Policing | Resources | Sec. 5.4

Fundamentals of Policing by Adam J. McKee


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Reading Assignment for Section 5.4

Read the following subsection from our online textbook: Section 5.4: Hazards of the Job

What You Will Learn

In this section, you’ll explore the challenges and dangers police officers face on the job, including high-risk situations and conflict management. You’ll examine the impact of police-community tensions and the use of deadly force on public trust and officer safety. Finally, you’ll evaluate strategies for improving outcomes in critical incidents, addressing mental health crises, and combating drug- and gang-related violence through specialized training and community partnerships.

Student Learning Outcomes for Section 5.4

  • SLO 1: Explain the importance of conflict management and negotiation strategies in policing to reduce tensions and promote peaceful resolutions.
  • SLO 2: Analyze the impact of police-community tensions and high-risk situations, including the use of deadly force, on public trust and officer safety.
  • SLO 3: Evaluate the challenges officers face in handling specific incidents, such as arrests, disturbance calls, traffic stops, and pursuits, and propose strategies for improving outcomes in these scenarios.
  • SLO 4: Assess the role of specialized training, policies, and collaboration with mental health professionals in effectively responding to mentally impaired individuals and hostage situations.
  • SLO 5: Develop recommendations for addressing drug- and gang-related violence through community partnerships, officer training, and comprehensive intervention programs.

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Last Updated:  01/05/2025

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