Section 5.2: Personality Theory

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The exploration of personality in the context of criminology offers a crucial lens through which to understand criminal behavior. Personality theory, with its roots in both psychology and criminology, examines the intrinsic character traits and dispositions that influence an individual’s actions and reactions, including their propensity for criminal activities.

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Historically, the study of personality in criminology has evolved significantly. Initial theories often focused on distinct traits believed to predispose individuals to criminality. Over time, these ideas have expanded and become more nuanced, incorporating complex psychological frameworks. Early criminological theories, influenced by biological and psychological perspectives, attempted to categorize criminals based on certain personality characteristics. This approach gradually gave way to more sophisticated analyses, considering the interplay of environmental, genetic, and psychological factors in shaping personality and, by extension, criminal behavior.

Contemporary personality theory in criminology integrates a range of psychological constructs, from psychopathy and antisocial personality disorder to broader trait theories like the Big Five model. These theories seek to understand how specific personality configurations, whether inherent or developed, contribute to the likelihood of engaging in criminal acts.

The integration of personality theory into criminological research and practice highlights the complex nature of criminal behavior. It underscores the importance of considering individual psychological profiles in crime prevention, intervention strategies, and rehabilitation efforts, offering a more personalized and holistic approach to addressing criminality.

Key Personality Theories and Criminality

Understanding the connection between personality traits and criminal behavior is a critical aspect of criminological study. Several key personality theories offer insights into how certain traits may predispose individuals to criminality.

Trait Theory

Trait theory posits that personality is composed of a number of distinct traits, each representing consistent patterns of thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. In the context of criminal behavior, certain traits such as impulsivity, aggression, and low self-control have been linked to a higher likelihood of engaging in criminal activities. The theory suggests that individuals with a stronger inclination towards these traits may be more prone to violate laws and societal norms.

The Big Five Model

The Big Five model, one of the most widely recognized personality frameworks, categorizes personality traits into five broad dimensions: openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. Studies exploring the Big Five traits in relation to criminality have found that low agreeableness and low conscientiousness are often associated with criminal behavior. Low agreeableness may relate to a lack of empathy and disregard for others, while low conscientiousness could link to impulsivity and poor planning, factors often seen in criminal conduct.

Eysenck’s Theory of Personality

Hans Eysenck’s theory focuses on three dimensions of personality: psychoticism, extraversion, and neuroticism. His theory particularly emphasizes the role of psychoticism, which includes traits like aggressiveness, impulsiveness, and hostility, in predisposing individuals to criminal behavior. Eysenck proposed that these traits are linked to biological and genetic factors and interact with environmental influences to shape an individual’s propensity for criminal acts.

Eysenck also posited that individuals with high levels of extraversion and neuroticism might be more prone to criminal behavior due to their tendency towards impulsiveness and emotional instability.

Connecting Personality Traits to Criminal Tendencies

These personality theories provide a framework for understanding the complex interplay between inherent traits and environmental factors in the development of criminal behavior. While not all individuals with certain personality traits will engage in criminal activities, these traits can increase the risk, especially when combined with other factors such as adverse environmental conditions or negative experiences.

In conclusion, the exploration of personality theories in criminology reveals that certain personality traits can be significant indicators of criminal tendencies. These theories contribute to a deeper understanding of the psychological factors that influence criminal behavior, aiding in the development of targeted interventions and preventative strategies.

Antisocial Personality Disorder and Psychopathy

Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD) and psychopathy are closely examined in criminology due to their significant correlations with criminal behavior. These disorders, characterized by distinct behavioral patterns and personality traits, provide insight into the psychological aspects of criminality.

Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD)

ASPD is a mental health condition defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). It is characterized by a pervasive pattern of disregard for, and violation of, the rights of others. Individuals with ASPD often display behaviors such as deceitfulness, impulsivity, irritability, aggression, disregard for safety, consistent irresponsibility, and lack of remorse.

Diagnostic Criteria

The diagnosis of ASPD requires a history of conduct disorder before the age of 15 and the manifestation of antisocial behaviors that are not exclusively during schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. These behaviors often include repeated unlawful actions, deceit for personal profit or pleasure, impulsivity, irritability and aggressiveness, reckless disregard for safety, consistent irresponsibility, and lack of remorse.

ASPD and Criminal Behavior

Studies have found a higher prevalence of ASPD among criminal populations compared to the general population. Individuals with ASPD are more likely to engage in a range of criminal activities, often due to their impulsive nature, inability to conform to social norms, and lack of regard for the law and the rights of others.


Psychopathy, though often used interchangeably with ASPD, is a more specific construct. It includes traits such as superficial charm, grandiosity, manipulativeness, emotional shallowness, and a lack of empathy and remorse. Psychopathy is often assessed using tools like the Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R).

Behavioral Characteristics

Psychopaths are known for their manipulative and often charming demeanor, coupled with a profound lack of empathy and remorse. They tend to engage in more calculated, predatory, and violent criminal acts compared to individuals with ASPD, who are more impulsive.

Prevalence in Criminal Populations

Psychopathy is found at a higher rate in criminal populations, especially among those convicted of violent crimes. The calculated nature of psychopathic behavior often makes these individuals particularly dangerous and challenging within the criminal justice system.

In conclusion, both ASPD and psychopathy are closely linked to criminal behavior, with each presenting distinct challenges in understanding and managing criminal tendencies. Their prevalence in criminal populations underscores the need for effective psychological assessments and tailored interventions in the criminal justice system.

Personality Assessments and Criminal Profiling

In criminology, personality assessments are invaluable tools for understanding the psychological makeup of individuals, especially those involved in criminal activities. Two widely used assessments are the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) and the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R). These tools are crucial in criminal profiling and risk assessment, offering insights into the minds of offenders.

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)

The MMPI, one of the most extensively researched and utilized psychological tests, is designed to assess various mental disorders and personality structures. Originally developed in the 1930s and subsequently revised (as MMPI-2), it consists of a series of statements to which the subject responds, revealing patterns indicative of certain psychological conditions.

Application in Criminology

In criminology, the MMPI is employed to uncover underlying personality disorders or psychopathologies that may drive criminal behavior. It helps in developing a comprehensive psychological profile of offenders, which is vital in understanding their motivations and predicting future behavior. The MMPI is often used in forensic evaluations to assess the mental state of defendants, particularly in cases where sanity or competency to stand trial is in question.

Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R)

Developed by Dr. Robert Hare in the 1980s, the PCL-R is a diagnostic tool specifically designed to assess psychopathy. It consists of a 20-item checklist, with each item scored on a three-point scale. The checklist evaluates factors such as glib and superficial charm, grandiose sense of self-worth, pathological lying, cunning manipulative behavior, lack of remorse, and failure to accept responsibility.

Role in Criminal Profiling and Risk Assessment

The PCL-R is crucial in criminal profiling, particularly in cases involving violent crimes. It aids in identifying individuals with psychopathic traits, who are often associated with a higher risk of recidivism and violent behavior. In risk assessment, the PCL-R score can predict an individual’s potential danger to society, informing decisions on sentencing, parole, and rehabilitation.

In conclusion, personality assessments like the MMPI and the PCL-R play a critical role in the realm of criminology. They provide valuable insights into the psychological makeup of offenders, aiding in criminal profiling and risk assessment. By understanding the psychological traits and disorders that may contribute to criminal behavior, these assessments help formulate effective intervention and prevention strategies.

The Role of Personality in Specific Types of Crimes

The intricate relationship between personality traits and criminal behaviors has been a focal point in criminology, revealing how different traits may predispose individuals to specific types of crimes. Research in this area has highlighted correlations between certain personality characteristics and a propensity for various criminal activities, including violent offenses, white-collar crimes, and substance-related crimes.

Personality Traits and Violent Offenses

Studies have consistently linked traits such as aggressiveness, impulsivity, and a lack of empathy with violent criminal behaviors. Individuals who exhibit high levels of these traits are more likely to engage in acts of violence, as these traits can lead to poor self-control and a disregard for the welfare of others. For example, traits commonly associated with psychopathy, such as callousness and manipulative tendencies, have been frequently observed in perpetrators of violent crimes.

White-Collar Crimes

In contrast, white-collar crimes, which include fraud, embezzlement, and other forms of financial deception, are often associated with different personality characteristics. Traits like conscientiousness and agreeableness may be lower in individuals committing these crimes. Furthermore, a high level of narcissism and a sense of entitlement are traits that have been linked to white-collar criminals, reflecting their manipulative and self-serving behaviors.

Substance-Related Crimes

Substance-related crimes, such as drug use and distribution, have been associated with impulsivity, sensation-seeking, and a propensity for risk-taking. Individuals with these traits may be more inclined to engage in substance abuse and related criminal activities, driven by a desire for immediate gratification and a disregard for potential negative consequences.

Research Findings

Empirical research has provided support for these correlations, although it’s important to note that personality traits alone do not determine criminal behavior. The interaction of these traits with environmental factors, life experiences, and socio-economic conditions plays a crucial role in the manifestation of criminal behavior.

In summary, the role of personality in predisposing individuals to specific types of crimes is a complex interplay of intrinsic traits and external influences. Understanding these relationships is crucial in developing targeted prevention and intervention strategies for different types of criminal behaviors.

Critiques of Personality Theory in Criminology

The application of personality theory in criminology, while insightful, faces several criticisms that challenge its efficacy and validity.

Concerns Over Determinism

A primary critique is the deterministic implication that certain personality traits inevitably lead to criminal behavior. This perspective can overshadow the multifaceted nature of criminal actions, suggesting a linear causality between personality traits and criminality that ignores socio-cultural, economic, and situational factors. Critics argue that such deterministic views can lead to profiling and stigmatization, potentially influencing unfair judicial practices.

Oversimplification of Complex Behaviors

Personality theory is also critiqued for oversimplifying the complex nature of criminal behaviors. Focusing primarily on intrinsic personality traits, the theory may neglect the intricate interplay of external circumstances and individual psychological factors contributing to criminal actions. This reductionist approach risks omitting crucial elements in the understanding and prevention of crime.

Limitations in Empirical Support

Another significant concern is the limitations in empirical support for certain personality-criminality links. While research has identified correlations between specific personality traits and criminal behaviors, establishing causation remains challenging. The variability in behaviors and the influence of external factors often complicate the direct association between personality traits and criminal actions.

These critiques highlight the need for a more nuanced approach in integrating personality theory into criminological research and practice. A comprehensive understanding of criminal behavior requires considering the complex interplay of personality traits with broader social, economic, and psychological factors.

Contemporary Applications and Future Directions

Personality theory remains vital in modern criminology, providing insights into offender profiling, risk assessment, and rehabilitation strategies. Its application in predictive policing and customized therapy programs underscores its ongoing relevance. Future directions may see a more integrated approach, combining personality theory with neuroscientific research and sociological studies, offering a more holistic understanding of criminal behavior. Advances in technology, such as AI and machine learning, could also enhance the precision in identifying and addressing personality traits linked to criminality, paving the way for more effective prevention and intervention methods.


Personality theory has significantly impacted criminological thought, offering a deeper understanding of the psychological dimensions underpinning criminal behavior. By considering personality factors, criminologists can gain nuanced insights into why individuals engage in criminal activities, enhancing profiling accuracy and guiding effective intervention strategies. The theory underscores the complexity of human behavior, emphasizing the need for a multi-faceted approach in criminology that intertwines psychological insights with sociological and biological perspectives, ultimately contributing to a more comprehensive and effective criminal justice system.


Modification History

File Created:  08/04/2018

Last Modified:  01/28/2024

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