independent model | Definition

An independent model in Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) refers to a model where variables are assumed to be uncorrelated, serving as a baseline for comparison.

Understanding Independent Models in SEM

What Is an Independent Model?

In Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), an independent model is a baseline model that assumes all variables in the analysis are uncorrelated. This model is often used as a comparison point for evaluating the goodness-of-fit of more complex models that include relationships between variables. Essentially, the independent model represents a situation in which no underlying structure or pattern connects the variables. It assumes that the covariance among all observed variables is zero.

In SEM, researchers are typically interested in understanding the relationships between variables—whether those relationships are direct or mediated through other variables. The independent model acts as a null model, providing a point of reference to see how much improvement is achieved by incorporating hypothesized relationships into the model.

Structural Equation Modeling (SEM): A Quick Overview

To understand the role of the independent model in SEM, it’s essential to first grasp what SEM is. SEM is a multivariate statistical analysis technique that is used to analyze the relationships among multiple variables. It combines elements of factor analysis and regression, allowing researchers to test complex models that involve both latent (unobserved) variables and observed variables.

SEM is particularly powerful because it allows for the modeling of both direct and indirect effects and can simultaneously estimate multiple equations. This makes it a popular tool in social sciences for testing theories that involve complex relationships, such as the impact of educational interventions on student performance or the factors influencing mental health outcomes.

Key components of SEM include:

  • Latent Variables: Variables that are not directly observed but are inferred from other variables (indicators). For example, “intelligence” is a latent variable that might be inferred from test scores.
  • Observed Variables: Directly measured variables that can be used to estimate latent variables or relationships between variables.
  • Path Diagrams: Visual representations of the hypothesized relationships among variables in the model, with arrows showing direct effects between variables.

The goal of SEM is often to test how well a hypothesized model fits the observed data, and this is where the independent model comes into play.

The Role of Independent Models in SEM

In SEM, models are evaluated based on how well they fit the data. One common way to evaluate fit is by comparing the hypothesized model to a baseline or null model. The independent model is a key baseline model in SEM, as it assumes that there are no relationships between the variables being studied. This makes it the simplest possible model that can be tested.

  • Zero Correlations: In an independent model, all the covariances between variables are set to zero. This means that, according to this model, no variable has any relationship with another variable.
  • Baseline for Fit Indices: Fit indices in SEM, such as the Comparative Fit Index (CFI) and the Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI), often compare the hypothesized model to the independent model. These indices tell researchers how much better their model is compared to the independent model. A model with a good fit should explain much more of the covariance between variables than the independent model.
  • Assessing Model Fit: If the hypothesized model fits the data much better than the independent model, it suggests that there are indeed relationships among the variables. On the other hand, if the hypothesized model does not fit much better than the independent model, it may indicate that the proposed relationships among the variables are weak or nonexistent.

Independent Models and Fit Indices

SEM models are assessed using various fit indices, many of which use the independent model as a reference. Some common fit indices include:

  • Comparative Fit Index (CFI): The CFI compares the fit of the hypothesized model to that of the independent model. It ranges from 0 to 1, with values closer to 1 indicating better fit. A value of 0.90 or above is often considered acceptable, though a value of 0.95 or higher is preferred. The CFI shows how much better the hypothesized model fits the data compared to the independent model, which assumes no correlations between variables.
  • Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI): Like the CFI, the TLI compares the fit of the hypothesized model to the independent model. However, the TLI penalizes more complex models, making it a stricter measure of fit. A high TLI (usually above 0.90) indicates that the hypothesized model offers a significant improvement over the independent model.
  • Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA): The RMSEA measures the discrepancy between the hypothesized model and the data, taking into account model complexity. While the RMSEA does not directly compare to the independent model, a low RMSEA (usually below 0.06) indicates that the hypothesized model fits the data well.

These fit indices are crucial in determining whether a hypothesized model provides a good fit to the data compared to the independent model. If a hypothesized model fits much better than the independent model, it suggests that the relationships between variables are meaningful and should be included in the model.

When to Use an Independent Model

Independent models are most useful in the early stages of SEM when researchers are evaluating the fit of their hypothesized models. They are used to determine how much better the hypothesized model explains the data compared to a model that assumes no relationships between variables.

Some specific situations where an independent model is important include:

  • Model Comparison: When comparing different models, researchers often want to know how much better their hypothesized model is compared to a simpler model like the independent model. This comparison helps determine whether the added complexity of the hypothesized model is justified by a better fit to the data.
  • Testing Theories: In many cases, SEM is used to test theoretical models that propose specific relationships among variables. The independent model serves as a baseline to see whether these relationships are supported by the data.
  • Model Modification: After fitting an initial model, researchers may modify it to improve fit. In such cases, the independent model continues to provide a useful reference for understanding whether the changes lead to a meaningful improvement in fit.

Limitations of the Independent Model

While the independent model is a valuable tool for evaluating SEM models, it has some limitations:

  • Simplistic Assumptions: The independent model makes the extreme assumption that none of the variables are related to each other. In most real-world social science research, this assumption is unrealistic. Therefore, the independent model is primarily useful as a baseline rather than a realistic representation of the data.
  • Not Always Useful in Complex Models: In highly complex models with many variables, the independent model may not provide a meaningful comparison. For example, in models where variables are strongly correlated, the independent model will likely fit poorly, making it less useful for comparison.
  • Potential for Misinterpretation: Researchers must be cautious when interpreting fit indices that compare to the independent model. A good fit relative to the independent model does not necessarily mean that the hypothesized model is correct; it only suggests that it is better than assuming no relationships between variables.

Independent Model vs. Saturated Model

In SEM, the independent model is often contrasted with the saturated model. While the independent model assumes no correlations between variables, the saturated model represents the opposite extreme. The saturated model allows for the maximum number of possible relationships among the variables, essentially fitting the data perfectly. It assumes that every variable is related to every other variable.

  • Saturated Model: A saturated model fits the data perfectly, as it includes the maximum number of parameters. However, it is rarely used in practice because it offers no theoretical insight and is considered too complex.
  • Independent Model: As a simple baseline model, the independent model assumes no relationships between variables and serves as a starting point for comparison.

By comparing the independent model to the hypothesized model, researchers can determine whether their model explains the data better than assuming no relationships between variables, without overfitting the data like the saturated model might.


An independent model in SEM serves as a baseline, assuming that none of the variables are correlated. It is a critical tool for evaluating the goodness-of-fit of more complex models, as many fit indices use it as a reference point. By comparing a hypothesized model to the independent model, researchers can assess whether the relationships between variables proposed in the model are supported by the data.

While the independent model offers a useful baseline for comparison, it is a simplistic representation that assumes no structure or relationships between variables. Its primary role is to highlight the improvement in model fit that comes from including hypothesized relationships. In combination with fit indices such as the CFI and TLI, the independent model helps researchers refine their models and better understand the relationships between variables.

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Last Modified: 09/26/2024


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