Section 1: The Development of Modern Policing
- Section 1.1: Policing in Ancient Times [Learning Resources]
- Section 1.2: Policing in Early America [Learning Resources]
- Section 1.3: Peel and the Met [Learning Resources]
- Section 1.4: The Political Era [Learning Resources]
- Section 1.5: The Reform Era and Its Aftermath [Learning Resources]
Section 2: The Structure and Nature of Policing
- Section 2.1: Police Functions [Learning Resources]
- Section 2.2: Federal Law Enforcement [Learning Resources]
- Section 2.3: State Agencies [Learning Resources]
- Section 2.4: Local Agencies [Learning Resources]
- Section 2.5: Styles of Policing [Learning Resources]
Section 3: The Legal Environment of Policing
- Section 3.1: The Role of the Constitution [Learning Resources]
- Section 3.2: The Fourth Amendment [Learning Resources]
- Section 3.3: The Fifth Amendment [Learning Resources]
- Section 3.4: The Sixth Amendment [Learning Resources]
- Section 3.5: Police Civil Liability [Learning Resources]
Section 4: Police Methods
- Section 4.1: Patrol [Learning Resources]
- Section 4.2: Criminal Investigations [Learning Resources]
- Section 4.3: Controversial Police Methods [Learning Resources]
- Section 4.4: Specialized Units [Learning Resources]
- Section 4.5: Police Discretion [Learning Resources]
Section 5: Administration and Culture of Policing
- Section 5.1: Recruitment, Selection, and Training [Learning Resources]
- Section 5.2: Police Administration [Learning Resources]
- Section 5.3: The Police Subculture [Learning Resources]
- Section 5.4: Hazards of the Job [Learning Resources]
- Section 5.5: The Crisis of Legitimacy [Learning Resources]
Section 6: Community Policing
- Section 6.1: Development of Community Policing [Learning Resources]
- Section 6.2: Core Components of COP [Learning Resources]
- Section 6.3: Challenges to Implementing COP [Learning Resources]
- Section 6.4: Community Problem Solving [Learning Resources]
- Section 6.5: Proactive Solutions [Learning Resources]
Modification History File Created: 08/14/2018 Last Modified: 10/18/2023
This work is licensed under an Open Educational Resource-Quality Master Source (OER-QMS) License.
Hi Adam,
I hope all is well. I think this OER textbook is great. I just want to inform you, I will be using it next semester for my OER Policing course at Kingsborough Community College.
Thanks for letting me know! If I can be of assistance, please let me know!
Thank you so much for your work on this and your other publications. I plan on using some of your material for my Modern Police class this Spring at Northern Essex Community College.
Thanks for letting me know! If I can be of assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out.