Office of the Deputy Attorney General | Definition

Doc's CJ Glossary by Adam J. McKee
Course: Introduction

The Office of the Deputy Attorney General assists the Attorney General in managing the Department of Justice and its various components.

Understanding the Office of the Deputy Attorney General

The Office of the Deputy Attorney General, or ODAG, is an important part of the U.S. Department of Justice. Above all, this office assists the Attorney General in managing the Department of Justice. The Deputy Attorney General (DAG) is the second-highest-ranking official in the department.

Role and Responsibility of the Deputy Attorney General

As the second-in-command, the Deputy Attorney General has numerous responsibilities. Not only do they support the Attorney General, but also they often handle many of the department’s day-to-day operations. This way, the Attorney General can focus on the broader policy issues.

Whether the Attorney General needs help with decision-making or wants support managing the department, the Deputy Attorney General is there to help. They work closely with the Attorney General to ensure that the department runs smoothly and efficiently.

Supervising Department Components

Another important duty of the DAG is supervising the department’s components. These include various divisions and offices within the Department of Justice. After all, the DOJ is a vast organization, with many different parts working on various aspects of law enforcement and legal matters.

Accordingly, the DAG ensures that each part of the department is working effectively. They might oversee a specific investigation or provide guidance on legal issues. No sooner does a problem arise than the DAG steps in to resolve it, ensuring the department’s functioning is seamless.

Acting Attorney General

If the Attorney General is unable to perform their duties for any reason, the Deputy Attorney General steps in. They become the acting Attorney General, taking on all the responsibilities of the position. This is a significant role, showing just how much trust and responsibility is placed on the DAG.

Role in Criminal Justice

In the context of criminal justice, the DAG plays a key role. Afterward, they have a hand in developing and implementing policies related to law enforcement and criminal prosecutions. Additionally, they can influence how laws are enforced and how justice is administered.

All things considered, the Office of the Deputy Attorney General is crucial in the U.S. Department of Justice. They help manage the department, oversee its various components, and step in as the acting Attorney General when needed.


All in all, the Office of the Deputy Attorney General is an essential part of the Department of Justice. Both assisting the Attorney General and supervising the DOJ’s components, the Deputy Attorney General ensures that justice is effectively served across the United States. Whether it’s overseeing operations or stepping in as the Acting Attorney General, the Office of the Deputy Attorney General plays a vital role in the U.S. criminal justice system.

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Last Modified: 07/02/2023


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