These cases demonstrate how Katz continues to shape legal standards in the digital age.

Challenges and Limitations

While Katz expanded Fourth Amendment protections, it also raised questions about how courts determine privacy expectations. Some critics argue that the test is too vague, allowing different judges to reach inconsistent conclusions. Additionally, changing technology complicates the application of Katz, as courts must decide what constitutes a reasonable expectation of privacy in new contexts, such as social media, cloud storage, and facial recognition technology.


Katz v. United States (1967) transformed Fourth Amendment law by shifting the focus from physical trespass to privacy expectations. The decision established the reasonable expectation of privacy test, which continues to influence legal interpretations of search and seizure protections. As technology evolves, courts will likely continue to rely on Katz to address new privacy challenges in the criminal justice system.

[ Glossary ]

Last Modified: 03/01/2025


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