Microtheories | Definition

Doc's CJ Glossary by Adam J. McKee

Microtheories explain crime by focusing on individual and small-group factors, such as personal traits, social interactions, and decision-making processes.

Understanding Microtheories in Criminology

Criminology seeks to understand why people commit crimes, and microtheories provide explanations at the individual or small-group level. Unlike macrotheories, which examine broad social structures and large-scale trends, microtheories focus on personal characteristics, psychological influences, and immediate social environments. These theories explore how factors like personality, upbringing, peer influence, and cognitive processes shape criminal behavior.

Key Features of Microtheories

Microtheories in criminology focus on understanding crime at the individual level, setting them apart from broader criminological perspectives that examine societal trends. These theories aim to explain why some individuals engage in criminal behavior while others in similar circumstances do not. By concentrating on personal motivations and decision-making processes, microtheories provide valuable insight into the psychological and social factors influencing criminal actions.

A defining characteristic of microtheories is their emphasis on individual motivations and rational choices. They explore the reasons behind an individual’s decision to commit a crime, considering factors such as personal experiences, perceived rewards, and the influence of emotions. Unlike macrotheories, which analyze crime in terms of large-scale social structures and trends, microtheories focus on the specific factors that drive individuals toward criminal behavior.

Biological, psychological, and social interactions also play a significant role in microtheories. Some perspectives within this category examine genetic predispositions or neurological differences that may increase a person’s likelihood of engaging in criminal activity. Others investigate psychological traits, such as personality disorders or cognitive biases, that influence criminal decision-making. Additionally, social relationships—such as peer pressure, family dynamics, or exposure to deviant role models—are commonly explored within microtheoretical frameworks.

Another key feature of microtheories is their focus on specific crimes rather than overall crime patterns in society. These theories seek to understand why certain individuals commit particular types of offenses, such as violent crimes, theft, or fraud. By narrowing the scope of study, microtheories allow criminologists to develop targeted interventions and prevention strategies tailored to specific criminal behaviors.

Finally, microtheories rely heavily on empirical studies involving individuals or small groups. Researchers use experiments, interviews, and case studies to gather data on criminal behavior, making these theories evidence-based and testable.

Psychological Theories of Crime

One of the main branches of microtheories involves psychological explanations for criminal behavior. These theories examine how mental processes, personality traits, and emotional responses contribute to crime.

Psychoanalytic Theory

Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory suggests that human behavior, including criminal behavior, results from unconscious conflicts within the mind. Freud divided the psyche into three components:

  • Id – The primal, pleasure-seeking part of the mind.
  • Ego – The rational part that balances desires with reality.
  • Superego – The moral conscience that governs behavior.

According to Freud, an underdeveloped superego or an overactive id can lead to impulsive, antisocial behavior, increasing the likelihood of criminal activity.

Personality and Crime

Psychologists have also linked certain personality traits to criminal behavior. Hans Eysenck’s theory of personality suggests that criminals often display high levels of extraversion, neuroticism, and psychoticism. These traits influence how individuals respond to stimuli, control impulses, and learn from past experiences.

Research indicates that impulsivity, aggression, and lack of empathy are common traits among individuals with a higher risk of engaging in criminal behavior.

Cognitive Theories

Cognitive theories focus on how people perceive, process, and interpret information. Lawrence Kohlberg’s theory of moral development suggests that individuals progress through different stages of moral reasoning. Those who fail to develop advanced moral reasoning may justify criminal behavior as acceptable.

Similarly, Albert Bandura’s social learning theory argues that people learn behaviors, including crime, by observing others. If individuals see crime rewarded or normalized in their environment, they are more likely to adopt those behaviors.

Biological Theories of Crime

Biological explanations of crime focus on genetic, neurological, and physiological factors that influence criminal behavior. While early biological theories, such as Cesare Lombroso’s idea of the “born criminal,” have been discredited, modern research continues to explore biological influences.

Genetic Influences

Studies on twins and adopted children suggest that genetic factors play a role in criminal behavior. Research has identified certain genes linked to aggression and impulsivity, such as the MAOA gene (sometimes called the “warrior gene”). However, genetics alone do not determine criminal behavior; environmental factors also play a crucial role.

Neurological Factors

Brain studies have shown that abnormalities in the prefrontal cortex, which regulates impulse control and decision-making, are associated with criminal tendencies. Individuals with damage or underdevelopment in this area may struggle with controlling aggression and making rational choices.

Biochemical Factors

Hormonal imbalances and chemical influences also contribute to criminal behavior. Higher levels of testosterone have been linked to increased aggression, while low serotonin levels are associated with impulsive and violent behavior. Substance abuse can further alter brain chemistry and increase the likelihood of engaging in crime.

Social Process Theories

Microtheories also examine how social interactions influence criminal behavior. Social process theories emphasize that crime results from learned behaviors, relationships, and experiences.

Differential Association Theory

Edwin Sutherland’s differential association theory argues that people learn criminal behavior through interactions with others. According to this theory:

  • Crime is learned through communication.
  • Individuals become criminals when exposed to an excess of pro-crime attitudes.
  • The frequency, duration, intensity, and priority of these influences determine their effect.

This theory highlights the role of peer groups, family, and close relationships in shaping criminal behavior.

Social Control Theory

Travis Hirschi’s social control theory suggests that people refrain from crime due to strong social bonds with family, school, and community. When these bonds weaken, individuals are more likely to engage in delinquent behavior. Hirschi identified four key elements of social bonds:

  • Attachment – Connections to others who encourage lawful behavior.
  • Commitment – Investment in conventional goals and future success.
  • Involvement – Participation in lawful activities that occupy time.
  • Belief – Acceptance of societal norms and moral values.

When these elements weaken, individuals may become more prone to crime.

Labeling Theory

Howard Becker’s labeling theory focuses on how society’s reactions to individuals can influence criminal behavior. When someone is labeled as a criminal, they may internalize that identity and continue engaging in crime. This theory suggests that stigmatization and social reactions play a significant role in criminal careers.

Rational Choice and Routine Activities Theories

Microtheories also explore how individual decision-making influences crime. These perspectives suggest that people commit crimes when the benefits outweigh the risks.

Rational Choice Theory

Rational choice theory assumes that criminals weigh the costs and benefits of their actions. If the potential reward is high and the risk is low, individuals may choose to commit crimes. This theory suggests that crime can be reduced by increasing deterrents, such as stricter laws, surveillance, and stronger law enforcement presence.

Routine Activities Theory

Lawrence Cohen and Marcus Felson’s routine activities theory argues that crime occurs when three factors converge:

  1. A motivated offender.
  2. A suitable target.
  3. The absence of capable guardians.

This theory explains why certain environments, such as unprotected homes or poorly lit streets, experience higher crime rates. It also suggests that crime prevention strategies should focus on reducing opportunities for crime.

Criticisms of Microtheories

While microtheories offer important insights into criminal behavior, they are not without their criticisms. One of the main concerns is that these theories often overemphasize individual responsibility while overlooking broader social and structural issues. By focusing on personal choices, psychological traits, or biological factors, microtheories may ignore the significant role that systemic inequalities, economic conditions, and cultural influences play in shaping criminal behavior. Critics argue that crime is not just a result of individual decision-making but also a reflection of larger societal forces such as poverty, discrimination, and lack of opportunity.

Another criticism of microtheories is their struggle to explain large-scale crime trends. Because these theories concentrate on individual behavior, they often fail to account for widespread patterns of crime that occur across different communities, regions, or historical periods. For example, while a microtheory might explain why a particular person commits theft, it may not effectively address why crime rates rise during economic recessions or why certain neighborhoods experience higher levels of crime than others. In contrast, macrotheories, which examine crime at the societal level, are often better suited for understanding these broader patterns.

Additionally, some microtheories—especially those rooted in psychological and biological explanations—face criticism for lacking strong empirical evidence. While social factors such as peer influence and learned behavior have been widely studied and supported, biological and psychological theories sometimes rely on speculative assumptions or studies with small sample sizes. For example, theories linking genetics to criminal behavior have been met with skepticism due to ethical concerns and the difficulty of isolating biological factors from environmental influences.

Despite these critiques, microtheories remain essential for understanding the personal motivations and behaviors that contribute to crime. They provide detailed, individualized explanations that help criminologists, law enforcement, and policymakers develop targeted prevention and rehabilitation strategies.


Microtheories in criminology offer detailed explanations of crime by focusing on individual traits, psychological factors, biological influences, and social interactions. These theories help criminologists, law enforcement, and policymakers understand criminal behavior at a personal level. By combining insights from psychology, biology, and sociology, microtheories contribute to crime prevention strategies and rehabilitation efforts.

[ Glossary ]

Last Modified: 03/02/2025


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