Low self-control, a concept from criminology, refers to an individual’s inability to resist immediate temptations, leading to impulsive, risk-taking, or criminal behavior.
Understanding Low Self-Control in Criminology
Low self-control is a core idea in criminology, primarily associated with Gottfredson and Hirschi’s General Theory of Crime (1990). This theory argues that individuals with poor self-control are more likely to engage in criminal activities because they prioritize immediate gratification over long-term consequences. According to this perspective, self-control is largely shaped in childhood and remains stable throughout life.
The General Theory of Crime
In their influential work, criminologists Michael R. Gottfredson and Travis Hirschi introduced the General Theory of Crime, which links low self-control to criminal and deviant behavior. They argue that people with low self-control tend to:
- Seek immediate pleasure without considering consequences.
- Act impulsively rather than planning their actions.
- Engage in risky behaviors, including crime, substance abuse, and reckless driving.
- Have difficulty maintaining stable relationships and jobs.
According to this theory, low self-control is the primary cause of crime, assuming that opportunities for crime exist. The theory suggests that self-control develops in childhood through effective parenting and remains relatively stable after early adolescence.
Characteristics of Low Self-Control
People with low self-control exhibit certain consistent behaviors. These traits increase the likelihood of engaging in criminal or reckless activities. Understanding these characteristics helps explain why individuals with low self-control are more prone to impulsive and potentially harmful actions.
Impulsivity is one of the most defining traits of low self-control. Individuals who struggle with impulsivity tend to act on their immediate desires without considering the future consequences of their actions. Rather than carefully weighing options and making informed decisions, they often choose the most readily available or gratifying option, even if it is risky. For example, a person with low self-control may steal a valuable item from a store without thinking about the possibility of being caught and punished. Similarly, they may engage in violent outbursts during arguments instead of using problem-solving skills to resolve conflicts. This tendency to act without forethought makes them more likely to engage in criminal behavior, substance abuse, and other reckless activities. Impulsivity can also create difficulties in personal and professional relationships, as others may find it hard to trust or depend on someone who consistently makes rash decisions.
Preference for Simple Tasks
Another hallmark of low self-control is a preference for tasks that provide immediate rewards with minimal effort. Individuals with this characteristic often struggle with activities that require patience, sustained effort, or long-term commitment. They tend to avoid complex or demanding tasks because they lack the discipline to see them through to completion. This can manifest in various aspects of life, such as school, work, and personal responsibilities. For instance, a student with low self-control may neglect studying for an important exam because the effort required seems overwhelming, choosing instead to engage in an easy, pleasurable activity like watching television. In the workplace, such individuals may have trouble holding a steady job because they avoid tasks that require persistence and long-term planning. Their preference for quick and effortless rewards can also lead to criminal behavior, as crimes like theft, fraud, or drug dealing often provide immediate financial gain without the need for hard work.
Risk-Taking Behavior
People with low self-control are more likely to engage in risky behaviors, often without fully considering the dangers involved. They may participate in activities such as reckless driving, gambling, substance abuse, or criminal acts simply because these behaviors offer excitement, thrill, or immediate gratification. This willingness to take risks without caution increases the chances of accidents, injuries, and legal consequences. For example, an individual with low self-control might drive at high speeds because it feels exciting, ignoring the possibility of getting into a fatal accident or receiving a traffic violation. Similarly, they may experiment with illegal drugs without considering the long-term health risks or legal penalties. The tendency to engage in high-risk behaviors is closely linked to criminal activity, as many crimes involve significant personal or legal risks. In some cases, individuals with low self-control may even seek out danger or adrenaline-inducing situations because they lack the ability to regulate their impulses effectively.
Short-Term Focus
People with low self-control often prioritize immediate gratification over long-term benefits. They focus on what they want in the moment rather than considering how their choices will impact their future. This short-term mindset can have serious consequences in various areas of life, including finances, relationships, and overall well-being. For instance, someone with low self-control may impulsively spend their entire paycheck on unnecessary purchases instead of budgeting for essential expenses like rent or savings. This can lead to chronic financial instability and debt. In relationships, individuals with a short-term focus may engage in infidelity or dishonest behavior because they prioritize momentary pleasure over long-term trust and commitment. The same mindset can contribute to criminal activity, as individuals may commit theft, fraud, or violent crimes because they see an immediate reward without considering the long-term consequences of arrest, incarceration, or social stigma. Their inability to delay gratification makes them vulnerable to repeated poor decision-making, which can create a cycle of ongoing problems.
Insensitivity to Others
Many individuals with low self-control struggle with empathy and have difficulty understanding or caring about how their actions affect others. This insensitivity can contribute to aggressive, manipulative, or antisocial behavior. Because they are primarily focused on their own desires and impulses, they may disregard the feelings, rights, or well-being of those around them. For example, someone with low self-control may engage in bullying, verbal abuse, or physical violence without feeling remorse for the harm they cause. In more extreme cases, this lack of concern for others can contribute to serious criminal behavior, such as robbery or assault, where the perpetrator disregards the suffering of the victim in pursuit of their own gain. Additionally, this trait can negatively affect relationships, as individuals with low self-control may lie, cheat, or manipulate others to serve their own interests. Their inability to consider the perspectives and emotions of others can lead to repeated conflicts, damaged social connections, and a general disregard for moral or ethical standards.
Lack of Diligence and Persistence
Individuals with low self-control often struggle with tasks that require patience, discipline, and delayed rewards. They tend to give up easily when faced with challenges or difficulties, preferring immediate gratification over long-term success. This lack of diligence can have serious consequences in education, employment, and personal development. For example, a student with low self-control may drop out of school rather than putting in the effort needed to improve their grades. In a work setting, they may frequently change jobs or perform poorly because they lack the motivation to complete tasks that require sustained effort. The inability to persist through challenges can also contribute to criminal behavior, as crime often provides a shortcut to rewards without the need for hard work. Rather than working towards financial stability through legal employment, individuals with low self-control may turn to theft, fraud, or drug dealing because these activities offer quicker, though riskier, financial returns. Their lack of persistence can also make rehabilitation and behavior change difficult, as they may struggle to commit to long-term efforts such as addiction treatment, education programs, or job training.
The characteristics of low self-control—impulsivity, preference for simple tasks, risk-taking behavior, short-term focus, insensitivity to others, and lack of diligence—are all strongly linked to criminal behavior and other negative life outcomes. These traits make it difficult for individuals to make responsible decisions, resist temptations, and plan for the future. While low self-control does not guarantee criminal behavior, it significantly increases the likelihood of engaging in actions that violate laws or social norms. Understanding these characteristics can help in designing crime prevention strategies, rehabilitation programs, and early intervention efforts aimed at improving self-control in individuals at risk.
Development of Self-Control
The General Theory of Crime, proposed by Gottfredson and Hirschi (1990), suggests that self-control is primarily learned during childhood through proper parenting. According to this theory, children develop self-control when their caregivers consistently monitor their behavior, recognize inappropriate actions, and apply corrective discipline. If these steps are neglected, a child is likely to develop low self-control, which may persist into adulthood and increase the likelihood of engaging in delinquent or criminal behavior. The theory also emphasizes that once self-control is established in early childhood, it remains relatively stable throughout life, meaning that efforts to instill self-discipline must occur at a young age.
The development of self-control depends on three essential parental factors: monitoring behavior, recognizing impulsivity, and correcting misconduct. Each of these factors plays a crucial role in shaping a child’s ability to regulate impulses, make thoughtful decisions, and consider long-term consequences.
Monitoring a Child’s Behavior
The first key factor in developing self-control is parental monitoring. This means that caregivers must actively observe and supervise their child’s actions, emotions, and interactions with others. Effective monitoring allows parents to understand their child’s behavioral patterns, identify potential problems, and intervene before impulsive tendencies become ingrained.
Children who receive close supervision are more likely to internalize self-discipline because they recognize that their actions are being observed and evaluated. For example, a parent who notices that their child frequently interrupts conversations or grabs toys from others can take steps to teach patience and respect for others’ boundaries. By contrast, children who are left unsupervised for long periods or whose actions go unnoticed may continue engaging in impulsive or inappropriate behaviors without correction.
Parental monitoring also involves setting rules and expectations for behavior. When children understand that they are being watched and held accountable, they are more likely to think before acting. Research has shown that children with involved, attentive parents are less likely to engage in delinquent behaviors, such as stealing, aggression, or dishonesty, because they learn to associate poor behavior with consequences.
In contrast, a lack of parental supervision has been linked to poor self-control, which may contribute to future criminal behavior. If parents are absent, neglectful, or fail to establish behavioral expectations, children may develop a sense of autonomy without responsibility. This can lead to impulsive decision-making, poor risk assessment, and an increased likelihood of engaging in reckless or criminal acts later in life.
Recognizing Impulsive or Inappropriate Behavior
The second critical component in the development of self-control is recognizing impulsive or inappropriate behavior. Children naturally exhibit impulsivity as they explore their environment and test boundaries. However, parents and caregivers must be able to identify when a child’s behavior is problematic and requires intervention.
Recognizing impulsivity involves distinguishing between normal childhood curiosity and problematic patterns of behavior that may lead to long-term issues. For instance, while it is natural for young children to struggle with waiting their turn, consistently disruptive, aggressive, or reckless actions may indicate a lack of self-control that requires correction. If a child frequently acts without thinking, engages in unnecessary risks, or disregards rules, these behaviors should not be ignored.
Caregivers who fail to recognize these warning signs may unintentionally reinforce impulsive tendencies. If a child throws a tantrum in a store and receives a toy as a way to calm down, they learn that impulsivity leads to rewards rather than consequences. Over time, this conditioning can contribute to an inability to delay gratification, a trait strongly associated with criminal behavior.
On the other hand, parents who recognize problematic behavior early can take proactive steps to teach self-discipline and impulse control. This might involve calmly explaining why certain actions are unacceptable, encouraging the child to reflect on their choices, or implementing consistent consequences for misbehavior. When children learn that impulsive behavior leads to predictable and unfavorable outcomes, they gradually develop the ability to regulate their actions and think before making decisions.
Correcting Such Behavior Consistently
The third essential element in developing self-control is consistent correction of inappropriate behavior. Recognizing impulsivity is only the first step—effective parenting requires actively guiding children toward better decision-making through discipline, reinforcement, and modeling self-control.
Consistency is key. If parents respond unpredictably to their child’s behavior—sometimes punishing impulsivity and other times ignoring it—the child may struggle to understand which behaviors are unacceptable. Inconsistent discipline can create confusion and fail to establish clear behavioral boundaries. For example, if a child is scolded for lying one day but praised for an exaggeration the next, they may not internalize the importance of honesty.
Effective correction involves teaching rather than merely punishing. Rather than simply imposing consequences, caregivers should explain why certain behaviors are problematic and encourage the child to make better choices. For instance, if a child hits another child out of frustration, a parent might say, “Hitting hurts others and is not how we solve problems. Next time, use your words to explain why you are upset.” This approach helps children develop emotional regulation skills and promotes self-reflection, which are crucial for building self-control.
Discipline should also be age-appropriate and proportional to the behavior. Harsh or excessive punishment can lead to resentment or defiance rather than learning, while overly lenient responses may fail to deter negative behavior. Research has shown that authoritative parenting—which balances firm discipline with warmth and guidance—is the most effective approach for fostering self-control in children.
Parents can also reinforce self-control through positive reinforcement. When children demonstrate patience, delayed gratification, or thoughtful decision-making, they should receive praise or rewards that reinforce these behaviors. For example, a child who waits patiently for their turn in a game can be acknowledged with a simple statement like, “Great job waiting! That shows good self-control.” Over time, these reinforcements help shape a child’s ability to regulate impulses and behave responsibly.
The Long-Term Impact of Self-Control Development
According to the General Theory of Crime, self-control, once established in childhood, remains relatively stable throughout life. This means that children who fail to develop self-control early may struggle with impulsivity and risk-taking behaviors well into adulthood. Studies have shown that low self-control in childhood is a strong predictor of future criminal behavior, substance abuse, and financial difficulties.
However, some researchers challenge the idea that self-control is entirely stable, suggesting that it can be improved through life experiences, education, and structured interventions. Programs that teach emotional regulation, problem-solving, and impulse control skills can help individuals with low self-control make better choices later in life. While early childhood is the most critical period for developing self-discipline, opportunities for growth and change exist at every stage of life.
The development of self-control is a fundamental process that shapes a person’s ability to make responsible choices and avoid criminal behavior. According to the General Theory of Crime, self-control is learned during childhood through parental monitoring, recognition of impulsive behavior, and consistent correction. Children who receive strong guidance and discipline from caregivers are more likely to develop self-discipline, while those who lack supervision or correction may struggle with impulsivity and risk-taking throughout life. While self-control is generally stable once developed, interventions and structured programs can help individuals improve their decision-making skills. Understanding the process of self-control development is essential for designing effective crime prevention strategies, educational programs, and rehabilitation efforts.
Low Self-Control and Crime
Gottfredson and Hirschi argue that low self-control increases the likelihood of engaging in crime when an opportunity arises. People with low self-control do not necessarily seek out crime but are more likely to commit offenses when the situation allows it.
Types of Crimes Linked to Low Self-Control
Studies have linked low self-control to various criminal behaviors, including:
- Violent crimes – Assault, domestic violence, and homicide often result from impulsive reactions.
- Property crimes – Theft, burglary, and vandalism are sometimes committed by individuals seeking quick rewards.
- Substance abuse – Drug and alcohol use is common among those who struggle with self-control.
- White-collar crime – Fraud and embezzlement can also be linked to a lack of self-discipline.
Research supports the idea that low self-control is a strong predictor of criminal behavior, although other factors, such as environmental influences, also play a role.
Criticism of the Low Self-Control Theory
While the General Theory of Crime is widely accepted, it has also been criticized for several reasons:
- Stability of Self-Control – Some researchers argue that self-control can change over time due to life experiences, therapy, or rehabilitation programs.
- Other Causes of Crime – Critics suggest that factors like poverty, peer influence, and social structures also play significant roles in criminal behavior, which the theory does not fully address.
- Overemphasis on Parenting – While parental influence is crucial, other factors such as genetics, education, and social conditions may also affect self-control development.
- Limited Scope – The theory primarily focuses on individual choices, overlooking broader societal influences on crime.
Despite these critiques, the concept of low self-control remains an essential part of criminological research.
Policy Implications
Understanding low self-control can help in designing crime prevention strategies. Some key approaches include:
Early Childhood Interventions
Since self-control develops in childhood, programs aimed at teaching discipline, emotional regulation, and delayed gratification can reduce future criminal behavior.
Parental Education Programs
Helping parents learn effective monitoring and discipline techniques can improve a child’s ability to develop self-control.
School-Based Programs
Education systems can incorporate self-discipline training, teaching students how to manage impulses and think about long-term consequences.
Rehabilitation for Offenders
Although the theory suggests self-control remains stable, some rehabilitation programs focus on behavior modification, teaching offenders skills to resist impulsive behaviors.
Low self-control is a significant predictor of criminal and deviant behavior, as outlined in Gottfredson and Hirschi’s General Theory of Crime. Individuals with low self-control often act impulsively, seek immediate gratification, and engage in risky behaviors. While the theory has been criticized for its limitations, it remains a key framework in criminology. Understanding the role of self-control can help shape crime prevention strategies, focusing on early childhood development, parental education, and rehabilitation programs.
[ Glossary ]
Last Modified: 03/02/2025