Independent | Definition

Independent (probability of being selected) refers to a situation where the selection of one unit or event does not influence the probability of selecting another.

Understanding Independent Selection

In social science research, independence refers to the concept that the selection of a sample unit or the occurrence of an event does not affect the probability of selecting other units or events. This concept is vital in probability sampling methods, where researchers aim to ensure that each element of the population has a fair and equal chance of being selected. In an independent selection process, the inclusion of one unit in the sample does not impact the likelihood of other units being chosen. This ensures that each selection is made without bias and that the sample represents the broader population.

Importance of Independence in Research

Independence is a crucial principle when designing research studies, especially those that rely on probability sampling. Probability sampling methods, such as simple random sampling or systematic sampling, rely on the assumption that each participant has an equal and independent chance of being chosen. Without independence, the results of the study may be skewed, leading to biased conclusions.

For example, consider a survey where researchers are interested in studying voting behavior. If participants are selected based on their relationship to others who have already been chosen (such as family members or neighbors), the sample may not be truly representative. Their voting behavior could be influenced by each other, making the results unreliable.

The independent probability of selection ensures that the survey captures the true variety in the population. It prevents clusters of related behaviors from dominating the data, offering a more accurate reflection of the population’s overall characteristics.

Key Characteristics of Independent Probability of Selection

  1. No Influence Between Selections: In independent selection, the probability of choosing one unit does not depend on whether another unit has been selected. Each selection occurs separately, maintaining fairness across the process.
  2. Equal Probability for All Units: Every unit in the population must have an equal probability of being selected. This is crucial for random sampling methods, ensuring that the sample represents the population without any bias or preference for particular units.
  3. Prevention of Sampling Bias: Independence in selection helps prevent sampling bias, where certain units are more likely to be included in the sample due to non-random factors. Sampling bias can distort research findings, making the results less generalizable to the broader population.
  4. Applicability in Different Sampling Methods: Independent probability of selection can be applied in various sampling methods, such as simple random sampling, systematic sampling, and stratified sampling. In each case, independence ensures that the sampling process is unbiased and fair.

How Independent Selection Works in Practice

To better understand independent selection, let’s examine how it works in common sampling techniques used in social science research.

1. Simple Random Sampling

In simple random sampling, researchers randomly select units from the population, and each unit has an equal chance of being chosen. The independence of selection is maintained because the selection of one unit does not affect the probability of selecting another.

For example, imagine you are conducting a survey to measure public opinion on a new policy. You have a list of all eligible voters, and you randomly select participants by using a random number generator. Since each voter has an equal and independent chance of being selected, the sample should be representative of the broader voting population.

2. Systematic Sampling

In systematic sampling, researchers select units at regular intervals from an ordered list. Although this method may not appear random at first glance, it can still produce independent selections as long as the starting point is chosen randomly. By selecting every nth individual from a list, researchers ensure a level of independence, as each selection is spaced out in a systematic manner.

For instance, if you are surveying employees in a large company, you could create an ordered list of employees based on their employee number. By choosing every 10th employee, starting from a randomly selected individual, you maintain the principle of independence.

3. Stratified Sampling

Stratified sampling divides the population into different subgroups or strata, such as gender, age group, or educational level. Researchers then randomly select units from each stratum. Although the population is divided into groups, the independence of selection within each group remains. Researchers randomly choose participants from each stratum, ensuring that the selection of one individual does not influence the selection of others.

For example, if you are studying educational attainment across different age groups, you would divide the population into age-based strata and randomly sample from each. The independence of selection is preserved within each group, preventing any single group from dominating the results.

Mathematical Representation of Independence in Probability Sampling

The concept of independent probability can be expressed mathematically. Suppose you have a population of size N, and you want to select a sample of size n. The probability of selecting any one unit from the population is 1/N. For the second selection to remain independent, the probability of selecting another unit should still be 1/N, regardless of which unit was selected first.

In simple random sampling with replacement (where each unit can be selected more than once), the probability of selecting any unit remains constant at 1/N for every draw. However, the probability changes slightly in simple random sampling without replacement because the population size decreases after each selection. Despite this, the selection process remains independent, as the probability of selecting any specific remaining unit is based solely on the number of units left in the population, not on which units were previously chosen.

Violations of Independence in Selection

When independence in probability selection is violated, the sample may become biased, leading to inaccurate or misleading results. There are several ways this can happen:

  1. Cluster Sampling Without Proper Control: In cluster sampling, researchers divide the population into clusters and randomly select entire clusters for the study. If the clusters are not selected independently, or if the clusters themselves are not representative of the population, this can violate the principle of independence.
  2. Snowball Sampling: Snowball sampling, where participants recruit others into the study, inherently violates the principle of independence. Since the selection of participants is influenced by previous selections, the probability of inclusion is not independent.
  3. Convenience Sampling: In convenience sampling, participants are selected based on their availability or proximity, which often leads to biased results. Because the probability of selection is not random or independent, this type of sampling does not meet the criteria for probability-based research.

Ensuring Independence in Research Design

To ensure the independence of probability selection, researchers should carefully plan their sampling strategy. Here are a few key steps to take:

  1. Use Randomization: Randomization is the most effective way to ensure independence in selection. By using random number generators or lottery methods, researchers can eliminate biases and ensure that each unit has an equal chance of being selected.
  2. Control for Confounding Variables: In some cases, external variables may influence the probability of selection. Researchers should control for these variables to maintain independence in the sampling process. For example, in stratified sampling, researchers control for characteristics like age or gender to ensure that the sample is representative and that each group is independently selected.
  3. Avoid Chain-Based Sampling: Sampling methods like snowball sampling should be avoided in studies requiring independent selection. If such methods must be used, researchers should acknowledge the limitations and potential biases introduced by the lack of independence.
  4. Account for Sampling Without Replacement: In cases where sampling without replacement is used, researchers should account for the fact that the probability of selection changes slightly with each draw. Although this does not violate independence, researchers should be aware of how the probabilities shift and adjust their calculations accordingly.


In social science research, independent probability of selection ensures that each unit or event is chosen without influencing the likelihood of other units being selected. This principle is vital for producing unbiased, representative samples, particularly in probability sampling methods like simple random sampling and stratified sampling. By maintaining independence, researchers can trust that their findings reflect the true characteristics of the population, leading to more accurate and generalizable conclusions.

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Last Modified: 09/27/2024


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