Section 5.4: Grieving a Child   [Learning Resources]

Fundamentals of Grief and Loss by Trinia D. Isaac, LCSW and Adam J. McKee.

Section 5.4 tackles the harrowing journey of parental grief, a path marked by the profound and unique pain of losing a child. This exploration acknowledges the complex challenges parents face, including the disruption of life’s natural order, a deep questioning of identity, and the enduring intensity of their sorrow. It delves into the emotional and psychological turmoil that ensues, such as overwhelming sadness, guilt, and anger, alongside the potential for complicated grief and PTSD.

The section extends its focus to the ripple effects on family dynamics and the struggles of dealing with societal expectations that often compound the parents’ suffering. Offering strategies for navigating these challenges, it underscores the significance of professional counseling, peer support, and personalized memorialization activities. Concluding with a call to action, it emphasizes the need for a society that provides sensitive, informed support to parents on this torturous journey, allowing them the space and understanding necessary to grieve and heal in their own time and way.

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Reading Assignment for Section 5.4

Read the following subsection from our online textbook: Section 5.4: Grieving a Child: Parental Perspectives.

What You Will Learn

In this section, you’ll embark on an exploration of the profound and unique pain experienced by parents who have lost a child. You’ll gain insights into the complex emotional and psychological challenges they face, including overwhelming sadness, guilt, and potential PTSD. This section also examines the impact of such a loss on family dynamics and societal interactions, offering strategies for parents to navigate their grief through professional counseling, peer support, and personalized memorialization activities.

Student Learning Outcomes for Section 5.4

  • SLO 1: Recognize the unique challenges and profound impact of losing a child on parental grief.
  • SLO 2: Understand the spectrum of emotional and psychological effects on grieving parents.
  • SLO 3: Identify the effects of a child’s loss on family dynamics and marital relationships.
  • SLO 4: Evaluate societal responses to parental grief and propose strategies for navigating social interactions.
  • SLO 5: Propose effective supportive strategies for grieving parents, emphasizing the importance of counseling, peer support, and memorialization.
Modification History

File Created:  06/24/2024

Last Modified:  06/25/2024

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