The Scroll of the Sheltering Baobab presents a rich tapestry of interconnected principles, all taking inspiration from the magnificent Baobab tree, a symbol of resilience, nourishment, and shelter in many African cultures. The themes drawn from various parts of the tree weave together a philosophy centered on compassion, protection, stability, respect, and understanding, particularly as they apply to non-combatants in times of conflict.
At the heart of the scroll is an emphasis on the humane treatment of those who find themselves caught in the turbulent winds of warfare, but without actively participating in the conflict itself. It advocates for the fostering of community, resilience, and hope, coupled with a deep and abiding respect for the dignity and needs of all individuals.
The principles inscribed within the scroll reflect not only a strategic approach to conflict but also a profound ethical stance. They underscore the responsibility to safeguard the vulnerable, nourish the spirit of unity, and plant the seeds of hope and understanding. In essence, the Scroll of the Sheltering Baobab offers a blueprint for engaging with conflict in a manner that transcends mere battle tactics, reaching into the very core of what it means to be human, compassionate, and wise.
- Inscription I
- Inscription II
- Inscription III
- Inscription IV
- Inscription V
- Inscription VI
- Inscription VII
- Inscription VIII
- Inscription IX
- Inscription X
[Black Watch | Scrolls of Shunya]
Last Modified: 08/03/2023