non-recursive models | Definition

Non-recursive models refer to statistical models where causal relationships may involve feedback loops, allowing bidirectional or reciprocal effects between variables.

Introduction to Non-recursive Models

In social science research, non-recursive models are used when relationships between variables are complex and involve bidirectional or reciprocal influences. Unlike recursive models, which assume a unidirectional cause-and-effect relationship, non-recursive models account for feedback loops, where one variable influences another, and that second variable, in turn, influences the first. This makes non-recursive models particularly useful in studying dynamic systems where causality is not straightforward and variables mutually influence each other over time.

Such models are frequently encountered in areas such as sociology, economics, and political science, where interactions between variables are often reciprocal or involve interdependent processes. For example, in studies of social behavior, a person’s actions might influence their social environment, and that environment, in turn, might affect the person’s subsequent actions. These models capture these cyclical relationships and allow for a more nuanced understanding of complex social phenomena.

Key Features of Non-recursive Models

1. Bidirectional Causal Relationships

The defining feature of these models is the presence of bidirectional causal relationships between variables. In contrast to recursive models, where causality flows in one direction (from independent to dependent variables), non-recursive models allow for feedback loops. This means that a variable can both influence and be influenced by another variable within the same model.

2. Simultaneous Equations

Such models often involve the use of simultaneous equations to account for the fact that two or more variables are influencing each other at the same time. Each equation in the system represents a causal relationship, and the equations are solved together to estimate the effects of variables on one another.

3. Identification Issues

A key challenge in non-recursive modeling is ensuring that the model is “identified,” meaning that it is possible to obtain unique estimates of the model parameters. Because variables influence each other reciprocally, non-recursive models can be difficult to estimate without sufficient data and constraints on the relationships between variables. Ensuring identification often requires the use of instrumental variables or other techniques to distinguish between the different causal pathways.

4. Endogeneity and Feedback

Non-recursive models explicitly account for endogeneity, which occurs when an explanatory variable is correlated with the error term in a model. In non-recursive models, endogeneity arises naturally because the variables influence each other, creating a feedback loop. Addressing endogeneity is a central challenge in estimating non-recursive models, and researchers often employ techniques like two-stage least squares (2SLS) to correct for it.

Recursive vs. Non-recursive Models

Understanding the distinction between recursive and non-recursive models is essential for grasping how these models are applied in social science research.

1. Recursive Models

In recursive models, causal relationships are assumed to be unidirectional, with no feedback loops between variables. These models are typically simpler to estimate because the variables can be arranged in a clear sequence, with one variable influencing another in a straightforward manner. For example, in a study of education and income, a recursive model might assume that education affects income, but not the reverse.

  • Characteristics of Recursive Models:
    • Causal relationships are unidirectional.
    • No feedback loops exist between variables.
    • Endogeneity is not a concern because variables do not mutually influence each other.

2. Non-recursive Models

Non-recursive models, by contrast, involve bidirectional or reciprocal relationships between variables. These models are more complex because they allow for the possibility that two or more variables influence each other simultaneously. For example, in a model of supply and demand, the price of a good might affect the quantity demanded, but the quantity demanded could also influence the price, creating a feedback loop.

  • Characteristics of Non-recursive Models:
    • Causal relationships are bidirectional or reciprocal.
    • Feedback loops are explicitly modeled.
    • Endogeneity is a key concern and must be addressed through appropriate techniques.

Common Applications of Non-recursive Models

Non-recursive models are used in various fields of social science research where relationships between variables are complex and involve mutual influence. Below are some common areas where non-recursive models are frequently applied.

1. Supply and Demand Models in Economics

One of the classic examples of a non-recursive model is the supply and demand model in economics. In this model, the price of a good is determined by both supply and demand, but supply and demand themselves are influenced by the price. This creates a simultaneous system of equations in which price affects quantity supplied and demanded, and quantity supplied and demanded affect price.

Example: In a study of housing markets, researchers might model the relationship between housing prices and the quantity of homes sold. The price of homes affects the number of homes sold, but the quantity of homes sold also influences housing prices, creating a non-recursive relationship.

2. Simultaneous Relationships in Political Science

In political science, non-recursive models are often used to study the reciprocal relationships between variables such as public opinion and government policy. For example, public opinion may influence policymakers’ decisions, but government policies can also shape public opinion, creating a feedback loop between the two.

Example: A researcher might use a non-recursive model to examine the relationship between media coverage and political trust. Media coverage affects political trust, but political trust also influences how individuals interpret media coverage, resulting in a reciprocal relationship.

3. Reciprocal Relationships in Sociology

In sociology, non-recursive models are used to study social processes that involve feedback loops between individual behavior and social structures. For example, an individual’s socioeconomic status may influence their social networks, but those social networks can, in turn, affect the individual’s socioeconomic status.

Example: A study on educational attainment and occupational success might use a non-recursive model to capture the reciprocal relationship between education and job opportunities. Education leads to better job prospects, but the availability of jobs might also influence an individual’s decision to pursue further education.

Estimation Techniques

Estimating non-recursive models is more complex than estimating recursive models due to the presence of simultaneous equations and potential endogeneity. Below are some common estimation techniques used in non-recursive modeling.

1. Two-Stage Least Squares (2SLS)

One of the most commonly used techniques for estimating non-recursive models is two-stage least squares (2SLS). This method helps address endogeneity by using instrumental variables—variables that are correlated with the endogenous explanatory variables but not with the error term. In the first stage, the endogenous variables are predicted using the instrumental variables, and in the second stage, these predicted values are used to estimate the model.

When to Use 2SLS:

  • When there are reciprocal relationships between variables.
  • When endogeneity is a concern due to feedback loops.
  • When appropriate instrumental variables are available.

Example: In a study on the relationship between education and income, researchers might use 2SLS to account for the fact that income can also influence educational attainment, creating a bidirectional relationship. They might use parental education as an instrumental variable, assuming it affects an individual’s education but is not directly related to their income.

2. Simultaneous Equations Modeling (SEM)

Simultaneous equations modeling (SEM) is another technique commonly used in non-recursive modeling. SEM allows researchers to model complex relationships between multiple variables, including feedback loops, by specifying a system of equations that are estimated simultaneously. SEM can incorporate both direct and indirect effects, making it a powerful tool for modeling non-recursive relationships.

When to Use SEM:

  • When there are multiple interrelated variables with reciprocal effects.
  • When both direct and indirect effects need to be modeled.
  • When complex feedback loops exist between variables.

Example: A researcher studying the relationship between job satisfaction and productivity might use SEM to model the bidirectional relationship between the two. Job satisfaction affects productivity, but productivity can also influence job satisfaction, making a non-recursive model necessary.

Advantages and Disadvantages


  • Captures Complex Relationships: Non-recursive models allow researchers to model complex, real-world relationships where variables influence each other reciprocally. This provides a more accurate representation of many social science phenomena.
  • Addresses Endogeneity: By explicitly modeling feedback loops, non-recursive models can address the issue of endogeneity, which often arises when variables are mutually dependent.
  • Dynamic Modeling: Non-recursive models are well-suited for studying dynamic processes where variables evolve over time and influence each other in ongoing cycles.


  • Estimation Complexity: Non-recursive models are more difficult to estimate than recursive models due to the presence of simultaneous equations and the need for techniques like 2SLS or SEM.
  • Identification Issues: Ensuring that non-recursive models are identified (i.e., that unique parameter estimates can be obtained) can be challenging, particularly when there are not enough instrumental variables or constraints on the model.
  • Potential for Overfitting: Because non-recursive models involve complex relationships and multiple equations, there is a risk of overfitting the model to the data, which can reduce the generalizability of the findings.


Non-recursive models are essential tools in social science research when studying reciprocal or bidirectional relationships between variables. They offer a way to model complex systems where variables influence each other, such as in supply and demand models, political processes, and social dynamics. However, these models are more difficult to estimate and require careful attention to issues like endogeneity and identification. Despite these challenges, non-recursive models provide a powerful framework for understanding the dynamic interactions that characterize many social phenomena.

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Last Modified: 09/30/2024


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