Mesokurtic | Definition

Mesokurtic refers to a type of probability distribution with a kurtosis value close to zero, indicating a normal distribution with moderate tail thickness.

Understanding Mesokurtic

In statistics, kurtosis refers to the shape of a probability distribution, specifically the “tailedness” or how much of the data lies in the tails compared to the center of the distribution. A mesokurtic distribution is one where the kurtosis is approximately zero, indicating that the distribution has normal tail behavior—neither too heavy nor too light. A mesokurtic distribution exhibits a moderate peak and typical tail thickness similar to a normal (Gaussian) distribution.

The normal distribution is the most common example of a mesokurtic distribution, and it serves as a benchmark for understanding other types of kurtosis, such as leptokurtic (which has heavy tails and a sharper peak) and platykurtic (which has lighter tails and a flatter peak).

In social science research, understanding the kurtosis of a dataset is important for evaluating the distribution of variables, particularly when testing hypotheses that rely on the assumption of normality. Many statistical tests, such as t-tests and ANOVA, assume that the data follows a normal distribution, so checking whether a dataset is mesokurtic helps ensure that these assumptions are met.

Kurtosis and Its Types

Before diving deeper into mesokurtic distributions, it’s important to understand the general concept of kurtosis and its different types. Kurtosis is a measure of the shape of a distribution, specifically how the tails compare to a normal distribution. The three main types of kurtosis are:

1. Mesokurtic

  • Kurtosis ≈ 0
  • A mesokurtic distribution has a moderate peak and tail thickness, similar to a normal distribution. It indicates that data points are neither too concentrated around the mean nor too dispersed in the tails.

2. Leptokurtic

  • Kurtosis > 0
  • A leptokurtic distribution has a sharper peak and heavier tails compared to a normal distribution. This indicates more frequent extreme values (outliers) and a higher likelihood of data points being far from the mean.

3. Platykurtic

  • Kurtosis < 0
  • A platykurtic distribution has a flatter peak and lighter tails, meaning the data is more evenly spread out, with fewer extreme values or outliers.

Kurtosis values can be used to quantify how closely a distribution resembles a normal distribution (mesokurtic), or how much it deviates in terms of tail thickness and peak sharpness (leptokurtic or platykurtic).

Characteristics of Mesokurtic Distributions

A mesokurtic distribution has several key characteristics that make it similar to a normal distribution. These characteristics are important for ensuring the validity of statistical tests that assume normality.

1. Kurtosis Value Around Zero

The defining characteristic of a mesokurtic distribution is that its kurtosis value is close to zero. In many statistical software packages, kurtosis is often reported relative to the normal distribution, where a kurtosis of 3 represents the reference value for a normal distribution. When adjusted (subtracting 3), the kurtosis of a normal distribution becomes zero, and any distribution with a kurtosis value near zero is considered mesokurtic.

2. Moderate Tails

In a mesokurtic distribution, the tails are moderate in thickness, meaning that extreme values (outliers) occur with the same frequency as they would in a normal distribution. This means the probability of data points falling far from the mean is neither unusually high nor low.

For example, in a dataset of student test scores, a mesokurtic distribution suggests that most students have scores near the average, with a few students scoring extremely high or low, but not an unusual number of extreme scores.

3. Bell-Shaped Curve

A mesokurtic distribution has a bell-shaped curve that is symmetrical around the mean. This bell shape is typical of the normal distribution, where the majority of data points cluster around the center, and the probability of observing data points decreases as you move further from the mean in either direction.

4. Moderate Peak

The peak (or height) of the distribution in a mesokurtic curve is moderate. It is neither too sharp (as in leptokurtic distributions) nor too flat (as in platykurtic distributions). This indicates that the data is moderately concentrated around the mean.

Importance of Mesokurtic Distributions in Research

Mesokurtic distributions are important in social science research for several reasons:

1. Meeting the Assumption of Normality

Many parametric statistical tests, such as the t-test, ANOVA, and regression analysis, assume that the data follows a normal distribution. Since a mesokurtic distribution closely resembles a normal distribution, confirming that the data is mesokurtic ensures that the assumptions of normality are met, improving the validity of these tests.

For example, in a study examining the effects of a new teaching method on student performance, researchers might use a t-test to compare the mean test scores of two groups. For the t-test results to be valid, the data should follow a mesokurtic distribution.

2. Understanding Data Distribution

Identifying whether a dataset is mesokurtic helps researchers understand the spread and concentration of the data. A mesokurtic distribution indicates that the data is not skewed by extreme outliers or overly concentrated around the mean, allowing for a more straightforward interpretation of central tendency measures like the mean or median.

3. Comparing Different Distributions

In some studies, researchers might compare different distributions to understand how data varies across groups or conditions. By comparing the kurtosis values, researchers can determine whether the distributions are mesokurtic, leptokurtic, or platykurtic. If all groups show mesokurtic distributions, it suggests that the variability in the data is consistent across groups, simplifying the analysis.


Mesokurtic distributions appear frequently in real-world data, especially when the data follows a normal distribution. Below are some examples of situations where a mesokurtic distribution might be observed in social science research:

1. Student Test Scores

In educational research, test scores often follow a mesokurtic distribution, especially when a large, representative sample of students is tested. In this case, most students score near the average, with fewer students achieving extremely high or low scores, resulting in a bell-shaped, mesokurtic distribution.

2. IQ Scores

IQ scores are designed to follow a normal distribution, with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. Since IQ tests are constructed to produce a bell-shaped curve with moderate tails, the resulting distribution is mesokurtic, with most individuals scoring near the mean and fewer scoring very high or very low.

3. Physical Characteristics

Certain physical characteristics, such as height, often follow a mesokurtic distribution in large populations. Most people have heights that are close to the population average, while very few individuals are extremely tall or extremely short. The tails of the distribution are moderate, resulting in a mesokurtic shape.

Mesokurtic vs. Leptokurtic and Platykurtic Distributions

To fully understand mesokurtic distributions, it is helpful to compare them to leptokurtic and platykurtic distributions, which represent deviations from normality.

1. Mesokurtic vs. Leptokurtic

  • Kurtosis: A leptokurtic distribution has a kurtosis greater than zero (usually > 3), indicating that the distribution has heavy tails and a sharp peak.
  • Tails: Leptokurtic distributions have more extreme values (outliers) compared to mesokurtic distributions, meaning data points in the tails are more frequent.
  • Peak: The peak of a leptokurtic distribution is sharper, meaning the data is more concentrated around the mean.

For example, in financial markets, returns on assets often follow a leptokurtic distribution because extreme gains or losses occur more frequently than they would in a mesokurtic distribution.

2. Mesokurtic vs. Platykurtic

  • Kurtosis: A platykurtic distribution has a kurtosis less than zero (usually < 3), indicating a flatter peak and lighter tails than a mesokurtic distribution.
  • Tails: Platykurtic distributions have fewer extreme values, meaning that most of the data points are spread out more evenly.
  • Peak: The peak of a platykurtic distribution is flatter, meaning that the data is less concentrated around the mean.

For example, in a dataset of daily temperatures, where the temperature range is fairly consistent without extreme highs or lows, the distribution might be platykurtic, with most values spread evenly.

Identifying Mesokurtic Distributions in Data

Researchers can identify whether a distribution is mesokurtic by calculating the kurtosis value and comparing it to the reference value for a normal distribution (which is 3 in most statistical software). Adjusted kurtosis is often reported as the difference from 3, meaning that:

  • Kurtosis ≈ 0: The distribution is mesokurtic.
  • Kurtosis > 0: The distribution is leptokurtic (heavy tails).
  • Kurtosis < 0: The distribution is platykurtic (light tails).

Most statistical software packages, such as SPSS, R, or Python’s SciPy, can calculate kurtosis values for a dataset. A kurtosis value near zero confirms that the data is mesokurtic, indicating normal tail behavior.


  • Conforms to Normality Assumptions: Many parametric statistical tests assume a normal distribution. Mesokurtic distributions meet this assumption, ensuring that the results of tests like the t-test and ANOVA are valid.
  • Easy Interpretation: Mesokurtic distributions are symmetrical and bell-shaped, making them easy to interpret using measures like the mean, median, and standard deviation.
  • Reliable Estimation: In mesokurtic distributions, estimates of central tendency (mean) and dispersion (variance, standard deviation) are reliable and not overly influenced by outliers.

Disadvantages of Mesokurtic Distributions

  • Not All Data is Mesokurtic: Many real-world datasets, especially in fields like finance or epidemiology, do not follow a mesokurtic distribution and instead exhibit skewness or heavy tails.
  • Limited Application in Non-Normal Data: When data is leptokurtic or platykurtic, assuming a mesokurtic distribution can lead to incorrect conclusions if the assumption of normality is violated.


A mesokurtic distribution, characterized by moderate tails and a moderate peak, resembles the normal distribution, making it a key concept in social science research. It is important for ensuring the validity of statistical tests that rely on normality assumptions. By understanding and identifying mesokurtic distributions, researchers can better interpret their data, compare distributions, and ensure that their analyses align with the characteristics of the dataset.

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Last Modified: 09/27/2024


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