passive voice | Definition

Passive voice refers to a sentence structure where the object of an action appears as the subject, often reducing clarity and responsibility in writing.

Understanding Passive Voice in Scientific Writing

What Is Passive Voice?

Passive voice occurs when a sentence shifts focus from the doer of an action to the recipient. Instead of emphasizing who performed an action, passive structures highlight what was acted upon. This can make writing less direct and harder to follow.

For example, consider the sentence, The survey was conducted by the researchers. Here, the phrase places more emphasis on the survey rather than on those who carried it out. In contrast, an active alternative—The researchers conducted the survey—is clearer and more direct.

In scientific writing, where precision and accountability are critical, passive voice can create ambiguity. If a sentence states, The data were analyzed, it is unclear who performed the analysis. A stronger alternative is The researchers analyzed the data, which makes the sentence more informative.

Why Passive Voice Is Discouraged in Scientific Writing

Scientific communication depends on clarity, precision, and engagement. Passive voice can interfere with these goals in several ways.

One major issue is the lack of clarity. When the actor is omitted, the reader may not know who conducted an experiment, reached a conclusion, or made an observation. For example, It was determined that the hypothesis was correct does not specify who made the determination. The sentence The results confirmed the hypothesis is much clearer because it avoids unnecessary vagueness.

Another problem is that passive constructions weaken directness. Scientific writing should be as straightforward as possible, yet passive voice often adds unnecessary words and complicates meaning. Compare A significant increase in response rates was observed with The researchers observed a significant increase in response rates. The second version is more engaging and easier to process.

Passive voice can also obscure accountability. In research, it is important to state who performed an action. A sentence like Errors were made in data collection does not indicate who made the errors. Writing The research team made errors in data collection ensures responsibility is clear.

When Passive Voice Is Acceptable

Despite these concerns, passive voice is not always inappropriate. In some cases, it serves a useful function, such as when the actor is unknown or irrelevant. For example, The ancient manuscript was discovered in a cave is an appropriate use of passive voice because the sentence focuses on the manuscript rather than the person who found it.

Another situation where passive voice may be acceptable is when the object of the action is more important than the subject. In a scientific report, the focus might be on findings rather than on the researchers themselves. For example, A significant increase in response rates was observed might be justified if the increase itself is the key point.

Some academic disciplines also prefer passive voice for a formal tone. Although this preference is shifting toward active constructions, certain traditions still use passive structures in technical writing.

How to Identify and Fix Passive Voice

Recognizing passive voice can be challenging, but one effective strategy is to look for forms of the verb “to be” (such as is, was, were) followed by a past participle (such as conducted, analyzed, observed). If the subject of the sentence is receiving the action rather than performing it, the sentence is likely in passive voice.

To revise passive constructions, start by identifying the true subject. If a sentence reads The experiment was conducted to test the hypothesis, ask: Who conducted the experiment? A simple revision—The researchers conducted the experiment to test the hypothesis—restores clarity. Similarly, changing The results were interpreted as significant to The scientists interpreted the results as significant makes the sentence more direct.

How to Check for Passive Voice in Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word includes tools that help detect passive voice. To check for it automatically, open your document and navigate to File > Options > Proofing. Under When correcting spelling and grammar in Word, click Settings next to “Grammar & Refinements.” In the list of grammar rules, ensure “Passive Voice” is checked. Once enabled, Word will underline passive constructions and suggest revisions.

Another way to check manually is to search for common passive markers, such as forms of “to be” followed by past participles. If a sentence contains phrases like was measured, were analyzed, or is observed, consider revising to make it more active.


Active voice strengthens scientific writing by improving clarity, precision, and accountability. While passive voice can be useful in specific contexts, such as emphasizing results over researchers, it should be used sparingly. Writers can improve their work by identifying and revising passive constructions, and tools like Microsoft Word can assist in this process. By favoring active structures, researchers ensure their writing remains clear, direct, and engaging.

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Last Modified: 03/20/2025

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