Section 8.1: The Role of Social Workers   [Learning Resources]

Fundamentals of Grief and Loss by Trinia D. Isaac, LCSW and Adam J. McKee.

Section 8.1 underscores the pivotal role of social workers and other professionals in navigating the intricacies of grief support. Emphasizing the importance of a multidisciplinary approach, it highlights how professionals from various backgrounds—psychology, counseling, social work, and healthcare—contribute unique perspectives to the bereavement support process. This section lays the foundation for understanding the comprehensive knowledge base, assessment and intervention strategies, collaborative efforts, and ethical considerations that are integral to the professional practice of grief support. It serves to illuminate the profound impact these dedicated individuals have on guiding those experiencing grief through one of life’s most daunting challenges.

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Reading Assignment for Section 8.1

Read the following subsection from our online textbook: Section 8.1: The Role of Social Workers.

What You Will Learn

In this section, you’ll explore the pivotal role of social workers and other professionals in navigating the complexities of grief support. You’ll learn about the importance of a multidisciplinary approach, where professionals from psychology, counseling, social work, and healthcare contribute unique perspectives. This section will provide a foundation for understanding the comprehensive knowledge base, assessment and intervention strategies, collaborative efforts, and ethical considerations essential to professional grief support, highlighting the significant impact these professionals have on guiding those experiencing grief.

Student Learning Outcomes for Section 8.1

  • SLO 1: Identify the key theories and types of grief that inform professional practice.
  • SLO 2: Apply assessment techniques to gauge the needs of those grieving.
  • SLO 3: Collaborate effectively within a multidisciplinary team to support the bereaved.
  • SLO 4: Demonstrate cultural competence in providing grief support.
  • SLO 5: Advocate for the needs of grieving individuals, connecting them with appropriate resources.
Modification History

File Created:  06/24/2024

Last Modified:  06/25/2024

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