Quotation refers to the use of exact words from a source in scientific writing, enclosed in quotation marks and followed by proper citation.
What Is a Quotation in Scientific Writing?
A quotation in scientific writing is when a researcher uses the exact words from another source to support a point, explain a concept, or provide evidence. These quoted words must be placed inside quotation marks and followed by a citation that gives credit to the original author. Quotations help researchers build stronger arguments by showing that their claims are supported by established knowledge or powerful firsthand accounts.
In social science research, quotations are used carefully and purposefully. Unlike in literary writing, where quoting may be more frequent, scientific writing aims to keep things clear, objective, and concise. Most of the time, researchers summarize or paraphrase ideas instead of quoting them directly. However, when the exact words matter—either because they are especially insightful, or because they are being analyzed themselves—quotations become important tools.
When Should You Use a Quotation?
Quotations are most useful when exact language adds value to your writing. There are several situations in which quoting a source is better than paraphrasing.
The Original Wording Is Unique or Memorable
If the original source uses words that are especially powerful or meaningful, you may want to keep those exact words. Changing them could reduce the impact or clarity of the message.
For example, a political scientist discussing civil rights might quote Martin Luther King Jr.’s statement, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere,” because the wording is both impactful and well-known.
You Are Analyzing Language or Speech
In fields like anthropology, sociology, or education, researchers sometimes study how people use language. In these cases, quoting a person’s exact words helps preserve the original meaning for analysis.
For example, an anthropologist might quote a community leader saying, “We don’t trust outsiders to fix our problems,” in order to explore local perspectives on development work.
The Author Is a Recognized Authority
When a well-known scholar or theorist says something important, quoting them can give your argument more credibility. Using their exact words shows that your ideas are grounded in respected sources.
For example, quoting Emile Durkheim’s definition of a “social fact” can be useful when discussing how societies shape individual behavior.
You Are Citing a Definition or a Key Concept
Sometimes you need to introduce a concept exactly as it was defined by the original author. In this case, quoting ensures accuracy.
For example, a psychologist might quote Carl Rogers’s description of unconditional positive regard to explain a therapeutic approach.
You Are Using Evidence from Interviews or Fieldwork
In qualitative research, you may conduct interviews or gather participant observations. Quoting people’s words allows you to present their views directly and authentically.
For example, in an education study, a teacher might say, “I try to meet students where they are,” and quoting that phrase helps illustrate a teaching philosophy.
When to Avoid Quotations
Although quotations can be helpful, using them too often can weaken your writing. Social science writing values your interpretation and analysis. Readers want to see your ideas, not just a collection of other people’s words.
Avoid quotations when:
- You can restate the idea more clearly in your own words.
- The quote is long and breaks the flow of your paragraph.
- The wording includes jargon that may confuse readers.
- The quote does not add anything new or useful to your point.
Instead of quoting, consider paraphrasing or summarizing the idea. Paraphrasing shows that you understand the material and can apply it in your own voice, which is a key skill in research writing.
How to Use Quotations Correctly
Quotations should be introduced, clearly marked with quotation marks, cited properly, and followed by your own explanation. Here’s how to do it step by step:
Introduce the Quotation
Don’t just drop a quotation into your writing without warning. Use a signal phrase to tell the reader who the author is and why their words are important.
For example: As Max Weber noted, “Politics is a strong and slow boring of hard boards.”
Use Quotation Marks
Use double quotation marks around the words you are quoting. This tells readers that the words are not your own.
For example: “Culture is the fabric of meaning in terms of which human beings interpret their experience,” explained Clifford Geertz.
Provide a Citation
Every quotation must be followed by a citation. The format depends on the citation style used in your field. Social science disciplines often use APA style, but MLA or Chicago style might be used in some areas.
For example (APA style): “Social facts are ways of acting, thinking, and feeling, external to the individual” (Durkheim, 1895, p. 13).
Keep Quotations Short
Long quotes can slow down your writing and distract readers. Whenever possible, use only the part of the source that is directly relevant. Most quotations should be one or two sentences long.
If a quotation is longer than 40 words (in APA style), it should be set apart with spacing and indentation. In the Classic Editor, you can manually space it out instead of using special formatting.
Example: According to Durkheim (1895), social facts are ways of acting, thinking, and feeling, external to the individual, and endowed with a power of coercion, by reason of which they control him.
Explain the Quotation
After using a quote, take time to explain what it means and why it matters in your research. Do not assume that readers will understand the connection.
For example: This definition supports the argument that individual behavior is often shaped by invisible social forces, such as norms or institutions.
Different Types of Quotations
Direct Quotations
A direct quotation uses the exact words of a source. It appears inside quotation marks and must be cited.
Example: “Power is everywhere; not because it embraces everything, but because it comes from everywhere” (Foucault, 1976, p. 93).
Partial Quotations
A partial quotation includes just a few words or a short phrase from the source. It often blends with your own sentence.
Example: Foucault described power as something that “comes from everywhere” and operates through everyday practices.
Block Quotations
When quoting more than 40 words (APA) or more than four lines of text (MLA), you should set the quote apart from the main text with spacing. In the Classic Editor, use an extra line break and indent manually or apply a blockquote format if needed.
Example: According to Durkheim (1895), social facts are ways of acting, thinking, and feeling, external to the individual, and endowed with a power of coercion, by reason of which they control him.
Quotation Practices Across Social Science Fields
Sociologists often quote foundational theorists such as Marx, Weber, or Durkheim. In qualitative sociology, they may also quote interview participants to show how people understand their social worlds.
In experimental psychology, quotations are rare because researchers focus on data. However, in qualitative or clinical research, quotations from case notes, interviews, or therapy sessions can help illustrate key themes.
Political Science
Political scientists quote from speeches, government documents, or political theory texts. Quoting leaders or policy makers can help support claims about political behavior or ideology.
Anthropologists often rely on ethnographic data, quoting participants in their fieldwork to highlight cultural beliefs or practices. These quotes help present the voices of people in the study.
Education researchers may quote teachers, students, or policy texts to support analysis. Quotations from classroom dialogue or interviews are especially common in qualitative education research.
Criminal Justice and Criminology
In studies involving people in the justice system, researchers often quote offenders, officers, or victims. These quotes give insight into lived experiences and help humanize statistical findings.
Ethical Use of Quotations
Using quotations in research writing comes with ethical responsibilities. You must:
- Quote accurately and avoid changing the original meaning.
- Provide full and correct citations for every quote.
- Avoid taking quotes out of context to make them mean something they don’t.
- Respect confidentiality, especially in qualitative research. If you quote a participant, remove names or identifying details unless they have given informed consent.
Ethical use of quotations shows that you respect both your sources and your audience.
Alternatives to Quoting
Paraphrasing means putting someone else’s ideas into your own words while keeping the original meaning. You must still cite the source.
Example: Durkheim (1895) argued that society imposes certain expectations and behaviors on individuals, which influence how they act and think.
Summarizing means giving a short version of a longer idea, usually from a whole article or book. Like paraphrasing, it requires citation.
Example: Multiple studies have shown that early intervention programs reduce long-term criminal behavior (Wilson & Hoge, 2013; Lipsey, 2009).
Both paraphrasing and summarizing help you stay in control of your writing voice while showing that your work is based on solid research.
Quotations are a valuable part of scientific writing in the social sciences. When used correctly, they can add authority, preserve original meaning, and bring real-world voices into your research. However, quoting should always serve a clear purpose and be used alongside your own analysis and interpretation. Most of the time, you should paraphrase or summarize. When you do quote, make sure to cite your sources, explain the meaning, and follow ethical practices. This will help you create research writing that is honest, credible, and persuasive.
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Last Modified: 03/22/2025