
Fundamentals of Criminal Law by Adam J. McKee

In the realm of criminal law, justification defenses occupy a unique and critical space. According to the Model Penal Code, a justification defense essentially argues that under certain circumstances, actions that would otherwise be criminal are legally permissible. Such defenses assert that the defendant’s actions, while possibly harmful or illegal in a different context, are justified by the specific situation in which they occurred. Justification defenses, unlike excuse defenses, focus not on the actor’s state of mind or capacity for criminal intent, but rather on the societal value of the conduct in the particular circumstances. The following material will delve into several key types of justification defenses, each with its unique complexities and implications for criminal law.

Execution of Public Duty

The first type of justification defense to be explored is the “Execution of Public Duty.” This defense posits that certain actions, otherwise illegal, become permissible when performed by individuals like police officers or other public servants in the course of their duties. Whether it’s the use of force in an arrest or the confiscation of property, the legitimacy of such actions is often a complex legal issue.

Choice of Evils

Next, we will examine the “Choice of Evils,” also known as the “Necessity Defense.” This defense is often invoked in emergency situations where the defendant argues that they had no choice but to commit a lesser crime to prevent a greater evil. For example, breaking into a home to escape a natural disaster could be justified under this defense. The Model Penal Code provides a framework for evaluating such claims, considering factors like the immediacy of the threat and the proportionality of the act.

Defense of Persons

One of the most commonly invoked justification defenses is the “Defense of Persons,” or self-defense. This defense encompasses a range of situations where individuals use force to protect themselves or others from immediate harm. The boundaries of self-defense—such as the level of force considered reasonable—are topics of extensive legal scrutiny and societal debate.

Defense of Property

Following that, the material will discuss the “Defense of Property.” This defense allows for the use of force, usually non-lethal, to protect one’s property from being infringed upon or stolen. The scope and limits of this defense, especially when balanced against the rights of the intruder, generate compelling legal questions.

The Castle Doctrine

Subsequently, we will explore the “Castle Doctrine,” which extends the concept of self-defense to one’s home. This doctrine suggests that an individual has no duty to retreat when their home is invaded and can use lethal force to protect themselves and their property.

Use of Force by Law Enforcement

The justifiable use of force by law enforcement officers will also be a point of focus. This section will scrutinize the regulations and standards that guide law enforcement officials when employing force, particularly lethal force, during the execution of their duties.

Consent as a Defense

Finally, we will discuss “Consent as a Defense,” where actions that would typically be illegal are deemed permissible because the victim or participant gave their informed, voluntary consent. This defense is often complicated by issues of capacity, duress, and the nature of the act itself.

In summary, justification defenses provide a nuanced approach to evaluating criminal culpability. They force the legal system to grapple with ethical and societal values, challenging the binary notion of criminal guilt. By understanding these defenses and the legal precedents that shape them, we can better navigate the complexities of the American criminal justice system.

Modification History

File Created:  07/13/2018

Last Modified:  09/13/2023

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