Creating Clear Assignments

Creating clear and consistent assignments is crucial for student success. This guide will help you design assignments that are easy to understand and follow. We will also provide a conversion from page length to word count to help standardize assignment expectations across different platforms.

Assignment Outline/Checklist

Assignment Title

  • Clearly state the title of the assignment.


  • Provide a brief overview of the assignment and its purpose.

Detailed Instructions

  • Content Requirements: List specific sections or components the document should include.
  • Formatting Guidelines: Specify font, font size, spacing, margins, and citation style.
  • Word Count/Page Length: State the required length in words (see the conversion guide below).

Submission Guidelines

  • File Format: Specify acceptable file formats (e.g., .docx, .pdf).
  • Submission Method: Explain how students should submit their assignments (e.g., learning management system, email).
  • File Naming Convention: Provide a specific naming convention (e.g., LastName_FirstName_AssignmentTitle).


  • Due Date and Time: Clearly state the due date and time, including the time zone if necessary.
  • Late Submission Policy: Explain any penalties for late submissions.

Evaluation Criteria

  • Rubric: Outline how the assignment will be evaluated, including key areas such as content quality, organization, adherence to guidelines, grammar, and originality.
  • Feedback Timeline: Inform students when they can expect to receive feedback.


  • Resources: Provide links or references to any helpful resources or examples.
  • Contact: Let students know how they can reach out for help (e.g., office hours, email).

Converting Page Length to Word Count

Many learning management systems (LMS) use word counts rather than page numbers to specify the length of assignments. Here’s a quick guide to help you convert page lengths into word counts:

  • 1 page = approximately 250-300 words
  • 2 pages = approximately 500-600 words
  • 3 pages = approximately 750-900 words
  • 4 pages = approximately 1000-1200 words
  • 5 pages = approximately 1250-1500 words
  • 6 pages = approximately 1500-1800 words
  • 7 pages = approximately 1750-2100 words
  • 8 pages = approximately 2000-2400 words
  • 9 pages = approximately 2250-2700 words
  • 10 pages = approximately 2500-3000 words

By using this guide, you can ensure that your assignment requirements are clear and consistent, making it easier for students to understand what is expected of them.

Example Assignment

Assignment Title: Compare and Contrast University Library Tools and Databases


  • Write a paper comparing and contrasting the various tools and databases provided by the university library on the Library Guide website. This assignment will help you understand the available resources and how to utilize them effectively.

Detailed Instructions

  • Content Requirements: Your paper should include a comparison and contrast of the different tools and databases available through the university library.
  • Formatting Guidelines: Follow the formatting requirements of the APA style guide. Use APA-approved fonts, such as Times New Roman, 12-point font, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins. The paper must include an APA cover page, properly formatted body text, and a properly formatted Reference page. Follow the “professional” paper model but omit the abstract.
  • Word Count/Page Length: The minimum length requirement is 500 words.

Submission Guidelines

  • File Format: Save as .docx.
  • Submission Method: Upload to the assignment portal on Blackboard.
  • File Naming Convention: LastName_FirstName_LibraryToolsComparison.


  • Due Date and Time: Submit your paper by Friday before midnight.

Evaluation Criteria

  • Length Requirement: 50%
  • Speaking to the Question: 20%
  • APA Style: 10%
  • English Usage: 10%
  • Professionalism: 10%


  • Resources: Sample papers and APA style guide available [link].
  • Contact: Office hours or email me at [Your Email].

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Last Modifed: 07/26/2024