Nominal | Definition

Nominal is a type of variable that categorizes data into distinct groups without any inherent ranking or order.

Understanding Nominal Variables

Nominal variables are used in research to classify and label data into categories or groups. These categories are mutually exclusive, meaning each data point can belong to only one category. Unlike ordinal variables, nominal variables do not imply any ranking or hierarchy. They are purely descriptive and are often used for qualitative data.

For example, if you are conducting a study on political party affiliations, a nominal variable would categorize participants as either “Democrat,” “Republican,” or “Independent.” These categories are distinct, but none is considered greater or lesser than the others.


Nominal variables possess certain key characteristics that distinguish them from other types of variables used in social science research. Let’s explore these features in detail:

1. No Quantitative Value

Nominal variables categorize data but provide no numerical or quantitative value. The categories are names or labels rather than numbers. For instance, if you are studying eye color, the categories could be “blue,” “brown,” and “green.” There is no inherent numerical meaning behind these labels; they merely represent different groups.

2. Mutual Exclusivity

Each observation can belong to only one category within a nominal variable. This feature ensures that there is no overlap between categories. For instance, in a study about gender, an individual can be categorized as either “male,” “female,” or any other gender label defined in the study, but not more than one at the same time.

3. No Inherent Order

Nominal variables do not have any inherent ranking or order. Unlike ordinal variables, where there is a clear sequence (such as ranking items from first to last), nominal variables are unordered. In the example of hair color, there is no logical order that places “blonde” before “brunette” or “black” after “red.”

4. Qualitative Data

Nominal variables usually represent qualitative data, meaning the data describes qualities or attributes rather than quantities. The primary focus is on classifying observations into categories based on certain characteristics, rather than measuring them.

5. Cannot Be Meaningfully Averaged

Since nominal variables do not have numerical meaning, they cannot be averaged or subjected to other mathematical operations. It would not make sense to calculate the “average” political party affiliation in a group of participants, as the categories do not represent numbers.

Examples of Nominal Variables

Nominal variables are widely used across many fields of social science research. Here are some common examples:

  • Gender: Categories may include “male,” “female,” or other designations.
  • Marital Status: Categories might include “single,” “married,” “divorced,” and “widowed.”
  • Ethnicity: Categories could include “Asian,” “Caucasian,” “Hispanic,” and others.
  • Type of Employment: Categories may be “full-time,” “part-time,” “self-employed,” or “unemployed.”
  • Favorite Color: Categories could be “red,” “blue,” “green,” and so on.

Data Collection

When researchers gather data on nominal variables, they typically use surveys, interviews, or observational methods to classify subjects into categories. Nominal variables are often represented by text or numeric codes in datasets. For example, a researcher may code “male” as 1 and “female” as 2 for simplicity in data analysis, but these numbers have no mathematical meaning.

Analyzing Nominal Variables

Since nominal variables are categorical, the methods used to analyze them differ from those applied to numerical or ordinal data. The focus is often on counting the frequency of observations in each category. Some common methods of analysis include:

1. Frequency Distribution

A frequency distribution is a simple table or chart that shows how many times each category occurs in the dataset. For example, in a study on favorite ice cream flavors, the frequency distribution might show that 30 people prefer vanilla, 20 prefer chocolate, and 10 prefer strawberry.

2. Mode

The mode is the most common category in a dataset. For nominal data, the mode is often the most relevant measure of central tendency, since it identifies the category with the highest frequency. For instance, in a survey of preferred social media platforms, if most people choose “Instagram,” then Instagram is the mode.

3. Contingency Tables (Cross-tabulation)

Contingency tables, also known as cross-tabulation, allow researchers to examine the relationship between two or more nominal variables. For example, a researcher might use a contingency table to explore the relationship between gender (male, female, other) and political party affiliation (Democrat, Republican, Independent).

4. Chi-Square Test

The chi-square test is used to determine whether there is a significant association between two nominal variables. For example, a researcher might use the chi-square test to assess whether there is a relationship between ethnicity and voting behavior in an election study.

Limitations of Nominal Variables

Although nominal variables are useful for categorization, they have some limitations in social science research.

1. Limited Mathematical Operations

As nominal variables are non-numeric, many statistical operations cannot be applied to them. Researchers cannot calculate means, medians, or standard deviations for nominal data. This limits the range of analyses that can be performed with nominal variables.

2. No Information on Magnitude

Nominal variables provide no information about the size, importance, or intensity of the categories. For instance, knowing that someone is affiliated with the “Republican” party tells you their category but not how strongly they identify with it or how much support they offer the party.

3. Potential for Oversimplification

Categorizing data into nominal variables can sometimes oversimplify complex concepts. For example, categorizing gender as only “male” and “female” may not capture the full range of gender identities, thus limiting the depth of the analysis.

Nominal Variables in Surveys

Nominal variables often appear in survey research, particularly in demographic questions. Survey designers need to ensure that all possible categories are accounted for and that the categories are mutually exclusive. For example, if a survey asks for race/ethnicity, the available options should reflect the population being studied, and there should be an “other” category to accommodate responses that don’t fit neatly into the provided options.

Here are some best practices when using nominal variables in surveys:

  • Ensure clarity in categories: Make sure that the categories are clearly defined and understandable to the respondents. This avoids confusion and ensures accurate data collection.
  • Avoid ambiguity: Categories should be mutually exclusive, meaning no overlap. For example, in a question about marital status, “single” and “divorced” should be separate categories, as someone cannot fall into both simultaneously.
  • Include an “other” option: To ensure inclusivity, especially in sensitive categories like gender or ethnicity, provide an “other” option with space for respondents to specify their identity if it doesn’t fit the predefined categories.

Nominal Variables vs. Ordinal and Interval Variables

It is essential to differentiate nominal variables from other types of variables used in research, such as ordinal and interval variables.

  • Ordinal Variables: These variables have categories that can be ranked or ordered. However, the intervals between the categories are not necessarily equal. For example, levels of satisfaction (e.g., “very dissatisfied,” “dissatisfied,” “neutral,” “satisfied,” “very satisfied”) are ordinal, as they can be ordered from least to most satisfied, but the difference between each level is not necessarily the same.
  • Interval Variables: Interval variables, unlike nominal and ordinal variables, have numerical values, and the intervals between values are equal. However, they do not have a true zero point. Temperature in Celsius is an interval variable, as the difference between degrees is consistent, but there is no true zero temperature in this scale.

Nominal variables are the simplest form of categorical data and cannot be used to perform as many complex analyses as ordinal or interval data. However, they remain a vital component of many research designs.

Importance of Nominal Variables in Social Science Research

Nominal variables play a critical role in social science research, particularly when studying human behavior, attitudes, and demographics. They allow researchers to classify individuals or observations into categories, making it easier to analyze patterns, relationships, and trends.

Without nominal variables, it would be challenging to conduct large-scale surveys, organize data, or explore the diversity of human experiences and attributes. In studies of public opinion, voting behavior, health, education, and more, nominal variables provide the foundational categories needed for meaningful analysis.


Nominal variables are essential for classifying data into distinct categories without any inherent ranking. They help researchers organize qualitative data, making it easier to observe patterns and relationships within the data. While nominal variables lack numerical meaning and cannot be averaged or ranked, they are a crucial tool for understanding categorical data in social science research.

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Last Modified: 09/30/2024


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