Population | Definition

Population refers to the entire group of individuals, cases, or elements a researcher wants to study, describe, or draw conclusions about.

Understanding Population in Social Science Research

In social science research, the term “population” plays a central role. It refers to the full set of individuals, groups, institutions, behaviors, or other units that a study seeks to understand or make generalizations about. Researchers define this group based on the goals of their study, the questions they aim to answer, and the resources available to them.

A well-defined population helps ensure that the findings of a study are accurate and applicable to the intended group. Whether researchers are studying voter behavior, student performance, crime patterns, or cultural practices, the population provides the foundation from which they draw samples, collect data, and interpret results.

Why Population Matters in Research

Every research project begins with a question. To answer that question scientifically, researchers need to decide who or what they want to study. This decision guides how they collect data, analyze it, and interpret their findings. If the population is not clearly defined or is misunderstood, the study’s results can be misleading or even invalid.

For example, imagine a sociologist wants to study attitudes toward climate change. The population could be:

  • All adults in the United States,

  • High school students in California,

  • Members of environmental organizations,

  • Or elected officials in urban areas.

Each of these populations would yield different insights, and the researcher must clearly state which one they have chosen.

Key Characteristics of a Population

A population in research has specific features that help distinguish it from other groups. These characteristics include:

  • Defined Boundaries: The population must have clear limits. These could be geographic (e.g., residents of Canada), demographic (e.g., people over 65), institutional (e.g., students at public universities), or behavioral (e.g., people who voted in the last election).

  • Shared Characteristics: Members of a population often share one or more traits that are relevant to the research. These traits are not always physical; they can include opinions, behaviors, experiences, or roles.

  • Stability or Change Over Time: Some populations remain fairly stable over time, while others change rapidly. Researchers must account for this when planning their studies.

Types of Populations in Research

There are several ways to categorize populations depending on how the researcher defines and uses them.

Target Population

The target population is the entire group a researcher wants to study. It represents the ideal group for answering the research question.

Example: In a study about college students’ mental health, the target population might be all undergraduate students enrolled in U.S. universities.

Researchers often cannot access the entire target population due to time, cost, or logistical constraints. This leads to the use of a more manageable group.

Accessible Population

The accessible population is the part of the target population that a researcher can realistically reach. This is also called the study population.

Example: If a researcher is based at one university, the accessible population might be students currently enrolled at that university, even if the target population is broader.

When sampling from a population, researchers typically draw from the accessible group and then generalize findings to the larger target group, with caution.

Finite vs. Infinite Populations

A finite population contains a countable number of elements. For example, all registered voters in a city form a finite population. Researchers can identify and possibly list every member.

An infinite population cannot be counted completely, often because it is too large or continuously changing. For example, the population of tweets about a political event may be considered infinite for practical research purposes.

Homogeneous vs. Heterogeneous Populations

A homogeneous population has members who are similar in key characteristics. This can simplify research design and analysis.

Example: Patients at a single medical clinic may have similar health conditions, making them a homogeneous population.

A heterogeneous population, on the other hand, includes a wide variety of individuals with diverse characteristics. Researchers may need larger samples to capture this diversity.

Example: The population of a metropolitan area is likely to include people from many backgrounds, making it heterogeneous.

Defining It in Practice

Before collecting data, researchers must define the population in precise terms. This often includes:

  • Time Frame: Are we studying people now, in the past, or over a specific period?

  • Geographic Location: Where do members of the population live or operate?

  • Inclusion Criteria: What must someone do or be to be included?

  • Exclusion Criteria: Who is left out, and why?

For example, a study on political participation might define its population as: “U.S. citizens aged 18 and over who were eligible to vote in the 2024 presidential election and lived in the continental United States.”

Relationship Between Population and Sample

In most research, it is impossible to study an entire population. Instead, researchers select a sample—a smaller group drawn from the population. If the sample is representative, the results can be generalized to the population with some level of confidence.

Sampling techniques such as random sampling, stratified sampling, or cluster sampling help ensure that the sample reflects the larger population accurately.

The quality of the sample directly affects the validity of the conclusions. If a sample is biased or unrepresentative, the study’s findings may not apply to the full population.

Population vs. Sample: Why It Matters

Confusing the population with the sample can lead to major errors in research. For instance, if a study surveys only college students but claims to describe all adults, the conclusions may not hold. Researchers must clearly state who the study results are meant to apply to and avoid overgeneralization.

In peer-reviewed publications, research reports always describe the population in detail. This allows readers to judge whether the findings are relevant to their own interests or needs.

Examples from Different Social Science Fields

To understand how populations are used across social sciences, let’s look at a few examples:


A sociologist studying income inequality may define the population as all households in a specific country. If the study focuses on urban settings, the population might be households in cities with over 100,000 people.


A psychologist interested in child development might focus on children aged 5 to 7 enrolled in public schools. The population could be narrowed further to a specific region or type of school.

Political Science

When examining voter turnout, a political scientist might define the population as registered voters in a particular state during a specific election cycle.


An anthropologist conducting ethnographic research might treat the population as members of a specific cultural group, tribe, or community.


An educational researcher might define the population as public school teachers working in grades 6 through 12 across rural districts.

Criminal Justice

A criminologist might study the population of incarcerated individuals in state prisons or focus on people released from prison within the past five years.

Ethical Considerations

Studying human populations requires attention to ethics. Researchers must ensure that their methods respect the rights and dignity of the people being studied. This includes:

  • Obtaining informed consent when possible,

  • Protecting privacy and confidentiality,

  • Avoiding harm,

  • And being transparent about how participants are selected.

When populations include vulnerable groups, such as children, people with disabilities, or incarcerated individuals, extra protections must be in place.

Challenges in Defining and Studying Populations

Several challenges can arise when working with populations in social science research:

  • Overgeneralization: Applying results from a small, unrepresentative sample to a larger population without justification.

  • Changing Populations: In fast-moving situations, like during a pandemic, the characteristics of a population may shift quickly.

  • Hidden or Hard-to-Reach Populations: Some groups, like undocumented immigrants or people experiencing homelessness, may be difficult to identify and include in studies.

  • Access Barriers: Researchers may not have access to parts of the population due to legal, geographic, or institutional limits.

Careful planning and transparent reporting can help address these issues.


Understanding a population—and how to define it clearly—is a crucial step in any social science research project. The population sets the boundaries for what a study can tell us and who its findings apply to. By carefully defining the population, selecting appropriate samples, and acknowledging limitations, researchers can produce meaningful and trustworthy insights.

Whether you’re conducting a national survey, a local case study, or a series of interviews, keeping the population in focus will help guide each stage of the research process.

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Last Modified: 03/21/2025

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