median | Definition

The median is the middle value in a dataset when the values are arranged in ascending or descending order, dividing the dataset into two equal halves.

Understanding the Median

The median is a measure of central tendency used to describe the center point of a dataset. Unlike the mean, which is the arithmetic average, the median provides the middle value, effectively splitting the dataset into two equal halves—one half consisting of values below the median and the other half consisting of values above it. This makes the median a robust and reliable measure, especially when dealing with datasets that have extreme values or skewed distributions.

In social science research, the median is particularly useful for understanding typical values in data that might have outliers or where the data is not symmetrically distributed, such as income, housing prices, or other variables that can exhibit wide disparities. It is commonly used in fields like economics, sociology, and public health, where researchers often work with skewed data.

How to Calculate the Median

The method for calculating the median depends on whether the dataset contains an odd or even number of values. The steps for calculating the median are as follows:

Steps to Calculate the Median

  1. Arrange the Data: First, arrange the data points in ascending (or descending) order.
  2. Identify the Middle Value:
    • If the dataset has an odd number of values, the median is the middle value.
    • If the dataset has an even number of values, the median is the average of the two middle values.

Example of Calculating the Median (Odd Number of Values)

Consider a dataset representing the number of hours five students spent studying in a week: 3, 7, 8, 2, 6.

  1. Arrange the data in ascending order: 2, 3, 6, 7, 8.
  2. Identify the middle value: The median is the middle value, which is 6.

Thus, the median number of study hours is 6.

Example of Calculating the Median (Even Number of Values)

Now consider a dataset with six values: 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10.

  1. Arrange the data in ascending order: 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10.
  2. Identify the middle values: The two middle values are 6 and 7.
  3. Calculate the median: The median is the average of these two middle values: (6 + 7) ÷ 2 = 6.5.

Thus, the median in this case is 6.5.

Characteristics of the Median

The median has several important characteristics that make it particularly useful in certain research contexts:

1. Insensitive to Outliers

One of the key advantages of the median is that it is not affected by outliers or extreme values. Unlike the mean, which can be distorted by very large or small values, the median only considers the order of the data points, making it a robust measure for datasets with skewed distributions or outliers.

For example, in a dataset of annual incomes where most people earn between $30,000 and $50,000 but a few individuals earn over $1 million, the median will remain close to the center of the lower-earning group, whereas the mean would be skewed upward by the millionaires.

2. Applicable to Ordinal Data

The median can be used not only with interval and ratio data (like income or height) but also with ordinal data, where the values represent rankings or ordered categories. The median provides a meaningful summary for ordinal data because it identifies the central ranking, even if the differences between ranks are not uniform.

For example, in a survey where respondents rank their satisfaction on a scale from 1 (very dissatisfied) to 5 (very satisfied), the median satisfaction score provides a measure of the typical response.

3. Median as a Measure of Central Location

The median identifies the central location of a dataset and represents a point where half of the values lie above and half lie below. This makes it useful for understanding the distribution of data, especially in cases where the distribution is not symmetric or normal.

Advantages of the Median

The median has several advantages that make it a valuable measure of central tendency in social science research:

1. Robustness Against Outliers

One of the primary advantages of the median is its resistance to outliers and extreme values. In datasets where there are significant outliers (e.g., very high incomes or housing prices), the median provides a more accurate reflection of the “typical” value than the mean, which can be heavily skewed by these extremes.

For example, in income data, where a few individuals may earn disproportionately more than the rest of the population, the median gives a better sense of what most people earn than the mean, which can be inflated by a few high-income individuals.

2. Useful for Skewed Distributions

In skewed distributions, the mean can be misleading because it shifts toward the longer tail of the distribution. The median, on the other hand, is less influenced by the shape of the distribution and provides a better representation of the central tendency for skewed data.

For instance, in a right-skewed distribution of property values, where most homes are priced modestly but a few luxury properties push up the mean, the median will offer a clearer picture of typical home prices in the area.

3. Applicable to Non-Numeric and Ordinal Data

The median can be applied to ordinal data, where values are ranked or categorized, even though the distances between values may not be equal. For example, the median is useful in survey data where respondents rate their level of agreement with a statement (e.g., strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree, strongly agree). The median can identify the central or most typical response category, even if it cannot quantify the exact differences between categories.

Disadvantages of the Median

While the median is a useful measure of central tendency in many contexts, it also has some limitations:

1. Ignores Data Magnitude

The median only accounts for the order of values and not their actual magnitudes. This means it does not take into account the specific distances between data points. In datasets where the magnitude of values is important (e.g., total sales or population sizes), the mean might provide a more informative summary.

For example, if you have a dataset of test scores like 45, 46, 50, 95, and 100, the median (50) does not reflect the fact that most of the scores are relatively high, while the mean (67.2) does.

2. Less Useful for Symmetric Distributions

In cases where the data is symmetrically distributed (such as in a normal distribution), the mean and the median will be very close or identical. Since the mean uses all data points, it may be more informative in such cases, as it provides a comprehensive summary of the entire dataset.

For example, in a dataset where heights of adults are normally distributed, the mean might be preferred because it incorporates all individual heights, while the median would give essentially the same information but ignores much of the data’s detail.

3. Not Suitable for Some Advanced Statistical Analysis

The median is less commonly used in advanced statistical analysis because many statistical techniques, such as regression analysis, rely on the mean and the standard deviation. The median does not play a significant role in these analyses, limiting its use in more complex data modeling.

Median vs. Mean and Mode

The median is one of three main measures of central tendency, along with the mean and mode. Each of these measures has its strengths and weaknesses, and the choice of which to use depends on the characteristics of the data.

1. Median vs. Mean

  • Use the median when the data is skewed or contains outliers. The median is a better representation of the central tendency in these cases because it is not affected by extreme values.
  • Use the mean when the data is symmetrically distributed and does not contain outliers. The mean provides a more comprehensive summary of the dataset, as it takes all values into account.

For example, in a dataset of incomes, the median is usually preferred because incomes are often right-skewed, with a few high earners pulling the mean higher than what is typical for most people.

2. Median vs. Mode

  • Use the median when you need to identify the middle value of an ordered dataset. The median is more useful than the mode when dealing with numerical or ordinal data.
  • Use the mode when working with categorical or nominal data where it is important to identify the most frequent category.

For example, the mode would be useful in determining the most common political party affiliation in a survey, whereas the median is better for identifying the middle income in a group.

Applications in Social Science Research

The median is widely used across various fields of social science research because of its robustness and applicability to skewed or ordinal data. Below are some common applications of the median:

1. Economics and Income Data

The median is frequently used in economics to report income or wealth data because it gives a more accurate representation of the “typical” income than the mean, which can be skewed by a few very high incomes. For example, the median household income is often reported to provide a clearer picture of economic well-being than the mean income, which might be distorted by the top earners.

2. Real Estate and Housing Prices

In real estate, the median home price is often used to describe the typical price of homes in an area, as home prices tend to be skewed by a few very high-priced properties. The median provides a better reflection of what most homes in the area are worth compared to the mean.

3. Public Health

In public health research, the median is often used to summarize health-related variables that can have skewed distributions. For example, researchers might report the median age of disease onset to describe when the typical patient is likely to develop a condition, or the median survival time for a disease treatment.

4. Education

In education, the median can be used to report test scores or other performance measures when there are extreme values in the data. For example, the median test score might provide a clearer picture of how most students performed in a class if there are a few very high or very low scores.

5. Sociology and Demographic Studies

Sociologists often use the median to describe social and demographic data, such as median age or median family size. This provides a better sense of the “typical” individual or household in a population when the data is not normally distributed.

Advantages and Limitations


  • Resistant to outliers: The median is unaffected by extreme values and provides a more accurate representation of central tendency in skewed data.
  • Applicable to ordinal data: The median can be used with ranked or ordered data, making it versatile for a variety of datasets.
  • Simple to interpret: The median provides a straightforward summary of the middle value of a dataset, making it easy to understand and communicate.


  • Ignores data magnitude: The median only considers the order of values and not the magnitude of differences between them, which can be a drawback when the size of the data points is important.
  • Less informative for symmetric distributions: In normally distributed datasets, the mean is usually preferred over the median because it incorporates all data points.
  • Limited in advanced statistical analyses: The median is not commonly used in advanced statistical analyses, such as regression or hypothesis testing, where the mean plays a central role.


The median is a valuable measure of central tendency, particularly in datasets with skewed distributions or outliers. It provides a robust and straightforward way to identify the middle value of a dataset, making it especially useful in fields like economics, public health, and education. While it has some limitations, such as ignoring data magnitude and being less informative in symmetric distributions, the median is a versatile tool that complements other measures of central tendency like the mean and mode.

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Last Modified: 09/27/2024


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