pre-experimental design | Definition

Pre-experimental design refers to basic research setups lacking random assignment or control groups, limiting causal interpretation of results.

Understanding Pre-experimental Designs

In the world of social science research, design matters. The strength of a study’s conclusions often depends on how well the research design controls for bias, confounding variables, and alternative explanations. One of the most basic types of design is the pre-experimental design.

Pre-experimental designs are often used when researchers have limited resources, limited access to participants, or are exploring a new topic. These designs serve as a starting point for understanding phenomena, testing interventions, or piloting larger studies. However, because they lack key features of more rigorous designs, such as random assignment or control groups, they have significant limitations.

This entry explains what pre-experimental designs are, how they are structured, and when they are useful. It also discusses their limitations and gives examples from across various fields, including sociology, psychology, political science, education, anthropology, and criminal justice.

What Is a Pre-experimental Design?

A pre-experimental design is a type of research design that lacks the characteristics of stronger experimental frameworks. Most notably, it does not include random assignment to groups, and it often lacks a comparison or control group.

Because of these limitations, pre-experimental designs are not well-suited for making strong causal claims. However, they are useful for:

  • Testing the feasibility of an intervention

  • Exploring new or understudied areas

  • Informing the design of future experiments

Researchers might choose a pre-experimental design when they need to conduct a quick or low-cost study, or when they are limited by ethical, logistical, or practical constraints.

Key Features of Pre-experimental Designs

Pre-experimental designs typically include the following characteristics:

  • One group of participants or subjects

  • A treatment or intervention

  • A single observation before or after the treatment (or both)

  • No random assignment

  • Often no control or comparison group

The lack of a control group and randomization limits the researcher’s ability to rule out alternative explanations for observed changes.

Common Types of Pre-experimental Designs

There are three main types of pre-experimental designs commonly used in social science research:

1. One-Shot Case Study Design

This is the most basic form of pre-experimental design. Researchers expose a single group to a treatment and then observe the outcome.

Design notation:

  • X = Treatment or intervention

  • O = Posttest observation

An educator introduces a new teaching app to a classroom and then measures student satisfaction at the end of the semester. There is no comparison group or baseline data.

There is no way to know whether the observed outcome was caused by the intervention or by other factors.

2. One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design

In this design, researchers measure a single group before and after the intervention.

Design notation:
O₁ X O₂

  • O₁ = Pretest

  • X = Treatment or intervention

  • O₂ = Posttest

A psychologist wants to test the effect of a stress-reduction workshop. Participants complete a stress survey before and after the program.

Changes might be due to the passage of time, testing effects, or other uncontrolled variables—not necessarily the intervention.

3. Static-Group Comparison Design

This design includes two groups: one receives the treatment, and the other does not. However, participants are not randomly assigned to groups.

Design notation:

A criminal justice researcher studies the effect of a community-policing initiative in one neighborhood and compares crime rates with a similar nearby neighborhood that did not receive the initiative.

Without random assignment, the groups may differ in important ways that influence the outcome.

Why Use a Pre-experimental Design?

Despite their limitations, pre-experimental designs can be useful in several situations:

Exploratory Research

When a topic is new and under-researched, a pre-experimental design can help researchers identify patterns, develop hypotheses, and assess feasibility.

An anthropologist explores the impact of a cultural storytelling program in a refugee community. Since it’s the first study of its kind, a pre-experimental approach provides initial insights.

Pilot Studies

Pre-experimental designs are often used as pilot studies to test procedures, measures, or feasibility before launching a larger randomized study.

An education researcher wants to test whether students can complete a new reading assessment in under 30 minutes. The researcher uses a one-group pretest-posttest design to pilot the instrument.

Ethical or Practical Constraints

In some settings, it’s unethical or impractical to assign participants randomly or deny a potentially beneficial treatment.

A public health intervention is delivered to all schools in a district due to policy mandates. A one-shot case study design might be the only feasible way to assess its impact.

Limited Resources

Pre-experimental designs require fewer resources and are easier to conduct than full experiments, making them attractive for researchers with time or budget constraints.

A nonprofit organization pilots a job-training program and uses a one-group design to evaluate initial outcomes before seeking funding for a larger evaluation.

Limitations of Pre-experimental Designs

Pre-experimental designs are considered weak in terms of internal validity. This means they are less capable of demonstrating that the treatment caused the observed outcomes. Common threats include:


Events that occur between the pretest and posttest may influence outcomes. For example, if a national event changes public opinion during a study, the change may not be due to the treatment.


Participants naturally change over time. In studies involving children, for example, improvements in skills might result from normal development rather than an intervention.

Testing Effects

Taking a pretest can influence how participants respond on a posttest. They may become familiar with the test format or more aware of the topic.


Changes in how data are collected between pretest and posttest can impact results. For instance, switching survey tools midway through a study can make comparisons invalid.

Selection Bias

In static-group comparisons, if participants are not randomly assigned, differences between groups may affect the outcome. One group may have higher motivation, better resources, or different backgrounds.

Regression to the Mean

If participants are selected based on extreme scores (e.g., low test scores), their scores may naturally move toward the average over time, even without treatment.

Examples from Social Science Disciplines


A sociologist evaluates the impact of a community garden on neighborhood cooperation. Using a one-group pretest-posttest design, they survey residents before and after the garden is built. Without a comparison group, it’s unclear if the garden caused the change.


A psychologist offers a new therapy for anxiety to a small group of clients and measures anxiety levels afterward. The lack of a control group means the observed improvement could be due to other factors.


An education researcher implements a new reading program in a classroom and measures test scores at the end of the semester. Without a pretest or comparison group, the effect of the program remains uncertain.

Political Science

A study measures support for a policy before and after a campaign video is shown to one group. Although attitudes improve, the study cannot rule out the possibility that external news events influenced opinions.

Criminal Justice

A crime-prevention workshop is delivered to first-time offenders. Researchers measure reoffending rates one year later but do not compare results to a group who did not attend the workshop.


An applied anthropologist observes the effects of a traditional healing practice in a rural community. After observing improvements in health outcomes, the anthropologist reports positive changes. However, without a comparison group, it’s unclear what caused the change.

Strengths of Pre-experimental Designs

While not as rigorous as true experiments, pre-experimental designs have some strengths:

  • Easy to implement: Requires less time, funding, and structure.

  • Useful for new research areas: Helps gather early data on underexplored topics.

  • Flexible: Can be adapted to many settings and participant groups.

  • Ethically suitable in some cases: When random assignment is not possible or appropriate.

How to Improve Pre-experimental Designs

Researchers can take several steps to strengthen pre-experimental designs and improve their usefulness:

  • Use multiple observations: Add more measurement points before and after treatment.

  • Include matched groups: If randomization is not possible, try to match participants in treatment and comparison groups on key characteristics.

  • Collect detailed background data: Helps control for confounding variables.

  • Be transparent: Clearly acknowledge the design’s limitations in any report or publication.

  • Plan for follow-up studies: Use pre-experimental results to justify more rigorous research in the future.

When to Use (and Not Use) Pre-experimental Designs

Use Pre-experimental Designs When:

  • You are conducting exploratory or pilot research.

  • Random assignment is not feasible.

  • You need a quick, low-cost way to test an intervention.

  • You are preparing for a more rigorous study later.

Avoid Pre-experimental Designs When:

  • You need strong causal evidence.

  • There are high stakes involved in policy or practice decisions.

  • You can implement random assignment or control groups.


Pre-experimental designs are simple research frameworks that help researchers gather early insights about interventions or social phenomena. While they are limited in their ability to establish cause and effect, they are useful in exploratory research, pilot studies, and situations with limited resources or constraints on design.

By understanding both the strengths and limitations of pre-experimental designs, researchers can make informed decisions about when and how to use them. With thoughtful planning and transparency, pre-experimental designs can serve as valuable tools in the research process and pave the way for more rigorous future studies.

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Last Modified: 03/22/2025

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