general linear model (GLM) | Definition

The general linear model (GLM) refers to a statistical technique used to analyze relationships between dependent and independent variables using linear equations.

Understanding the General Linear Model

The general linear model (GLM) is a powerful and flexible tool in social science research, helping researchers analyze and understand the relationships between different variables. From exploring the effect of education on income to studying the impact of social media use on mental health, the GLM provides a structured approach for investigating how one or more independent variables influence a dependent variable.

What is the General Linear Model?

The general linear model is a statistical framework that examines relationships between one or more independent variables (predictors) and a dependent variable (outcome). The model assumes that these relationships are linear, meaning that as one variable changes, the outcome changes in a predictable and proportional way. The GLM can be represented by a simple equation:

Y = B0 + B1X1 + B2X2 + … + Bn*Xn + e


  • Y is the dependent variable, or the outcome you are trying to predict.
  • B0 is the intercept, which represents the value of Y when all the X values are zero.
  • B1, B2, … Bn are the coefficients for each independent variable, which show the effect each X (predictor) has on Y (the outcome).
  • X1, X2, … Xn are the independent variables or predictors.
  • e represents the error term, which accounts for any variation in Y that cannot be explained by the independent variables.

This simple equation allows researchers to understand how different predictors contribute to the outcome variable, while the error term represents the portion of the outcome that is unexplained by the model.

Key Concepts in the General Linear Model

Several core ideas are essential to understanding and applying the general linear model correctly in social science research.

1. Linearity

The GLM assumes that the relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable is linear. This means that if you increase or decrease the value of one independent variable by a certain amount, the dependent variable will change by a consistent amount. For example, if you are studying the effect of education on income, a linear relationship means that every additional year of education leads to a consistent increase in income.

2. Independence

The GLM assumes that the independent variables are not related to each other. If two or more independent variables are highly correlated, it can lead to multicollinearity, which can distort the results of the analysis. For instance, if you are studying the effect of both age and years of work experience on income, and these two variables are closely related, it may be difficult to determine the individual contribution of each variable.

3. Homoscedasticity

Homoscedasticity refers to the assumption that the variability of the dependent variable is consistent across all values of the independent variables. In simpler terms, the spread of data points around the predicted line should be roughly the same, regardless of the value of the independent variable. Violating this assumption, called heteroscedasticity, can affect the reliability of the model.

4. Normality of Errors

The GLM assumes that the error term (e) follows a normal distribution. This means that the unexplained portion of the dependent variable should be randomly distributed around zero. If the errors are not normally distributed, it could indicate that the model is not accurately capturing the relationship between the variables.

Applications of the General Linear Model in Social Science Research

The general linear model is used across a wide range of social science disciplines, including psychology, sociology, economics, education, and political science. Here are some practical applications:

1. Predicting Outcomes in Education

In education research, the GLM is often used to examine factors that influence student performance. For example, researchers may use the GLM to analyze the impact of variables like parental education, school funding, and hours of study on students’ standardized test scores. By fitting a linear equation to the data, researchers can determine which factors have the most significant influence on academic achievement.

2. Analyzing Social Behavior

Sociologists use the GLM to explore the relationships between social factors and behaviors. For instance, a sociologist might study the relationship between social media usage (independent variable) and levels of anxiety or depression (dependent variable). By modeling this relationship, the researcher can assess whether social media use has a significant impact on mental health and how strong that effect is.

3. Economic Modeling

In economics, the GLM is used to examine the relationship between economic factors. An economist might use the GLM to analyze how variables such as education, job experience, and location influence an individual’s salary. The model can reveal which factors contribute the most to salary differences and help predict future income levels based on these factors.

4. Political Science Research

Political scientists frequently use the GLM to study voting patterns and political preferences. For example, a researcher may examine the influence of age, education, income, and political ideology on voting behavior in a recent election. By applying the GLM, the researcher can determine which factors are most strongly associated with voting for a particular candidate or political party.

Assumptions of the General Linear Model

To use the GLM effectively, researchers must ensure that several key assumptions are met:

  1. Linearity: The relationship between the independent and dependent variables should be linear.
  2. Independence: The independent variables should not be correlated with each other (no multicollinearity).
  3. Homoscedasticity: The variance of errors should be constant across all levels of the independent variables.
  4. Normality of Errors: The error terms should follow a normal distribution.

When these assumptions are violated, the results of the GLM may not be accurate. However, researchers can apply techniques such as data transformations, or they may consider using alternative models (like generalized linear models) if their data does not meet the GLM’s assumptions.

Limitations of the General Linear Model

While the GLM is a powerful tool, it does have some limitations. One major limitation is that it assumes the relationships between variables are linear. However, many social phenomena are more complex and do not follow a simple linear pattern. For example, the relationship between age and job performance might be curvilinear, where performance increases with age up to a certain point, then begins to decline.

Additionally, the GLM can struggle with overfitting, especially when too many independent variables are included in the model. Overfitting occurs when the model becomes too complex and starts to fit the noise in the data rather than the true underlying relationships.

Lastly, the GLM is sensitive to outliers, which are extreme values that fall far outside the range of most data points. Outliers can skew the results and lead to inaccurate predictions.

General Linear Model vs. Generalized Linear Model

It’s important not to confuse the general linear model with the generalized linear model. The generalized linear model (GLM) is an extension of the general linear model that allows for non-normal distributions of the dependent variable. While the standard GLM works well for continuous data, the generalized linear model can handle categorical and binary outcomes, making it useful for analyzing things like survey data with yes/no answers or counts of events.


The general linear model is an essential tool in social science research, enabling researchers to explore relationships between variables and make predictions about outcomes. Its flexibility allows it to be applied in a wide range of fields, from education to economics to sociology. However, researchers must ensure that the key assumptions of linearity, independence, homoscedasticity, and normality of errors are met for the results to be reliable. Understanding these principles helps social scientists use the GLM effectively to uncover important patterns and relationships in their data.

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Last Modified: 09/26/2024


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