Reading Assignment for Section 1.4
Read the following subsection from our online textbook: Section 1.4: What Makes a Good Theory?
What You Will Learn
In this section, you’ll explore what makes a criminological theory strong, focusing on its ability to be tested and applied in real-world settings. You’ll learn about different research methods used to evaluate theories and how logical consistency and simplicity play a role in their effectiveness. By the end, you’ll be able to critically assess theories for their scope, generalizability, and empirical support.
Student Learning Outcomes for Section 1.4
- SLO 1: Assess theories based on their empirical testability and real-world validity.
- SLO 2: Distinguish between quantitative and qualitative research methods in criminology.
- SLO 3: Evaluate the logical consistency and parsimony of criminological theories.
- SLO 4: Understand the significance of a theory’s scope and its implications for generalizability.
- SLO 5: Critique the reliance on popular theories without empirical validation.
Modification History File Created: 02/15/2024 Last Modified: 02/19/2025
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