parenthetical citation | Definition

A parenthetical citation is a brief reference within a text that provides source information in parentheses, usually including the author’s name and publication year.

Understanding Parenthetical Citation in Scientific Writing

Parenthetical citation is a common method for crediting sources in academic and scientific writing. It helps readers locate full references in a bibliography or reference list while maintaining a smooth flow in the text. This citation style is widely used in research papers, journal articles, and essays, particularly in disciplines that follow APA (American Psychological Association), MLA (Modern Language Association), and Chicago (author-date) citation formats.

By using parenthetical citations, writers acknowledge the original sources of ideas, data, and findings, ensuring academic integrity and avoiding plagiarism.

Format of Parenthetical Citations in Different Styles

1. APA Style (Author-Date)

  • APA (7th edition) requires the author’s last name and the publication year in parentheses.
  • Example: (Smith, 2020)
  • If quoting directly, include the page number: (Smith, 2020, p. 45).

2. MLA Style (Author-Page)

  • MLA requires the author’s last name and the page number without a comma.
  • Example: (Smith 45)
  • If the author’s name is mentioned in the sentence, only the page number appears in parentheses: “Smith argues that climate change is accelerating (45).”

3. Chicago Style (Author-Date Variant)

  • In Chicago’s author-date citation style, the format is similar to APA, but the year follows a comma.
  • Example: (Smith, 2020, 45)

Examples of Parenthetical Citations in Sentences

  • APA: Climate change has led to rising sea levels (Johnson, 2021).
  • MLA: Studies show that urbanization affects biodiversity (Miller 78).
  • Chicago: The research supports this hypothesis (Taylor, 2019, 112).

When to Use Parenthetical Citations

1. When Paraphrasing or Summarizing

  • If restating an idea from a source, include a parenthetical citation.
  • Example (APA): Higher education positively impacts career opportunities (Brown, 2018).

2. When Quoting Directly

  • For word-for-word quotes, include the page number.
  • Example (MLA): “Social media reshapes political discourse” (Garcia 23).

3. When Referring to a Study or Finding

  • Cite the source when discussing research findings.
  • Example (APA): A recent study found that exercise improves memory (Lee & Patel, 2022).

Common Mistakes in Parenthetical Citations

1. Omitting the Citation

  • Any borrowed idea, even if paraphrased, requires a citation.

2. Including Unnecessary Information

  • Incorrect (APA): (Brown, 2018, Research on Learning, p. 45)
  • Correct (APA): (Brown, 2018, p. 45)

3. Using the Wrong Format for Multiple Authors

  • APA: (Smith & Jones, 2019) for two authors; (Williams et al., 2020) for three or more.
  • MLA: (Smith and Jones 67) for two authors; (Williams et al. 89) for three or more.

Best Practices for Using Parenthetical Citations

  • Match citations with full references – Every parenthetical citation should correspond to a full reference in the bibliography.
  • Use citations consistently – Follow the style guide required by the discipline.
  • Place citations properly – Position them at the end of a sentence or immediately after the referenced idea.


Parenthetical citations are essential for properly crediting sources in scientific and academic writing. They provide concise source information within the text, guiding readers to full references. Understanding different citation styles and applying them correctly ensures clarity, credibility, and academic integrity in research.

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Last Modified: 03/20/2025

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