Reading Assignment for Section 2.3
Read the following subsection from our online textbook: Section 2.3: Natural Law and Christianity.
What You Will Learn
In this section, you will explore how the concept of Natural Law became a central part of Christian theology, particularly through the works of Augustine and Aquinas. You will analyze their contributions and see how Christian interpretations of Natural Law have influenced Western legal and moral traditions. Finally, you will engage with contemporary debates and critiques surrounding the application of these principles in modern society.
Student Learning Outcomes for Section 2.3
- SLO 1: Trace the integration of Natural Law into Christian theology from Augustine to Aquinas.
- SLO 2: Analyze Augustine and Aquinas’ contributions to Christian interpretations of Natural Law.
- SLO 3: Evaluate the impact of Christian Natural Law on Western legal and moral systems.
- SLO 4: Discuss contemporary debates on the application of Christian Natural Law principles.
- SLO 5: Assess the challenges and critiques faced by Christian interpretations of Natural Law.
Modification History File Created: 02/15/2024 Last Modified: 02/19/2024
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