Scroll of the Harrowing Abyss – Inscription X

The Guiding Star – “The guiding star does not move, yet it guides the lost back home. Be the immovable beacon of hope and principle that guides your followers, even in the darkest abyss.”

The “Guiding Star” inscription emphasizes the critical role of a leader as a steadfast beacon of hope and principle. Just as a star remains fixed in the sky, guiding lost travelers home, a leader should remain unwavering in their core principles, providing guidance, hope, and inspiration, even in the most challenging situations. They should embody a set of guiding principles that remain constant, serving as an ethical and moral compass for their followers.

Historical Example

King Alfred the Great of Wessex exemplifies the principles of the “Guiding Star.” During the 9th century, the Vikings posed a significant threat to the kingdoms of England. Alfred, who ascended the throne in 871, faced the daunting task of defending his kingdom against the Vikings.

Alfred suffered several defeats, and at one point, he was forced into hiding in the marshes of Somerset. However, he didn’t lose hope or compromise his principles. He used this time to build a guerrilla force and plan his counter-attacks. His unwavering resolve and guiding principles inspired his people, and he eventually led them to victory at the Battle of Edington in 878, turning the tide against the Viking invasions.

In the aftermath, Alfred implemented a series of military, legal, and educational reforms that transformed Wessex. He instigated the creation of a navy, established a legal code, and initiated a cultural and educational revival. Even in the face of daunting adversities, Alfred’s steadfast dedication to his principles guided his kingdom into a period of prosperity and security.

Just as a guiding star leads the way in the darkness, Alfred the Great served as an immovable beacon of hope and principle for his people amidst the Viking invasions. His unwavering resolve and commitment to his principles led not only to military victory but also to the lasting impact of his reforms on English culture and law.

[Black Watch | Scrolls of ShunyaHarrowing Abyss]

Last Modified: 08/04/2023

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