interval scale | Definition

The interval scale of measurement refers to a quantitative measurement scale where the intervals between values are equal, but there is no true zero point.

Understanding the Interval Scale of Measurement

Accurately measuring variables is a fundamental part of social science research. The way we measure variables affects the type of data we collect and the statistical analyses we can perform. Measurement scales are categorized into four levels: nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio. Each scale has specific properties that influence how researchers can interpret and analyze data.

The interval scale is one of these levels and is crucial for understanding many quantitative research studies. It offers more precision than nominal and ordinal scales but lacks the absolute zero point found in the ratio scale. In this article, we’ll delve into the concept of the interval scale, its characteristics, examples, and its applications in social science research.

What Is the Interval Scale?

An interval scale is a type of measurement scale that is used for variables where the distances or differences between values are meaningful and consistent. The key characteristic of the interval scale is that it allows for the comparison of the size of the differences between values. However, unlike the ratio scale, the interval scale does not have a true zero point, meaning that zero on this scale does not indicate the complete absence of the variable being measured.

For example, consider the measurement of temperature in degrees Celsius. The difference between 20°C and 30°C is the same as the difference between 30°C and 40°C—10 degrees in both cases. However, 0°C does not represent the absence of temperature; it’s just a point on the scale. This is the primary distinction between interval scales and ratio scales, which do have a meaningful zero point (like weight or height).


To fully understand the interval scale, it is essential to explore its defining characteristics:

1. Equal Intervals

The most critical feature of an interval scale is that the intervals between values are equal. This means that the difference between two consecutive values is the same across the entire scale. For example, if you measure intelligence using an IQ test, the difference between an IQ score of 110 and 120 is the same as the difference between 90 and 100. This property allows researchers to quantify the amount of difference between values.

2. No True Zero Point

Unlike ratio scales, interval scales do not have a true zero point, where zero represents the total absence of the variable being measured. This makes it impossible to calculate ratios. For example, if a person’s IQ is 0, it does not mean the complete absence of intelligence. Similarly, 0°C on the Celsius scale does not mean there is no temperature, only that the temperature is at the freezing point of water.

3. Arithmetic Operations

Because the intervals between values are equal, certain arithmetic operations are possible with interval data. For example, you can calculate the mean (average) or standard deviation of interval data, as well as perform addition and subtraction. However, multiplication and division are not meaningful with interval data due to the lack of a true zero point. For instance, you cannot say that 40°C is “twice as hot” as 20°C.

4. Directionality

Like ordinal scales, interval scales provide information about the order of values. This means that one value is larger or smaller than another. However, interval scales go beyond ordinal scales by indicating how much larger or smaller one value is compared to another, thanks to the equal intervals between values.


To better understand how the interval scale is used, let’s explore some examples that are commonly encountered in social science research and everyday life:

1. Temperature (Celsius or Fahrenheit)

As previously mentioned, temperature measured in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit is a classic example of an interval scale. The difference between 20°C and 30°C is the same as the difference between 30°C and 40°C, meaning the intervals are equal. However, 0°C does not indicate an absence of temperature—it is just an arbitrary point on the scale.

2. IQ Scores

Intelligence quotient (IQ) scores are another example of an interval scale. The difference between an IQ of 100 and 110 is the same as the difference between 110 and 120. While you can add and subtract IQ scores, there is no true zero point, meaning you cannot make ratio comparisons (e.g., an IQ of 120 is not “twice as intelligent” as an IQ of 60).

3. Calendar Years

Calendar years are also measured on an interval scale. The difference between the year 2000 and 2010 is the same as the difference between 1990 and 2000—10 years. However, there is no meaningful “zero” year that marks the beginning of time; it is simply a point on the scale.

4. Satisfaction Scales (with equal intervals)

In some research contexts, satisfaction or opinion scales are constructed as interval scales, provided the intervals between points are perceived as equal. For example, on a scale from 1 to 5 where 1 represents “very dissatisfied” and 5 represents “very satisfied,” researchers might assume that the difference between “2” and “3” is the same as between “3” and “4.”

Applications of the Interval Scale in Social Science Research

The interval scale is widely used in social science research because it allows for a high level of precision in measuring variables and conducting statistical analysis. Some common applications include:

1. Psychological Testing

Interval scales are frequently used in psychological testing, especially in assessments that measure intelligence, personality traits, or attitudes. For example, IQ tests are based on interval scales, where the differences between scores are meaningful, but there is no true zero point. This allows researchers to assess differences in intelligence without implying that someone with a low score has “no intelligence.”

2. Attitude and Opinion Surveys

In survey research, attitudes and opinions are often measured using Likert scales, which sometimes function as interval scales. For instance, respondents may rate their agreement with statements on a scale from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). If researchers treat these points as having equal intervals, they can analyze the data using statistical techniques appropriate for interval scales, such as calculating the mean or standard deviation.

3. Social and Economic Indicators

Interval scales are also used in the measurement of various social and economic indicators. For example, researchers might measure inflation or unemployment rates over time using an interval scale. Similarly, data on economic growth or income changes can be treated as interval data, allowing for the analysis of trends and patterns.

Strengths of the Interval Scale

The interval scale offers several advantages that make it a powerful tool for researchers:

1. Precision and Detail

The interval scale provides more information than nominal or ordinal scales because it captures both the order and the exact differences between values. This allows researchers to make detailed comparisons between data points and conduct more advanced statistical analyses.

2. Appropriate for Many Statistical Tests

Because the intervals between values are equal, interval data can be used with many statistical techniques, including calculating means, standard deviations, correlations, and performing regression analysis. This flexibility makes it highly valuable in quantitative research.

3. Eliminates Rank-Based Limitations

Unlike ordinal data, where researchers can only say that one value is greater or lesser than another, interval data allows for a more nuanced understanding of how much greater or lesser one value is compared to another. This allows for richer interpretation of the data.

Limitations of the Interval Scale

Despite its strengths, the interval scale has some limitations that researchers should be aware of:

1. No True Zero Point

The lack of a true zero point is the most significant limitation of the interval scale. This means that while addition and subtraction are meaningful, multiplication and division are not. Without a true zero, researchers cannot make ratio comparisons, which limits the types of analysis that can be performed. For example, while you can measure how much warmer one temperature is than another in degrees Celsius, you cannot say that one temperature is “twice as warm” as another.

2. Assumption of Equal Intervals

In some cases, researchers must assume that the intervals between scale points are equal, which might not always be accurate. For example, when using a Likert scale to measure attitudes or opinions, the assumption that the difference between “strongly agree” and “agree” is the same as between “agree” and “neutral” might not hold true. If this assumption is incorrect, it can affect the validity of the analysis.

3. Limited Applicability for Certain Variables

The interval scale is not appropriate for all types of data. Variables that have a true zero point, such as weight or height, should be measured on a ratio scale rather than an interval scale. Additionally, categorical variables, such as gender or ethnicity, cannot be measured on an interval scale, as they lack inherent order or equal intervals.

Interval vs. Other Scales of Measurement

Understanding the differences between the interval scale and other scales of measurement is crucial for selecting the appropriate scale for your research.

1. Nominal Scale

The nominal scale is the most basic level of measurement and simply categorizes data without any quantitative meaning. For example, gender (male/female) or hair color (black/brown/blonde) are nominal variables. There is no order or equal intervals between categories in a nominal scale, and it is primarily used for classification.

2. Ordinal Scale

The ordinal scale goes beyond classification and introduces an order to the data, such as ranking students by performance. However, while ordinal scales indicate the relative ranking of values, they do not provide information about the size of the differences between values. For example, the difference between the first and second rank may not be the same as the difference between second and third rank.

3. Ratio Scale

The ratio scale has all the properties of the interval scale, but it also includes a true zero point, meaning that zero indicates the complete absence of the variable being measured. Examples include height, weight, and age. Because of the true zero, you can make ratio comparisons (e.g., “twice as tall” or “half as heavy”), which is not possible with interval data.


The interval scale of measurement is an essential tool in social science research for measuring variables where the differences between values are meaningful and consistent. It allows researchers to perform various statistical analyses and provides a greater level of precision than nominal or ordinal scales. However, its lack of a true zero point limits certain types of comparisons, such as ratios. Despite this limitation, the interval scale remains a widely used and versatile tool in both academic research and applied fields.

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Last Modified: 09/27/2024


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